Opinions: Drugs

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Originally posted by arden
Cigarettes will eventually kill you. People who smoke are addicted from the nicotine, and they often smoke many packs a day. However, cigarettes are legal because they do not significantly alter your current state of mind like marijuana

Being a half-a-pack-per-day smoker (brand: Benson & Hedges American Blend), I back up every single word of this passage.
ebolag4 ~ you have some good points and I am sorry you've seen the bad side of things, and i agree with your view, But as much as I liked drugs at one time I would not criticize you for not try'in it ( maybe thats just me - who knows but I believe strongly in peoples views and don't criticize it because - who is right ? I still question who is right and wrong in our society, religion, state, parents?)- tis not for all. But some have, and have succeeded after the fact. The main point I wanted to make is that even if someone has done or does drugs they still can be successful, in life and with the family. To be honest I have seen alcohol ruin more lives than any illegal drug I know. I assume you may agree.

But I do disagree with people who assert their views on others and give ultimatums concerning - friendship and other. I was going to stay completely out of this subject but after reading about "wdw_ and Ricky" I figured the forum needed another point of view..... Ricky is the type of person I would avoid at all costs --- Kinda like the Jehovah's witness that never leaves your door step and asserts his way is the right way.

But thats my view ...

take care all

acidtuch10: thank you for your comments. (I absolutely agree with you on the alcohol thing.) I'm glad that you've been able to be successful in your life. I wish that for all mankind.

Hopefully I wasn't too overbearing back there. This conversation just came at the wrong time in my life, and I was just too much of a nut to let it pass.
it feels weird being on the same side as habilis for once. I pretty much agree with everthing he said :)

like habilis, i've about done it all. abused quite a bit of it actually. don't do any of it any more except cigs, coffee and tylenol. oh, and sex. :D

i don't recommend to anybody to try any kind of drug for the heck of it until they are at least 18. basically for the reasons that Chem Geek describes. but i think i could probably produce just as many reports saying the opposite of his if i felt like taking the time to hunt them down.

that being said, i don't have any 'problems' now, that i didn't have before i started using drugs. i had more problems while using drugs than before and after. still, i wouldn't trade my past for another one. i like my life and the way it's turned out.

as for the whole ricky/wdw thing, seems like a high school attitude, one you quickly learn won't work in the real world. too many people doing too many things to pick and choose your friends based upon whether or not they do a particular thing. you can't control others. you can only control yourself. either learn to be strong in your own beliefs or change them. or just admit you don't know everything. either way, make your own choices and don't worry about what others choose. you can choose not to get in a car with a driver who has been drinking, but it isn't your call as to whether they should have been drinking in the first place. also, i'm having a hard time deciding how trying pot can influence and corrupt ricky in the process of an online relationship. it's not like wdw is sitting around waving a joint under his nose and saying "try this dude".

more to say when i have more time to say it, but that's my start. drugs aren't something to take lightly. anyone who trys them at any point should learn more about them before hand than just their buddy's recommendation.
Hmm. I think my parents would agree that I should not have friends who do drugs, online or offline. :eek: We'll see how this changes in the future.
This is going to go all over the place

1) rickey, i wouldn't ban ( buddy list) a person because they do drugs, i would ban them if the advertised that they use drugs often in IM conversations . you are your own person and you can do as you please.

2) I personally have never used anything other then prescribed drugs, OTC drugs (Pain relives, Allergy medicine), and caffeine. I will never smoke cigs/pot, drink alcohol, or snort/inject illegal drugs. Every one in my family that i know has been addicted to a drug or alcohol in there life. I believe that if i start taking a drug that i will easily become addicted. I have already seen that with sodas, i get addicted to the caffeine easily and after 3-4 days of drinking a pepsi i will start getting head aches. because of what i have seen, I will not do drugs.

