garymum4d said:my problem with iTunes Music Store is......there is no iTunes Music Store
(in the UK)
Thirded!bookem said:Seconded.
KKBFiredancer said:Its because of DMB, not itunes. Dave Matthews has said repeatedly that he doesnt want his songs sold track by track, that its the full album experience that he wants fans to appreciate. Do i think its a flawed argument? Yes, but thats what he said.
Forthed!diablojota said:Thirded!(Except for Germany)
mindbend said:Then perhaps DMB should no longer allow any of their singles to be played on the radio unless they play the whole album. What an idiotic argument and completely naive. He can get away with saying such junk because he's already successful. Anyone with a brain can see that digital downloads are the future. Either get on board or get the F out of my way. Plus, did anyone tell this genius that half the downloads are full albums?
Hi, my name is Dave Mathews and I do not have a clue.
KKBFiredancer said:Its because of DMB, not itunes. Dave Matthews has said repeatedly that he doesnt want his songs sold track by track, that its the full album experience that he wants fans to appreciate. Do i think its a flawed argument? Yes, but thats what he said.