New Apple TV spot (pc virus)

mi5moav said:
hmmmm...the wife wasn't to thrilled about it... thought the guy was kinda cute though.

I'm not so sure what you are talking about, but I hope it's not what I _think_ you are talking about.

If Apple thinks it's a good idea to start bragging about being virus free, I think we are all in a lot of trouble.
I agree, Apple need to shut their mouths and stop bagging PC users for having viruses. If they do, pretty soon we'll all be suffering.
Here's the irony in all of this. I was viewing this using Firefox on one of my PCs using Windows, and during the "Viruses" spot the browser crashed. Go figure. :p
I know it's risky, but honestly, haven't we already been a prime target? Mac users are sort of known to brag about having such a stable OS... Apple saying it just adds to the bragging. I guess if Apple were a person, it would now officially have an ego-complex. I'm still not too worried about viruses. We're all virus-free now because of a better operating system, not a small market share.
Veljo said:
I agree, Apple need to shut their mouths and stop bagging PC users for having viruses. If they do, pretty soon we'll all be suffering.
Mac users have for years bragged about our lack of viruses. People have for years warned us not to brag lest the virus writers discover that we exist and go after our computers. It keeps not happening. Look, the most vicious viruses on Windows were not written to get back at anyone. They were written to satisfy a basic economic desire to get money without working. There is a lot of money to be made if only they can get their wares to work on the Mac. That they have yet to be successful is testament to the proposition that they will never be successful, not a forecast they eventually will be.
I agree about the networking spot is the best one. They all seem to be designed to be run during a one or two hour show. I believe playing them all during the show would be the best. It is a shame that Apple didn't have enough money/time to play all these spots, one during each commercial break at the American Super Bowl.
Jasoco said:
They star John Hodgeman from The Daily Show and Justin Long from Dodgeball and Ed as "PC" and "Mac".
Aha! I knew I recognized "PC", and I was about to ask if he was that guy from the Daily Show.

Personally, I'm still in shock that Apple is advertising Macs again. I wonder how long it'll last. A week, maybe? Two?
Good ads. Great? Nah. I think in some cases, the term "Mac" is underperformed. Mumbled... Might be intentional, though. I'm also wondering about the virus-claim. But I *must* say it's nicely done. The crashing of the PC looks nice. Although If they'd just frozen him (the Mac could then have tapped him on the shoulder, which'd have caused him to fall...), it could've been even nicer. ;)
I think they are funny commercials, and better than any other "come to mac" commercials thus far. Two thumbs up from me. :)
TTC: I don't see any reference in your linked article relevant to this thread...?
fryke said:
TTC: I don't see any reference in your linked article relevant to this thread...?

soz I was in a hurry and didnt explain. One of the "phases" in the article talks about apple advertising their security over Windows, so that when OS X starts supporting Windows apps natively, they can say that OS X "protects" windows.

so these commercials that are making it known that Macs have better security would be a step in that direction.

an interesting theory anyway.