1. Its Globalisation and the american way that set the trend for companies like M$ to "buyout" companies...Apple should too to get bigger.
2.Apple bought out Avid and none of you complained, now we have FCP.
3.Who caes who looses their jobs if photoshop became a mac only app, serves them right for being pc cheap skates!
4. A few years ago QUARK was about to buyout Adobe.
5. Apple has more than enough money to buyout SGI and Adode and my house and neogeo collection if they wanted to.
6. Adobe's success if because of Apple, companies like AOL and Bungie also started like this, later they moved on and forgot about their roots and moved to windows (Bungie will soon, no doubt).
7. Apple could improve on Photoshop by incorperating DVD features into it.
8. I have always said apple needs their own BIG APP that isnt avaiable for pc and is already industry standard with a great name base...FCP is one, but getting Photoshop would make me laugh and cause my work to get macs and throw out these FUKING NT crap compaq shit. (Im sure though Rupert Murdock the tight ass would just install Photopaint instead, or worst buy Amigas and make us use Delux paint)
9. Every so often I email Steve Jobs and pretend Im M$ employee and say rumour has it M$ is looking for an Adobe purchase, and you guys better make a move.
10. If Apple owned Photoshop they could lisence it to windows, and as soon as Bill Gates threatens to pull Office support like he did when he said to stop making QT for PC's, Jobs could say "really?....well know Photoshop for u"?..
So could a new cold war begin....