Hmm, here's one for you then, Ed. I'm 25, and I haven't ever done any illegal drugs.
I have good reason though. My body chemistry is already messed up enough. I'm anxious about taking
prescribed drugs, they tend to do some weird things to me. Heck if I'm gonna do it on purpose! Even Tylenol affects me - I get all jittery, my heart rate goes up...something akin to speed to me.
I hallucinate "naturally" - part of my messed up chemistry. Low key stuff to anyone that actually trips - I see walls breathing, floor looks like it's moving when I'm not, catch weird looking objects in my peripheral vision, every once in a while I see tracers - that sort of thing. I find it highly annoying, though. Plus I have a very overactive and very twisted imagination - I don't think I'd like to see more than I already do.
Pot is probably the only drug I
would do - except that I can't stand the way it smells. At all. I start feeling sick if I'm around it too much. I probably have gotten a contact high, though. Lots of my friends smoke it. I usually have to leave the area, though. Kinda funny really, I don't really care if someone smokes it, but I can't be around it 'cause I eventually get sick from it.
I do smoke and drink caffeine, though. My caffeine comes in the form of Dr Pepper - I detest coffee (Down with coffee!
And smoking is purely for pleasure. I seriously am not addicted to it. I'm sure everyone's going to read this and say "Sure, sure"...but it's true. I can go indefinetly without a smoke and not even think of it. I don't get any headaches from not having one. I could quit anytime - but I actually
enjoy smoking. Personally, I think I'm not addicted to nicotine because I'm seriously addicted to caffeine (been drinking it since I was 3 - my friends positively believe if you cut me, I'll bleed Dr Pepper), but really it's probably my chemistry actually doing something in my favor for once - maybe I
can't get addicted to nicotine. I dunno. It amazes my friends every time I go for a while without smoking and don't even
notice it. Heh
And yes, I know the health risks...blah on that. I don't eat "healthy" either. We all go at some time, and it's not like any of us actually know when that is. Any of us could walk out in the street and get hit by a car and die - would having smoked or not smoked matter then? I say enjoy life as you will!
I drink sometimes, but not often. Mainly for a few reasons. I have this high tolerence to alcohol. I dunno from what, I really don't drink all that often. So I have to drink a lot to even get buzzed. That wouldn't be so bad in itself, but I also have a hellaciously hyperactive metabolism - if I actually drink enough to get roaring drunk, I'll be sober again 3 hours later. Which takes all the fun out of getting drunk. 'Course, I can always start up again, but by that time all my friends are passed out.
Then too, it tends to magnify my hallucinations, and I lose the little control I have over 'em. So I don't drink all that often.
Well, that's my $4.50 on drugs & me.