Open app not visible in dock?

senne, none of those links work: "Invalid thread specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the webmaster".

Secondly my thread above is an original thread which has the exact same subject line! I agree with senne c'mon...

I assume bobw, dktrickey, or evildan concatenated these two (or more) threads? Did it inherit the subject or was it always the exact same thing :rolleyes:

I didn't post that as a response, it's a detached thread, well, used to be.
I'm the cause of all this *smile*. I noticed the plethora of threads all about the same topic and posted the same response at the end of each one.

Obviously it got a moderators attention and they merged them all together, which they should have been in the first place if someone would have done a search for the topic before starting a new thread.
I searched for all the keywords I could think of that are appropriate to this topic, and didn't find anything when I posted...
I just searched for "hide dock" and I got back all eight threads that I posted to.

Obviously it wasn't just you who missed the first thread on the topic -- six other people missed it as well. At least you made the effort to search before posting. A lot of people don't go to that effort and just post, despite the fact that their question has already been answered (perhaps numerous times) on the site.
Originally posted by michaelsanford
senne, none of those links work: "Invalid thread specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the webmaster".

they merged all threads into 1 big one.

I haven't read this forum until now, because I really like having the icons in the dock, but....quite by accident, I succeeded in doing the very thing that seems to be the goal of this topic.

I don't have any idea how I did this, infact everything was working perfectly fine just a few minutes ago, and I would like to get it back that way.

Here's what happened:

I have a folder (just a regular folder) on my dock next to my trash can. In said folder are a bunch of alias files to various programs that I would like easy access to, but not clutter my dock with.

When I click and hold down on the folder, I get a dockling that pops up that shows me the contents of the folder. (I like this cause it is like dresser drawers, but without the hack). Anyway. It used to be that when I would select the alias for the program that I wanted, it would launch the program and the icon would appear on the dock. However, for some unknown reason, now the program launches, but the icon does not appear in the dock. This holds true for every alias in the folder, even aliases that I create and drop into the folder.

However, If I click and hold on the folder and select "show in finder" and then click on the alias, it will open the app and the icon will appear on the dock.

Obviously this isn't the most inconvienient problem, but it can be annoying. So, anyone out there have any idea how to undo this...fluke...or whatever it is?
Thanks for the advice on how to turn an app into a background app. I had to edit the info.plst file within the Resources folder within the Contents folder instead, rather than the one in the Contents folder. Works great though!