I had a PRE-power PC--POWERBook 520--
and who needs to spend more money for
color displays? Color is a passing fancy! What is the "World wide web?" You know, where reporters would tell you addresses by saying "h-t-t-p-colon-backslash-backslash. . . ."? Hey! Get OFF my lawn!
You could upgrade it to a PowerPC chip!
I note that because a few years ago in yet another tedious "Mac Suck No PC Suck" debate a PC fan claimed Mac OS X had "millions of viruses!" and when asked to provide examples he cited
one for . . . System 6! Created a few years after that system was abandoned. I informed him that I nightly worry about the security of my TimexSinclair. . . .
I digress . . .
Then came the PowerBook G3 with 400 F[
that I upgraded to a G4 500!!11! BWA!HA!HA!HA!HA! Just look at it! It is BLACK!!!1!!
It also had Firewire! FRELLING
Mere PC "notebooks" cowered in the face of The Black Powerbook [Of Doom.--Ed.] Even Me Mum's desktop PC cried tears until she needed to replace the mother-board. I warned her. Oh I warned her!
I only upgraded to that because the old one just required too much duct tape to keep the screen up! I found another one and thought about rehabilitating the 520 only to come to my diseased senses.
That one lasted for a long time. Meanwhile, Mac [Procreated.--Ed.] about with newer Macbooks that flaked, had keyboard buttons fall out, even voted Libertarian. Many, like myself, stuck with the Powerbook Firewire [Of Doom.--Ed.]. It was easy to fix--you could literally take it down to all components and replace them if you needed. But, finally, as I surfed these pages and noooooottttttttiiiiiiicccccceeeeeeddddhoooooowwwwwwslow, and a fried AC soundcard led me to move on to the loved . . .
Macbook 2.4 GHz and 6.0 GB of RAM! AND IT IS BLACK:
a serious upgrade to previous and my "work horse" for years. Eventually, it became slow and just . . . stopped. It now works again--probably has a failing logic board--see? The Mac Names for components are SO more Kool than PC!--but it works and I use it to travel to GodForsaken Regions. Moved on to current laptop.
Anyways, it is fun to compare the Geekbench "bars" for all of the models. The earliest, they do not even bother. The 520 had a BLAZING fast 25 MHz processor
The old PowerBook Firewire gives a bar of 21 with the G3 400 Mhz native. Upgraded to G4 500 we ZOOM to about 320.
The MacBook 2.4 is 3135--nearly 10X as fast. My current tests into 7857. Had I bought the cumbersome 15" you get 10,000 and if you are really wasting the concept of "laptop" with the 17" you get 10,700.