My Month With XP.

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sorry, I did not mean to come off like a jackass.

Today I spent over 4 hours explaining to some idiot that the above-mentioned PageMaker/WinXP problem was not caused by operator (me) error. By the end I was ready to kill someone and it was not even time for lunch. :mad:

Then the rest of the day I watched the union electrician install standard electrical outlets (110s!) at a rate of 1 every 90 minutes. At the end of the day he left (and left me without power) because he did not have wire nuts? What *electrician* does not have wire nuts?

anyway, I came home muttering about that idiot at work. I sat down and found that you had repeated some of the same things he kept saying to me during those 4 hours...

soory about that.

and BTW: azosx - thanks for pointing it out. :rolleyes:

That said:
I think that Win2K is a mediocre OS.
I also think that MacOS X is a mediocre OS.

However, I think that with Win2K took a turn southwards with WinXP (they *are* basically the same OS). On the other hand. I expect that MacOS X will take a turn for the better this fall.
Originally posted by Javintosh

sorry, I did not mean to come off like a jackass.

Today I spent over 4 hours explaining to some idiot that the above-mentioned PageMaker/WinXP problem was not caused by operator (me) error. By the end I was ready to kill someone and it was not even time for lunch. :mad:

Then the rest of the day I watched the union electrician install standard electrical outlets (110s!) at a rate of 1 every 90 minutes. At the end of the day he left (and left me without power) because he did not have wire nuts? What *electrician* does not have wire nuts?

anyway, I came home muttering about that idiot at work. I sat down and found that you had repeated some of the same things he kept saying to me during those 4 hours...

soory about that.

and BTW: azosx - thanks for pointing it out. :rolleyes:

That said:
I think that Win2K is a mediocre OS.
I also think that MacOS X is a mediocre OS.

However, I think that with Win2K took a turn southwards with WinXP (they *are* basically the same OS). On the other hand. I expect that MacOS X will take a turn for the better this fall.

You didn't come off as a jackass, don't worry. I'm not the type to judge anyway.

I just thought about how to answer the age-old mac vs pc or macos vs windows with my own story.

As of friday, I was ready to switch to a Mac. In fact, I was ready to get rid of my duron 1100mhz with 512 megs ram fully equipped with 21 inch monitor for Triple-B's ibook. What finally stopped me is my realization that neither Windows, the hardware nor microsoft was souring my experience, but rather the windows users themselves.

For one, I work for a tech company where I deal with Windows users every day. The sheer stupidity of the majority of them makes me want to place them in a firing range and just go nuts. Frankly, whenever I watch anybody fuck up their Windows, I keep telling myself that none of this would have happened if they were all using Macs. On top of it all, the smart Windows users I know are all warez freaks.

Here's my profile. I'm an artist, I only use software I paid for. I can fix my own problems and I find Windows' interface to be the most convenient I've ever come across. What programs are opened are placed at the app bar at the bottom, running services are in the taskbar and if anything ever goes wrong, I can close the process with CTRL-ALT-DEL and end task. Basically, I know where everything is and I can customize it to my liking. Everything about Windows to me screams convenience. As a result of my realizing this, I decided to opt-out of getting a Mac for the time being (perhaps later when I become a full-time teacher but not yet).

With that realization comes another thought. If all of the idiots calling in with Windows problems got themselves Macs, would the problems really stop or would the idiots find new ways of fucking up the system?

Think about it, all spyware companies would start work on developing Mac spyware, Joe Idiot would start putting peanut button in the iMac CD-ROM slot and every moron out there would drag and drop the finder to the desktop, reboot and cause all sorts of trouble. In essence, if things were reversed and MacOS was number 1, would things really be better or would blame for all of the world's troubles simply be transferred to Steve Jobs and Apple?

