New Apple & Mac Web Site


I've recently put together a new Apple and Mac web site. I would love some feedback. Some sections are still being updated and a few new graphics and screen shots are being made. I should have everything finalized by the end of Monday. I’m also thinking of adding a forum sometime in the near future. Thank you for your time.

I see you've used a few graphics and formatting straight from Apple's site. Be very careful as they will tear you apart (legally of course) if they get pissed off.

My advice:

don't plagiarise
Yes, a handfull of the graphics are from Apple's site. I used them for place holders while I make my own.

How do you think I should make it more Mac-like? (as one poster mentioned)


i just had to say i was disappointed not to find a link to macosx,com on your links page. :(

other than that i think it is a good start.

i also would like to know what is "more mac like".:confused:
A really sweet program called Aquatint could make it more Aquaish. It has a really insane learning curve to get the 8bit transparency but once you get that figured out it's a great program.
On the one hand, I appreciate that you love Macs and want to build another Mac site...on the other hand, what value does it bring to the Web?

There are a slew of half-completed Websites out there on all sorts of topics, and I'm skeptical that one person will be able to maintain a site claiming to provide a '"one-stop-shop" resource' for Mac enthusiasts.

I don't mean to be a crank; I still wish you the best in your endeavor.
I love it. It just need a little bit more contents (nah.. i can't express myself, need more english lessons!) Aaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! laat mor hange!!

senne. :p
Thanks for the feedback. I know some sections weren't complete yet. I have actually added links to the Link page now. I'll make sure is one of them :)

Maybe it is a little pretentious to say it'll be a one-stop-shop. All I'm trying to do is make a good Mac site that lists the values of the platform, has some great web site links, and offers info on Mac OS X for beginners. I'd like to add more advanced stuff in teh future.
I really don't think apple will get mad at you for using those few graphics on a site that promotes macs. If you were a big commercial website they might, but your just a little guy, they wouldn't put any effort into that :)
Meeting Maker!?!?!

Wow! That's a blast from the past. :p

Is that an OS X native program now? (The MM site does not seem to mention it.)
Yes, MeetingMaker is OS X native. This is from their web site...

“Delivering Meetingmaker v7.1 for Mac OS X v. 10.1 is the right business and technology decision for us,” said Steven Jackson, Meeting Maker vice president of worldwide marketing. “For an enterprise client/server application like Meetingmaker, Mac OS X provides the ease-of-use, stability and scalability which is critical to our product.”
"Templates" is misspelled on the "Web Links" page. Sorry, I'm a grammar and spelling hound... a gramatically incorrect website or frequent misspellings alway give me a "less than professional" taste in my mouth when I encounter them.