by acidtuch10:
Its ignorant to say, Well I dont associate with them or troughs people
Because Ill tell ya theyre there weather you know it or not.
I guess it is a good thing that I never said (or implied) such a thing then.
It is more along the lines of the use of pornography. I know it is there, I know that people I know use it, but I've never seen any of them use it, none of them has ever offered it to me, and I have never asked any of them specific questions about their use of it. At the same time (like drugs) I do know that there is an elaborate subculture where people do discuss and use it openly.
by kendall:
1. What made you eat pizza for the first time? ...
2. What motivates you to continue to eat pizza? ...
4. People rarely put much though into where anything comes from, for example, Mc Donalds hamburgers...
(1) Actually the same thing that started me breathing. Pizza is a food. One flavor of many. Food is a requirement, what foods we choose to eat is a taste. Drugs, on the other hand, are not a requirement, so I don't see where the same can be said. Maybe once you have started, then the
flavor could be the same, but not the actual beginning of the usage.
Plus it is universally known that drugs are both illegal and can have grave health effects. Why start something when you know it is going to hurt you?
(2) Again, as a food stuff, pizza doesn't match drugs in motivation. Drugs require (I assume) active measures to obtain. These measures are illegal and therefore (again, I assume) require extra care to avoid the consequences. Pizza is usually my food of choice when I am unwilling to take the extra time to get food that requires more extensive measures to prepare.
(4) When I have been made aware of illegal or unethical (or dangerous) practices by places that prepare food, I usually avoid such places. Dealers of drugs are generally all of those things, yet drug users seek them out.
by toast:
(1) Depression.
(2) I like it.
(3) My drugs are legal.
(4) My drugs dealers are honest shopkeepers.
(5) I do not know neither do I care, BTW.
Interesting, but outside what I was looking for. Thanks anyways.
by wdw_
5. I feel this is the norm.
Thanks for your response. Do you feel it is the norm because
you have done it? That is to say, did you feel outside the norm before doing it? If it had not been done by a majority of your friends, would you have considered it the norm and would you have still done it.