New PowerMac G5's!!!!

It looks like the investors were actually well informed in the last few days and didn't let rumors sway their decisions. That's almost unheard of when it comes to Apple stock!

There won't be anything higher than the 2.5GHz for a while. If they released anything faster in the next few weeks it'd have to be a lot more money than the current top machine is. They wouldn't be able to drop the 1.8 and 2.0 machines and then make the 2.5 the low end only a few weeks after they announced them.

That would cause outrage, and they would have to upgrade everyone to the respective new model, which would do nothing for selling off old stock.

What I have always wondered is what do they do with computers that don't sell? They must not sell each and every one of them produced.
I saw a recent possibility to cover the 3 ghz blunder. Perhaps these chips (assuming that they are capable of making them now, are creating such low yields) that Apple will create a "high-end" graphics/workstation, ala xStation. This would be a much more expensive unit, not selling in high quantities and can take advantage of the 3ghz at the low yield rates. This would also fulfill Jobs' promise of 3ghz in 1 year. And also aligning with the recent comments of the 3ghz not being in a PowerMac anytime soon.
Apple's Technology and Performance Overview PDF implies that all G5 chips are 90nm.:

pg. 9
State-of-the-Art Process Technology from IBM The PowerPC G5 is fabricated in one of IBM’s world-class semiconductor manufacturing facilities. It uses 90-nanometer circuitry with more than 400 meters (1300 feet) of ultrathin copper wiring—less than 1/1000 the width of a human hair.
Randman said: "mm, I prefer the honesty. I'd rather have them do it right then try and do it according to the calendar. Besides, liquid cooled isn't new? The line has been improved and we haven't heard the end of it. The iMacs could go G5, iTMS Europe, iTMS Canada, AirPort Express, new iPods, new monitors, a preview of Tiger, the possibility of 3Ghz by year's end as well as the possibility of a PB G5 by year's end. - Gee, give the dog a bone, why don't you?"

Please _do_ read all of what I write bevore jumping to an answer. I said: "...because in fact it's only the 2.5 GHz model that's a new machine. The others are merely updated a bit." I didn't in any way deny that the liquid cooling wasn't, well, cool. But then again: If that's a necessity to be even able to deliver 2.5 GHz, then it's not _that_ cool, is it?

Also: "iMacs could go G5" etc... Not right now, if the same Apple source who apologized for the 2.5 instead of 3.0 GHz is right. Face it: It's a disappointment for many, since Steve Jobs himself promised more. They could've made a statement about this promise in January (when these 2.5 GHz machines were ready, already, if you take a close look at the rumours for MWSF'04). But I guess they had to wait another few months to find out that IBM couldn't make it (?).
They're not. The first introduction of the 90nm chip was with the xServe. Now they are in the 2.5ghz G5. I would not be surprised that the 2.0 and 1.8 are still 130nm since they can produce those very easily with high yield returns.
mindbend said:
Apple's Technology and Performance Overview PDF implies that all G5 chips are 90nm.:

pg. 9
State-of-the-Art Process Technology from IBM The PowerPC G5 is fabricated in one of IBM’s world-class semiconductor manufacturing facilities. It uses 90-nanometer circuitry with more than 400 meters (1300 feet) of ultrathin copper wiring—less than 1/1000 the width of a human hair.
The PowerPC G5 is fabricated in one of IBM’s world-class semiconductor manufacturing
facilities. It uses 130-nanometer circuitry with more than 1130 feet of ultrathin wiring<snip>
Captain Code said:
The lowend is the same as the previous lowend except the processor. They didn't "cripple" the 1.8, they just upped the proc in the low end.

i may be wrong but i believe $1999 was the price of the previous 1.8GHz DP that is NOW crippled (no pci-X, only 4gb ram) for the oh so lovely price of $1999. so no my friend, IT IS NOT THE SAME and you are now paying MORE for LESS.

can i refill your glass of koolaid? :D
Nope. The previous DP 1.8 was $2499 or $2599. Midrange. The low-end was the single 1.6, at first $1999, then $1799.