I belong to a non-computer-related Yahoo group (gasps of shock from the audience). We do discuss our 'puters and their relative strengths and problems from time to time, though.
Three of the folks in this group have made the switch from Win98 or Win2k to XP. All three have had major hardware and/or software compatibility problems. Two of them like some of the new features, and plan to stick with XP. The 3rd is going back to Win98.
I'm one of three Mac users in the group (as far as I know), and the only OS X user. So I make sure to pass along news items showing the superiority of OS X whenever I come across them.
Originally posted by xaqintosh
I'm getting very depressed by this thread, too much Pro-XP and Anti-Mac

Didnt anyone read my post??? You cant say Pro-XP and Anti-Mac. Is Mac an OS??? No it is not! It is a computer. You have to say Pro-PC and (some) Anti-Mac.

PCs with the right OS (ie. Linux) are great machines!
Mac users.. yes, strange breed.
We like to feel different. We know we know better... and probably we do.

Windose may work ok for some people. I use all flavours at work. It just feels horrible to me. It always did: even before I became a Mac user (I used to have an Amiga:supercool system).

It's all about sensitivity. There are some things in Windose that I just can't stand, i.e. everytime I click on Start to shut it down I get nervous.

It's all been discussed before, to death.
I think Mac users are more sensitive. That's all :)

In an ideal world Macs would have a 20% market share. Enough to get all support we need, little enough to get less virii, spyware and stuff.

But mostly the reason everyone should embrace, not to use M$ products, is to stop a monopoly whose ethics are dangerous for everyone's freedom. The fact that most people don't get it frightnens me.
Originally posted by Alexandert
PCs with the right OS (ie. Linux) are great machines!

Linux sucks. I'm not joking here. I've given the OS so many chances and the more I use it, the more I hate it. The lack of standards, the choppy GUI and frankly the number of exploits for it really bother me. Some distributions are ok, but most are just horrid. If you have a PC, use Windows. You really don't have much of a choice.

Originally posted by Annihilatus

Linux sucks. I'm not joking here. I've given the OS so many chances and the more I use it, the more I hate it. The lack of standards, the choppy GUI and frankly the number of exploits for it really bother me. Some distributions are ok, but most are just horrid. If you have a PC, use Windows. You really don't have much of a choice.


Ok. Thats what you think. I think its a great OS! :o
Originally posted by lonny
Mac users.. yes, strange breed.
We like to feel different. We know we know better... and probably we do.

I don't think you KNOW better because you like the Mac. That would be like saying that all people using AOL are smart because they use AOL (if you're an AOL fan). Most PC people I know can fix their own problems and will very quickly be able to point out an IRQ conflict or conflicting software. Mac users, most of the ones I know, will give 1-800-MY-APPLE a call instead of trying to figure things out.

Windose may work ok for some people. I use all flavours at work. It just feels horrible to me. It always did: even before I became a Mac user (I used to have an Amiga:supercool system). It's all about sensitivity. There are some things in Windose that I just can't stand, i.e. everytime I click on Start to shut it down I get nervous.

I won't deny this was a problem with the earlier versions of Windows, Millennium especially but also 98 and 95. With 2000 and NT, I haven't seen shutdown problems very often. With XP, I have yet to see one. Let's not forget for what audience Windows was developed. Windows 95 and 98 were created to cater to an audience that required the use of DOS programs. Many people I know (and I consider them backwards people), still use 95 and 98 for their precious and outdated DOS software. Microsoft had to sacrifice stability and functionality to allow those backwards people to get their jobs done. Had they just sacrificed everything and made a completely new OS like Apple did with Mac OS X, things might have been different. While today it is possible to run an emulated session of Mac OS 9 within Mac OS X because of better resources, it wasn't at all possible to do in 1995 considering the low power of the average computer back then (think 486-66). Notice how slow Mac OS 9 runs in OS X and then think of what would have happened had Microsoft tried to emulate DOS within Windows back then. It wouldn't have been a pretty sight. In the past few years, Microsoft has finally sacrificed DOS and said 'move to Windows' but even know they're trying hard to maintain some kind of compatibility. PC users are extremely picky with software support, Mac users tend to be picky with the overall experience.

In an ideal world Macs would have a 20% market share. Enough to get all support we need, little enough to get less virii, spyware and stuff.

