Open app not visible in dock?

I think the app will disappear from the dock if you select "Hide yourapp" from the File menu, but I'm not sure about this because I'm not running OS X right now... :)
Sorry if I'm wrong...
It isn't possible to do so using the current dock. your only option would be to switch of Apple's dock, and use a third party one, perhaps. The only way for an app not to appear in the dock is if the app itself is written so it doesn't. I only currently know of one that can do this, which is SnapzPro ! Soz, but I don't think there's any other way.
I was wondering if there was a way to remove an active application from the dock?

For example, the "Clock", I have the floating part active, and I don't really need or want the little clock icon in the dock, is there anyway I can hide or remove it from the dock?

If you don't care about the menubar either, you can add the lines :


at the end of the "info.plist" file, just before </dict>

This will turn the application to a background only process. It will not have a menubar, no dock icon, not listed in the force quit window.

details :
1- option-click the application
2- Chose "show content of" ( 4th item I think )
3- double-click "content"
4- Drag "info.plist" to textedit
5- make modification, save and try
the tags in my previous post got removed by the html parser so look an this attached file for what the end of your "info.plist" file should look like


If you have the Developer Tools installed, you can easily edit any Info.plist file (any *.plist file, for that matter) with PropertyListEditor.
Also, some apps already have NSUIElement in their Info.plist. In which case, just change 0 to 1.
Is there a way to get an application NOT to show up in the dock? I have a printer application that needs to be open but i dont ever want to see it.

just drag the icon out onto the desktop and watch it go poof. no need to have any programs in the dock at all really if you don't want them there. i just keep some commonly used ones there, have a few more aliased icons on desktop and go find anything else that comes up that i need. i can't imagine how a printer utility got there unless you put it there.:)
I think twister meant how to keep an active application out of the dock...

Twister's last thread regarded HP Officejet G85 drivers, so I am assuming that he is wanting to find a way to let the Officejet Communications Extension from showing up in the dock. The extension has to be open whenever you want to print. I grew tired of it too, so I decided that I was no longer gonna use the dock and went with Drag Thing. I like the tab function since the dock looks way to cluttered when you put more than 10 or so apps on it. Now I just hide the dock and not worry about active apps showing up in there.

Another annoyance with the HP app is that is maintains a constant communication either with the print server or the printer itself, because if you have a network monitor you will see a constant pinging going on between the devices and it will go away once you quit the HP app.

Maybe someone here with some command line savvy can figure out how to turn these kind of apps into background processes that don't take up space on the dock. There's gotta be a way to do this since there are other processes on that are in the background and don't show up as an app.

(boy this is sure longwinded need to learn shorthand:D )
you are exactly correct bubbajim. i suppose i could only have the little extension thing open when i wanna print but that is also annoying.

silly me, not understanding something because it is something you guys do differently than i do i guess. or else we just find different things annoying. i keep my dock on auto hide so the only time i ever see it is when i reach down to launch an app. ok it occassionally pops up when using a bottom scroll bar but i am getting much better at avoiding it. at any rate the in use icons don't bother me. i just wish apple made the thing two rows deep. if it didn't show up in front of my apps i would just leave it up. but i am not sure i see any advantage in that over the old method of putting aliases on desktop. i really miss my launcher. I have tried one of the replacements and not only does it suck, it is too expensive.

oh well.:)
say, Bubbajim, is it true, that the Printerdrivers from HP's officeJet for OS X 10.1 does not work directly over USB....... i should "need" a Printserver from HP???? are they crazy? ... und 9 it worked all fine!

and is it true, that you or this other guy are having a "Office G Communication Extension" that runs "natively" under OS 10 or is it too starting the "Classic", for working???? -> (that would be absolutely unuseable to me!)

is it?
i'm printing over a network. if your connected directly by usb i'd think it would be just fine. No extra stuff should be needed.
hey sorry, you think that, but the reality talks another language! IT DOES NOT WORK! *seufz* ;-(

by the way, the installer is starting "Classic" in Mac OS X, then it says: "The Office All-In-One communication extension" crashed in unknown reasons".... then (loud the manual) you should start the "HP Setup Assistent", but after clicking it happens : .... NOTHING.... then i tried to start the communication extension manually and ..... it was the first time, my 10.1 crashed in a such wax, that only a cold reboot let run it again!... (later in testing the driver it crashed another 5 times!)....

then a look into the print center offers a few of AI*** Ports (in the USB Port there he means still: HP office jet? not supported!....... selecting an AIo and it asks for a IP Number (funny, under system 9 the all-in-one driver works with my officejet! *ggg*)....

what should i say? ....

me as a home-user am not interested in buying a HP Printserver..... for 777.- Swiss Francs i can expect a working Driver, Support, Website and a kind of kind.... that everything is blowing in the mind!....

hp will die, if they make further so!
The installer I used did not launch classic at anytime. The Officejet Communication Extension launches natively and does not launch classic. The only time classic launches for me when dealing with the Officejet is when I scan in a file. The scan program that is bundled with the officejet is still a classic app. That is why HP will not post these drivers on their site and require that you call them to get an updated cd.

If classic launches when your computer boots up, then I recommend removing the hp drivers out of OS 9's system folder. If you still have them in there then you may have two officjet communication extensions loading at the same time; one classic and one native.

I did have some trouble with the installation process. I never get to complete the HP Director Assistant program. It never finds the printer in the end, but I can print and scan without any issues at all. The assistant does show both USB and TCP/IP in the settings so I would not see any reason why the Officejet would not directly connect using USB.

I have 6 computers hooked up to it, so a print server is neccesary, but at one time I did have it connected via USB in classic without any trouble.

If you run into any further trouble I would remove both native drivers and classic drivers and restart the processs cleanly by installing only the native drivers.
A -LOT- of applications may have trouble if they're being run on an UFS partition...

try running it off of another disk, if you have one.
I installed everything in X first. Without Classic running. I set it all up and made sure it was working before starting classic. Also i emailed HP and called them. And they were more than happy to help me out.

Well, at first
• i have not installed the driver for OS 9 but for X.
• i know, that a driver was running in OS 9, but he does not work in X.
• The HP Setup Assistent is never running in my case, so i'm not able to look, what he says/means.
• sure are the USB and TCP/IP Ports available in the "Print Center", but instead a driver is there a "?" and: "no driver available"
-> therefore; the HP Driver don't let choose a "Printer" over the OS X system own USB-Bus, he creates 2 own Ports: "AIO Printer" and "AIO Fax", where he looks for a TCP/IP-Number. (what has that to do with USB?)
• i don't need the scan software, i need at first the printer drivers!

@ dev.lqd.:
• I also don't use UFS, i use HFS+.

Now a question @ you, bubbajam:
• wear your "HP all-in-one Communication extension" a OS-X icon or a (pixeld) Classic-Icon? ;-)... in my case, he has "NO" errors because of more than one extension installed, at all he installs a own extension on the OS X volume and starts it with the "Start-objects" in the System-Preferences!

In a message from HP i read by my self, that they would expect troubles with some other "Startup Objects", but i can ensure you, i have no other Objects running!