The new dp 1.8 does have less, but it also costs significantly less.

kendall said:
i may be wrong but i believe $1999 was the price of the previous 1.8GHz DP that is NOW crippled (no pci-X, only 4gb ram) for the oh so lovely price of $1999. so no my friend, IT IS NOT THE SAME and you are now paying MORE for LESS.

can i refill your glass of koolaid? :D

i dont know if ur wrong concerning the price... but...
the previous dp 1.8 didnt have a 90nm processor
and it didnt come with the Nvidia GeForece FX 5200 Ultra... did it?

u can take ur koolaid back :)
soulseek said:
i dont know if ur wrong concerning the price... but...
the previous dp 1.8 didnt have a 90nm processor
and it didnt come with the Nvidia GeForece FX 5200 Ultra... did it?

u can take ur koolaid back :)
I still don't believe the 1.8 is 90nm. The 2.0 and 2.5 are (ala xServe with the intro of the 90nm processor).
Diablo, take a look at this. I think your german can handle it, huh? ;)
They say all new G5 procs are built in 90nm. There are spec pdfs attached
mindbend said:
This, of course, is completely idioitic on my part. A 2.5 box still trounces anything I've got in the office now. But DAMMIT, once you've got 3 GHZ on the brain, you just can't let it go!

Simple fact of the matter is that had Steve not said anything about 3GHZ I would already have placed an order for the 2.5. Now I'm going to hold out yet again, hoping that maybe winter brings the big boy. Actually, I have to say, there's a very decent chance I may cave before then. We'll see.

Look at what I'm still using for a desktop...300mhz G3! Trounce isn't a good way of putting it on my side...slaughter might be a better description. But I agree, I'm going to hold out unless business becomes too heavy or something goes wrong with mine. It's been a great 5 to 6 years so far, what can a few more months hurt? That is unless I really see some impressive numbers coming off that dual 2.5 model <G>.

The interesting thing is the 500mhz jump from 2.0ghz...maybe we'll start seeing larger jumps spread over a year from now on, or sometime in winter a 2.5 to 3.x line-up...who knows. It does seem like they might be setting us up for a large increase in the future.
90nm processors ? less heat.... so automatically not much need for fans, therefore not as loud...
i dont know if it affects performance however...

anyways, we all know the G5s are the fastest desktop computers on the planet right now...
but what i found interesting in this update was the watercooling system...
... paves the way for future g5 powerbooks ???
soulseek said:
90nm processors ? less heat.... so automatically not much need for fans, therefore not as loud...
i dont know if it affects performance however...

anyways, we all know the G5s are the fastest desktop computers on the planet right now...
but what i found interesting in this update was the watercooling system...
... paves the way for future g5 powerbooks ???

90nm produces less eat and lower energy consumption.
However, the size of the heatsinks on the G5 definitely show that the water cooling is still not enough to keep it cool enough to cram in the small form factor of a portable.
the water cooling is introduced in a DUAL 2.5ghz system... thats a lot of heat. :)

a G5 powerbook woul run at a lower (single) processor rate ... im sure theyll manage somethin by january :)
Let's assume that Apple _COULD_ use a 1.6 GHz 970FX in a PowerBook in, say, Autumn. (Just assuming, remember.) If they'd have to make it slightly heavier than the current PowerBooks and using some highly sophisticated cooling scheme etc., I just don't see it using less power than the current G4 PowerBooks. Also, 1.5 GHz G4s are no slouches compared to an 1.6 GHz G5 - and we have yet to see any _real_ benefit of 64bit computing. Portable devices most probably also tend _not_ to be used for those highly computational tasks.

So: In a next round of PowerBooks, *I'd* like to see a bit more power at better battery life while at the same time putting out less heat. I guess we all don't know whether there's even _going_ to be another G4 processor generation for Macs from Motorola or rather FreeScale. IBM seems to have killed the plans to create that 750VX processor, which would basically be a "G3 with AltiVec" a.k.a. G4. So I guess we'll see a rather small PowerBook upgrade in Autumn (1.6, 1.7 Ghz G4 7447?) and 6-8 months later the first PowerBook G5, probably with a specially engineered G5 for 'smaller form factors', i.e. the iMac G5 and the PowerBook G5.