In my ideal world, Apple would try harder to embrace PC users by making the leap to Mac a much easier one. The first task would be to use hardware that is easily interchangeable. Say for instance that you have a PC and want to have a Mac, make it so that you would just have to change the motherboard and processor and you'd be on your way. Make motherboards and processors freely available and people will make the leap. Or, simply move the Mac onto the x86 platform. Some people would go ahead and buy PC's straight from Apple, others would keep whatever they have (because it IS very expensive after all) and just change OS'. Within a few months, Apple would go from a market share of 3.5% to 25% at least. I know Apple is a hardware company and would not allow this to happen, but let's face it, that 3.5% isn't going to move very far unless Apple makes a few sacrifices. It has already been confirmed that software, not hardware, sells better.

But mostly the reason everyone should embrace, not to use M$ products, is to stop a monopoly whose ethics are dangerous for everyone's freedom. The fact that most people don't get it frightnens me.

They are unquestionably unethical, I agree with that. However, they are also very smart. They're one step ahead of the market at all times and that is why they control it. Sure I would have liked to see Microsoft play fair, sure I would have liked for IE and Outlook Express to be removable from my XP (even though I like them both), sure I would have liked to freely move to Linux and enjoy the same software library. That is not yet a possibility and frankly I don't see Linux or anything else ever taking control from Microsoft since Windows really IS the most convenient OS out there to use. However, MacOS X is not far behind and transferring it to the PC would be easy and extremely beneficial to Apple. If OS X would be available, Apple WOULD claim a greater market share (albeit a lot of people would hate Apple because their hardware would be unsupporteD), and would ruffle a few feathers at Microsoft. But of course, Apple is quite arrogant and does not see the need.

Just look at it this way:

If Apple moves to x86 ->
- Greater market share
- Chance to use three different processors that are constantly upgrading rather than one, stagnant platform
- Offers customers more choice

If Apple stays on PowerPC ->
- Small market share
- Expensive computers
- Complete dependability on Motorola
- Customers have little choice.

said by the infamous Lonny Fearless
But mostly the reason everyone should embrace, not to use M$ products, is to stop a monopoly whose ethics are dangerous for everyone's freedom. The fact that most people don't get it frightnens me.

amen brother.

i'm sure they also don't get the new ads on TV here in the US that relate recreational drug use to the financial support of terrorism. people just seem to have no concept of where their money goes once it leaves their pocket. They want it and that's all that matters.:(

your friend in fear,

Originally posted by Alexandert

:eek: :eek: :eek: ahhhhohhhhwowhuuu

HOW??? :confused: :confused: :eek:

Is it THAT Hard 2 Comprehend?! (hehe) ...


NeYo ;)
Well I really doubt it was me (the user) that caused all the computer problems, but who knows. All I know is that I had a really bad eXPerience (heh) with it and I really didn't enjoy anything about it. My mom uses a Compaq laptop with Windows 2000 and that computer seems to work just fine. She's never had any problems with it.

I really don't HATE Windows or HATE Microsoft, I just wanted to let you all know that my month with XP has been far less than adequate.

Burning CDs is a chore. Keeping track of digital camera pics is old-school. Crashing and rebooting is ridicules. I dunno, maybe I'm just spoiled from having used OS X for 9 months.
Originally posted by themacko
Well I really doubt it was me (the user) that caused all the computer problems, but who knows. All I know is that I had a really bad eXPerience (heh) with it and I really didn't enjoy anything about it. My mom uses a Compaq laptop with Windows 2000 and that computer seems to work just fine. She's never had any problems with it.

I really don't HATE Windows or HATE Microsoft, I just wanted to let you all know that my month with XP has been far less than adequate.

Burning CDs is a chore. Keeping track of digital camera pics is old-school. Crashing and rebooting is ridicules. I dunno, maybe I'm just spoiled from having used OS X for 9 months.

Personally, I find that Easy CD Creator is damn easy, as is the CD-writing program that comes with XP. But that's just me.

