Ads, what Ads? (PithHelmet is my friend! )
The colours fooled me too, i thought i must have hit the wrong bookmark,maybe one of the past incarnations of i dug up in the Internet Archive.
While sometimes change is good and sites need money to at least run. However, one fact is starting to push a question into my mind. There seems to be an effort among my favorite Mac sites to all change at once. The sites that have changed on the past week, The are:
1. This site
2. MacCentral was folded and now MacWorld keeps it in their site. I think this has to do with traffic to MacWorld compared to the old MacCentral.
3.YourMacLife was changed the this week also.
4.Apple links
There are probably about 40 to 50 percent of Mac sites have changed their web pages in the past week. I am just wondering what is real motivation?
Something weird is happening here. When I open a thread and use the backwards button to get back to my search-list (all new posts), I end up in the previous search-list (the one before my current list).