Originally posted by lonny
Mac users.. yes, strange breed.
We like to feel different. We know we know better... and probably we do.
I don't think you KNOW better because you like the Mac. That would be like saying that all people using AOL are smart because they use AOL (if you're an AOL fan). Most PC people I know can fix their own problems and will very quickly be able to point out an IRQ conflict or conflicting software. Mac users, most of the ones I know, will give 1-800-MY-APPLE a call instead of trying to figure things out.
Windose may work ok for some people. I use all flavours at work. It just feels horrible to me. It always did: even before I became a Mac user (I used to have an Amiga:supercool system). It's all about sensitivity. There are some things in Windose that I just can't stand, i.e. everytime I click on Start to shut it down I get nervous.
I won't deny this was a problem with the earlier versions of Windows, Millennium especially but also 98 and 95. With 2000 and NT, I haven't seen shutdown problems very often. With XP, I have yet to see one. Let's not forget for what audience Windows was developed. Windows 95 and 98 were created to cater to an audience that required the use of DOS programs. Many people I know (and I consider them backwards people), still use 95 and 98 for their precious and outdated DOS software. Microsoft had to sacrifice stability and functionality to allow those backwards people to get their jobs done. Had they just sacrificed everything and made a completely new OS like Apple did with Mac OS X, things might have been different. While today it is possible to run an emulated session of Mac OS 9 within Mac OS X because of better resources, it wasn't at all possible to do in 1995 considering the low power of the average computer back then (think 486-66). Notice how slow Mac OS 9 runs in OS X and then think of what would have happened had Microsoft tried to emulate DOS within Windows back then. It wouldn't have been a pretty sight. In the past few years, Microsoft has finally sacrificed DOS and said 'move to Windows' but even know they're trying hard to maintain some kind of compatibility. PC users are extremely picky with software support, Mac users tend to be picky with the overall experience.
In an ideal world Macs would have a 20% market share. Enough to get all support we need, little enough to get less virii, spyware and stuff.
In my ideal world, Apple would try harder to embrace PC users by making the leap to Mac a much easier one. The first task would be to use hardware that is easily interchangeable. Say for instance that you have a PC and want to have a Mac, make it so that you would just have to change the motherboard and processor and you'd be on your way. Make motherboards and processors freely available and people will make the leap. Or, simply move the Mac onto the x86 platform. Some people would go ahead and buy PC's straight from Apple, others would keep whatever they have (because it IS very expensive after all) and just change OS'. Within a few months, Apple would go from a market share of 3.5% to 25% at least. I know Apple is a hardware company and would not allow this to happen, but let's face it, that 3.5% isn't going to move very far unless Apple makes a few sacrifices. It has already been confirmed that software, not hardware, sells better.
But mostly the reason everyone should embrace, not to use M$ products, is to stop a monopoly whose ethics are dangerous for everyone's freedom. The fact that most people don't get it frightnens me.
They are unquestionably unethical, I agree with that. However, they are also very smart. They're one step ahead of the market at all times and that is why they control it. Sure I would have liked to see Microsoft play fair, sure I would have liked for IE and Outlook Express to be removable from my XP (even though I like them both), sure I would have liked to freely move to Linux and enjoy the same software library. That is not yet a possibility and frankly I don't see Linux or anything else ever taking control from Microsoft since Windows really IS the most convenient OS out there to use. However, MacOS X is not far behind and transferring it to the PC would be easy and extremely beneficial to Apple. If OS X would be available, Apple WOULD claim a greater market share (albeit a lot of people would hate Apple because their hardware would be unsupporteD), and would ruffle a few feathers at Microsoft. But of course, Apple is quite arrogant and does not see the need.
Just look at it this way:
If Apple moves to x86 ->
- Greater market share
- Chance to use three different processors that are constantly upgrading rather than one, stagnant platform
- Offers customers more choice
If Apple stays on PowerPC ->
- Small market share
- Expensive computers
- Complete dependability on Motorola
- Customers have little choice.