Originally posted by Annihilatus

Personally, I find that Easy CD Creator is damn easy, as is the CD-writing program that comes with XP. But that's just me.


Me too! ... i've NEVER used Adaptec's Prog, but i use Nero, and that Does MORE than enough of what i need, and has a Wizard for tha n00b's! lol!
But XP intergrated Burning Works a Charm, and intergrates well! Andre, have you ever burnt inside WMP?!

Originally posted by ~~NeYo~~

Me too! ... i've NEVER used Adaptec's Prog, but i use Nero, and that Does MORE than enough of what i need, and has a Wizard for tha n00b's! lol!
But XP intergrated Burning Works a Charm, and intergrates well! Andre, have you ever burnt inside WMP?!


I must admit I never have, never needed to.

Originally posted by Annihilatus

I must admit I never have, never needed to.


Me Never, but i try to keep away From WMP really, other than Web Media! i'd prefer if XP's intergrated burning could do Audio CD'z, instead of trying 2 make WMP do it! ah well!

Didnt anyone read my post??? You cant say Pro-XP and Anti-Mac. Is Mac an OS??? No it is not! It is a computer. You have to say Pro-PC and (some) Anti-Mac.

PCs with the right OS (ie. Linux) are great machines!

1st of all: Macintosh (and mac and mac OS X etc.) IS an OS. The computer is an Apple, the OS is Mac. That's how it works. Sometimes Mac is the Computer also, but it generally refers to the OS.

PC is the computer and Windows (XP) is the Operating system

2nd: IMO the only thing Linux has going for it is the free-ness and the great customizability, other than that OS X is better than Linux.
1st of all: Macintosh (and mac and mac OS X etc.) IS an OS. The computer is an Apple, the OS is Mac. That's how it works. Sometimes Mac is the Computer also, but it generally refers to the OS.

wrong zak - the mac-chine is a mac, it is made by a company called apple. It's called mac os because it is an os for a mac mac-chine.;)
I like the Mac for all of the usual reasons, however, there are a couple of things I think are important that people have not talked much about in this thread yet.

1. I don't worry about anyone hacking into my computer and snooping/messing things around.

2. I don't worry about computer viruses. Back in OS 9, I used to do a virus scan every 6-9 months. Eventually I stopped completely. It may be selfish, but I don't care if I pass viruses to other people. If they use windows, they should expect to do the chronic virus-related updated.

I addition to that. When I use the Mac I feel in control. When I use Windows I always feel that I am having certain things shoved up my ass. It seems that every time I turn around the software is doing something I did not ask for. This definitely *is* microsoft's fault. it is also a large part of my dislike for them. I mean, they actually had the audacity to change my IE homepage to Then they called this homepage change a "feature".

In a way, that's what it is like to use Microsoft's stuff (I'm sure hotmail users will agree =). That galls me to no end. MS did not get my employer's money so they could shove intrusive ads down my throat.
oh yeah... I think the "best" XPerience I've heard of so far happened at work. When XP first came out, some hapless? employee at my company decided to install it.

I heard this from EDS who has a contract to handle all the IT crap at my company. Anyway, as the EDS person tells it, XP as configured by default has a service enabled that does not play nice with Cisco routers configured in a very specific way which is, of course, how they are configured at my company (sorry, he did not give me any more details). Anyhow, when you bring up XP after a fresh install, this service will start and it will trigger a bug in the nearest cisco router. Before crashing, the router will pass the trigger to all routers connected to it. These routers will do the same. From there it all goes in this nice little cascade that will propagate through the entire LAN until it hits the WAN routers. The XP install disabled the entire network at the location up to the WAN routers.

Needless to say, he is an ex-employee and now any XP installs have to go through a torturous approval process (mine took 6 months and a crap-load of paper work). After this, EDS installs and configures the machine. They also repeat the story and warn you not to enable any XP services without calling them (presumably there is an "or you'll be joining so and so from el Segundo" implied there).

At first I though the story was made-up, but I got confirmation from co-workers that actually work out there.
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