3) I don't care if someone dose drugs as long as they don't offer any to me, use the drug around me, or if i changes their personality a whole lot.

thats my view on drugs
Originally posted by Jet
1) rickey, i wouldn't ban ( buddy list) a person because they do drugs, i would ban them if the advertised that they use drugs often in IM conversations . you are your own person and you can do as you please.

good point of view. i think this applies to lots of things. there are some topics i just don't want to discuss much with some friends because we are worlds apart on them. obviously we discussed them at some point to know how each of us stands. it doesn't ruin our friendship and the things we do have in common as long it doesn't become a running issue. letting somebody know where you stand on something is a matter of trust. not discussing things people don't want to involve themselves in is a matter of respect.

it seems to me that wdw showed a great deal of trust by revealing his experience to you (and now to all of us). at this point rickey, you seem to have not lived up to that trust. i would think that just telling him what your views are would be sufficient. and then if he wants to keep telling you about drugs, you would have reason to disengage. then there would be no respect in the relationship. but that seems unlikely with our friend wdw. he has always been a nice and respectful guy with all of us. personally i hope he waits until he is older before doing any more experiementing with such things, but only he can decide that, not any of us. my guess is he told you because he valued your opinion, not expecting to be given a scarlet letter for trying something once. if you limit your friends to people who have never tryed pot, you're going to be awfully lonely by the time you turn 21 unless the people around you are very different than the ones i have known. when i meet someone over the age of 18, i am more shocked if they haven't smoked pot at least once than if they did. legal or not, marijuana is a part of our culture. i sincerely believe it will be legalized in my lifetime.
Originally posted by Jet
I will never smoke cigs/pot, drink alcohol, or snort/inject illegal drugs.
Don't count your chickens before they hatch.;)
But seriously, good for you. It's not about doing drugs or not doing drugs, it's about making desecions. Nobody should ever force you to do anything you don't want.

Originally posted by edX
it seems to me that wdw showed a great deal of trust by revealing his experience to you (and now to all of us). at this point rickey, you seem to have not lived up to that trust. i would think that just telling him what your views are would be sufficient. and then if he wants to keep telling you about drugs, you would have reason to disengage. then there would be no respect in the relationship. but that seems unlikely with our friend wdw. he has always been a nice and respectful guy with all of us. personally i hope he waits until he is older before doing any more experiementing with such things, but only he can decide that, not any of us. my guess is he told you because he valued your opinion, not expecting to be given a scarlet letter for trying something once. if you limit your friends to people who have never tryed pot, you're going to be awfully lonely by the time you turn 21 unless the people around you are very different than the ones i have known.
I never even talked to Rick about that kind of stuff becasue I knew it would make him uncomfortable. He found out becasue he read the post and then confonted me (you can read the transcript of that confrontaion in Ricky's attachment).

BTW - Some of you people might enjoy the song "Feel Good Hit of The Summer" by Queens of the Stone Age. The entire song is composed of only eight words and trust me, they ain't "Don't do drugs. They will destroy your life";)

Being the same type of chimney as you are,
I (virtually) shake hands with you.

Debauchery people, join us !
Originally posted by ebolag4
Holy Cow!

"alcohol is so socially accepted that it's normally not considered a drug (same with tobacco)" -- mrfluffy

Just because something is socially accepted does not make it automatically safe or morally acceptable. I would hate to live in a world where that was the case.
I never claimed it was safe or acceptable, it just seems to me that most people think any illegal drug is worse than the legal drugs just because of the law on them.
Hmm, here's one for you then, Ed. I'm 25, and I haven't ever done any illegal drugs. ;)

I have good reason though. My body chemistry is already messed up enough. I'm anxious about taking prescribed drugs, they tend to do some weird things to me. Heck if I'm gonna do it on purpose! Even Tylenol affects me - I get all jittery, my heart rate goes up...something akin to speed to me. :D

I hallucinate "naturally" - part of my messed up chemistry. Low key stuff to anyone that actually trips - I see walls breathing, floor looks like it's moving when I'm not, catch weird looking objects in my peripheral vision, every once in a while I see tracers - that sort of thing. I find it highly annoying, though. Plus I have a very overactive and very twisted imagination - I don't think I'd like to see more than I already do. ;)

Pot is probably the only drug I would do - except that I can't stand the way it smells. At all. I start feeling sick if I'm around it too much. I probably have gotten a contact high, though. Lots of my friends smoke it. I usually have to leave the area, though. Kinda funny really, I don't really care if someone smokes it, but I can't be around it 'cause I eventually get sick from it.

