Open app not visible in dock?

(pixeld) Classic-Icon

Doesnt do anything but it is needed to print in os x. It even says 'applicaton not responding' if you right click on it.

is "Classic" then running on your OS X, when u use the officejet or not? *wonder*....

well, it's so, that i:
• Downloaded the Update file yesterday evening from the HP-Homepage. (there was already a matter, that the downloaded file was named: "getsoftware.cgi" so i expected and renamed it to "something.smi" and it let open by DiskImage. After trying around yesterday i also tried: *.dmg and *.img... but nothing differences!

The "HP All-In-One Communication extension" IS in fact a "Classic-Application"!!!

and now the reason, why i don't want the Software order: because i live in switzerland, and in whole europe HP has "NO" support office. I would have to order and let it shipping from the states! Sorry, but i don't pay 100.- again more for something, usually you can get over the internet!!!

and, the most important thing:

on Mac OS X 10.1.2

So, is this possible, YES/NO???
Classic doesnt have to be running for me to print. Even though what looks like a classic extension icon has to be running in X.

If you want i could email you the installer i have. it may work better.

oh, :-) thanks for that offer, but the problem is, i hav just 10MB place in my mailbox and only 20MB on my idisk... *seufz*...
but, is it possible, that you stuff the "HP all-in-one Communication extension" (for X) and email it to me?
When installing the HP software. The Director Assistant Program is the one that selects wether your printer is connected via USB or TCP/IP. You do not make the selection in the print center.

BTW HP just released new drivers this week at Macworld and also should be obtainable via
Originally posted by Red Phoenix
I just noticed that in that quote, Darkshadow said that it's not possible to it to a Carbon application oneself. Again, this isn't entirely true. It's very possible, and I've done it before. It's just not all that fun, and I'd have to refigure out how to do it. In some applications, you have to actually add a specific resource to it with ResEdit. In others, the resource is there, and it's easy to modify it.

I'd really like to know how to do this, if it's not too much trouble.
You know how when an app is hidden its icon in the dock gets faded? Well say you have a bunch of apps hidden, is there something you can do with all those icons so they arent taking up space in the dock (besides quitting the app)?
Don't have all apps you use in the dock. Create folders where you have aliases to those progs, and drag those folders to dock (in right) - e.g i have net folder, image folder, office folder and other folder - then ctrl clik on the folder to see all aliases - if i need other browsers than chimera i go there and click e.g Exploiter to get it. That way dock remains clean = finder, notes, mail, terminal, chimera, bbedit, appleworks, itunes, prefs, icab, adium, project builder. ALL other apps aer in those minimal folders - you can change those folders icon to make them look nicer on dock.
ok i made a folder, then put a bunch of aliases inside of it, then dragged that folder into the dock. but when i actually start the program, another icon for the program appears in the dock....those are the icons i want to do something with.

I already use Snard to organize my apps on the dock, which is pretty much what you were telling me to do i think.

My thought was that once an app was started, and then hidden, to sort of remove the icon from the dock, or maybe arrange then into some sort of subfolder or something.
Apps, that you dont normally have in the dock, that only show up when you start them, dissapears from the dock when you hide them. unless you use a third-party plug-in, like tinker-tools, to have them rendered as faded.

if i remember right, tinker tool only fades them out = they still are there, in the same order, taking as much space. The only wat to have as little icons as possible seems to have their on hold items as little as possible (e.g. i could take away appleworks and itunes) .. How would it work to see then what ou have runnning ? Passing slowly over the dock with mouse?
I agree.

In 10.2.3 on a relatively unspoiled new installation (my iMac), the icons of _running and hidden_ applications do not disappear. They just fade.

I'm not running Tinkertool, either.

Well, if it should disappear from the dock when you hide it, how should you get it back, without double-clicking the application again? ;)
Originally posted by ksv
Well, if it should disappear from the dock when you hide it, how should you get it back, without double-clicking the application again? ;)

Thats why i was wondering if we can organize them into a subfolder maybe. I can go a long time without switching to some of the apps that are "hidden", and id rather not have them taking up space in the dock.
Originally posted by ksv
Well, if it should disappear from the dock when you hide it, how should you get it back, without double-clicking the application again? ;)
Go into the Application menu of any non-hidden program ans select "Show All"...
Originally posted by TommyWillB
Go into the Application menu of any non-hidden program ans select "Show All"... someone tell me how to hide those semi-transparent icons and we'll be in business
Seems like a lot of trouble here, what prevents you from just quitting an inactive program, apps restart very quickly after first use in my experience????
I thought someone may have mentioned this before, but I was wondering if it's possible (10.1.5) to open an app that normally would show up in the dock, but not let it show in the dock. Preferrably also not pop to the top of the window stack either.

I tried opening it in a shell with open app & (like you can do with screensavers in Jag to make them appear as the background) to no avail.

The idea is that I've got an app that takes screen-captures, and I think someone is messing around with my computer when I'm away so I want to be able to launch the app without it appearing in the dock.

I considered going through the package and deleting the icon, but it's not a Cocoa bundle so there is no package...

Any other ideas?