I do smoke and drink caffeine, though. My caffeine comes in the form of Dr Pepper - I detest coffee (Down with coffee! :D).

And smoking is purely for pleasure. I seriously am not addicted to it. I'm sure everyone's going to read this and say "Sure, sure"...but it's true. I can go indefinetly without a smoke and not even think of it. I don't get any headaches from not having one. I could quit anytime - but I actually enjoy smoking. Personally, I think I'm not addicted to nicotine because I'm seriously addicted to caffeine (been drinking it since I was 3 - my friends positively believe if you cut me, I'll bleed Dr Pepper), but really it's probably my chemistry actually doing something in my favor for once - maybe I can't get addicted to nicotine. I dunno. It amazes my friends every time I go for a while without smoking and don't even notice it. Heh

And yes, I know the health risks...blah on that. I don't eat "healthy" either. We all go at some time, and it's not like any of us actually know when that is. Any of us could walk out in the street and get hit by a car and die - would having smoked or not smoked matter then? I say enjoy life as you will!

I drink sometimes, but not often. Mainly for a few reasons. I have this high tolerence to alcohol. I dunno from what, I really don't drink all that often. So I have to drink a lot to even get buzzed. That wouldn't be so bad in itself, but I also have a hellaciously hyperactive metabolism - if I actually drink enough to get roaring drunk, I'll be sober again 3 hours later. Which takes all the fun out of getting drunk. 'Course, I can always start up again, but by that time all my friends are passed out. :p Then too, it tends to magnify my hallucinations, and I lose the little control I have over 'em. So I don't drink all that often.

Well, that's my $4.50 on drugs & me. :D
First off let me say that I have never done an illegal drug, never smoke, and I will never drink alcohol. Now as for the whole Ricky and wdw_, I would have to side with Ricky. He doesnt want to talk to anybody that will continue to do drugs, that I feel is his choice and we should respect him for making that choice. If I was in his shoe's I would do the same thing. Taking a drug for your own pleasure isnt good to begin with.
Darkshadow - i would have to agree with your decision. i certainly believe that there are some people who shouldn't do any drugs. you sound to me like you have legitimate reasons to include yourself in that number.

to be very clear - taking any substance is a risk. this can include foods because of allergic reactions. but it is especially true of hallucingenic drugs - or any drugs that work by altering neural transmissions. some people can do it safely. for others, the results are dangerous.

to those who do experiment at some point, let me offer one word of adivice - never try anything for the first time without being in the company of someone you can literally trust with your life. bad things do happen to some people and until you know for sure how any substahnce effects you, use the buddy system.
Originally posted by wdw_
Who here knows Ricky. He moderates this forum. We talk a couple times a week via AIM. Well, he read this thread and we just had a talk. Because I smoked pot ONCE he has blocked me from his buddy list. He does not wish to talk to me anymore. He said it was my choice. He said either I never smoke anything ever again, or we never never speak again. He was nice about it, but I couldn't believe that someone I consider more an acquaintance than friend was asking me to make a choice like that. Since he does moderate this forum he could censor or even delete this post, but I just want to ask if you all think this is fair.
Well, I'm chiming in late on this one, but if a "friend" did that to me, I would quickly snap out of the delusion I was having that he was ever a friend in the first place. On balance you may have some sort of wierd exception, I don't know either of you well enough to really judge.

That totally reminds of when I was 18, I had a very good friend for about 3 years, everything was cool until he found out I wasn't going to college straight of of high school and I wanted to go into art as a profession(I eventually did go a year later to Cleveland Institute of Art), but his father told him I was a "loser". My friend was going to school to become an architect like his strict dictatorial father, and the thinking was that I would somehow rub off on him and corrupt him into the "sleazy loser life I was doomed to lead".
I was completely shunned and he would not answer my calls or call me back. I thought it was rediculous, and it did hurt me, until I realized that a real friend would never do something like that. Perhaps he never viewed me the same way I viewed him. Whatever the reason, I ended up winning that war anyway. He's 29 now, lives at home with mommy and daddy, has no real friends, no girlfriend, in fact he hasn't touched a woman since the end of high school. His father FORCED him into the architecture field, and he's no good at it.
In the end, I was the one that ended up with all the good stuff.
Originally posted by Ricky
Thanks for asking, Adambyte. Let me just take this time out to be perfectly clear. First of all, and I should have said this before, I do not condone illegal use of -any- drug. I was raised to not tolerate it, and it is against my belief system for me to be associated with anyone who abuses a drug or illegally uses a drug. Fear of influence has caused this, as well as a bit of guilt by association.

And just because I don't agree with something someone does does not mean that I am in any way less a friend of them. Of course, if they repeatedly do things I do not agree with/condone, I tend to simply move on without them. Drugs are a different matter, though.

wdw_ is a good person, and I know this. However, with actions come consequences. Using a drug illegally comes with the consequence/risk of being arrested, losing/badly injuring friendships, losing priveliges, and losing trust, particularly from parents, not to mention risks to your health and your body. Many drugs, if thoroughly abused, can leave you dead. Marijuana does not do this, however, dumbing down your brain cells is not good when you're driving a car or you're with your girlfriend. Marijuana makes you more likely to make a bad decision, putting not only yourself, but people around you in a bad position. Alcohol does this as well.

So, I hope that clears up how I feel on the subject. I hope you understand where I'm coming from now.

this is one of the biggest loads of self-richeous bullsh*t i've ever been privy to.

punishing someone because they do something you dont agree with is absurd. especially when it affects you absolutely zero.

also, abandoning someone who may very well need your help is childish and irresponsible. what kind of example are you setting? you mentioned religion i think so ask yourself, "what would JESUS do?"

grow up ricky. you sure have a lot to do. im confident that someday you'll see how immature your actions are.

it is people like you who make others turn to drugs instead of others for support. you alienate them and make them feel ashamed. im not saying this is what happened with wdw_ but it it a very likely scenario and one you should consider in the future.

in anycase, keep up the GREAT work.
So you guys think its ok to break the law. I personally would rather loose one friend than put myself in a position that could get me arrested for something my buddy wants to do for his own stupid pleasure. There are other ways to enjoy yourselfs than go out get high, get trip, or you want to call it.
Originally posted by boneske
So you guys think its ok to break the law. I personally would rather loose one friend than put myself in a position that could get me arrested for something my buddy wants to do for his own stupid pleasure.
Everybody's broken the law. Everybody who has ever downloaded a pirated mp3, piece of software or movie of the internet is breaking the law. Anybody who's ever crossed the street when you weren't supposed to becasue there were no cars coming is breaking the law.

But, if a friend is putting you in a position where you could be arrested then you have a good reason to break off that relasionship.
Everybody breaks the law. But the illegal drugs, or downloading illegal software isnt something to brag about. I know I'm no saint, I've probably broke a few laws in my short life time. But I dont go onto a forum and start bragging about what laws I broke and going to break again, because its ok because I'll turn out ok in the long run.
Originally posted by boneske
So you guys think its ok to break the law. I personally would rather loose one friend than put myself in a position that could get me arrested for something my buddy wants to do for his own stupid pleasure. There are other ways to enjoy yourselfs than go out get high, get trip, or you want to call it.

but if your buddy does it for his own stupid pleasure yet doesnt involve you, then what is the problem?

are you going to quit your job because one of your co-workers smokes pot at home?

as long as it doesnt directly affect you, why make a fuss about it?
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