Opinions: Drugs

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I wonder how any of you would feel if you returned to a thread after a couple of days, only to find several messages with flames directed at you.
~For Kendall~
Originally posted by kendall
this is one of the biggest loads of self-richeous bullsh*t i've ever been privy to.
Ho hum.
Originally posted by kendall
punishing someone because they do something you dont agree with is absurd. especially when it affects you absolutely zero.
In what way did I punish wdw_? I just blocked him. I didn't warn him. I didn't flame him. I gave him my point of view and blocked him.
Originally posted by kendall
also, abandoning someone who may very well need your help is childish and irresponsible. what kind of example are you setting? you mentioned religion i think so ask yourself, "what would JESUS do?"
Pretty irrelevant, since I didn't mention religion once.
Originally posted by kendall
grow up ricky. you sure have a lot to do. im confident that someday you'll see how immature your actions are.
And I suppose sending a nasty flame over my decision to block someone is mature. :eek:
Originally posted by kendall
it is people like you who make others turn to drugs instead of others for support. you alienate them and make them feel ashamed. im not saying this is what happened with wdw_ but it it a very likely scenario and one you should consider in the future.
I did not cause wdw_ to turn to drugs. He made this decision because he "wanted know what this high feeling [he]'d heard so much about actually felt like."
Originally posted by kendall
in anycase, keep up the GREAT work.

~For TommyWillB~
Originally posted by TommyWillB
Rickey, I'm glad i don't know you in real life. Obviously that alcolhol related "abuse" did a number on you because you sure are being an a$$!
I guess you misunderstood me when I said "Believe me, I'm a victim of alcohol-related abuse." If you PM me about that I will go into further detail. But since you think of me as an "a$$," I'm fairly sure you don't value what I have to say at all. :mad:

~For Jet~
Originally posted by Jet
1) rickey, i wouldn't ban ( buddy list) a person because they do drugs, i would ban them if the advertised that they use drugs often in IM conversations . you are your own person and you can do as you please.
Thank you for not calling me a name or instructing me what to do/not to do. :)

~For Habilis~
Originally posted by Habilis
Well, I'm chiming in late on this one, but if a "friend" did that to me, I would quickly snap out of the delusion I was having that he was ever a friend in the first place. On balance you may have some sort of wierd exception, I don't know either of you well enough to really judge.
wdw_ said he had considered me more of an acquaintance than a friend, I don't know if you had read that or not. And I felt the same way about him, so...
What is the big deal? Flaming me over blocking someone who smoked pot? Come on now, I thought we had adults here.

Perhaps I was mistaken.
Yes, mistaken is the word.

The only non-adult here is the one stupid enough to block a poor guy who admitted he smoked pot. But that's your choice after all, I mean, being so stupid and childish, that's a way of life, it's yours, that's fine, it's a free country/world.

Feel free to add me after habilis, Jet, Tommy and kendall in your so much adult-like list. Great work Ricky.
I believe that everything (nearly) with moderation is ok, whether it's eating meat, drinking beer, eating candy, smoking tabacco, having too much sex, watching weird movies... that is *with moderation*. (of course it does not apply to havey drugs but anything less)... :rolleyes:

i don't eat meat, and many times it is me that has to explain why i don't, not those that eat it in every meal having to explain why they can't have a meal without. i have my reasons for doing it but i don't like to explain every time it. i do drink sometimes a glass or 2, but equally when there are people that don't drink, i respect them. i'm willing to have a non-alcoholic drink or non-alcoholic glass of wine with them if it makes them feel more accepted (drinking is not a necessity for me to feel good in company, but being forced to eat meat will me break even the 'good' habits if necessary, it's just against me). then, i don't smoke but i understand some do. and when they are out, they like to. due to bad luck with genes, i end up in breathing problems especially in winter when in cold, dry air ... i even exist. so adding to that air people who smoke, i too likely get problems. i don't want to make a noise of it (i am talking about normal cigarettes, just in case it will be clearer) but it has ended to a few embarassing moments.. like going out wiht my cousins in Turin, in a january ... a pub with them and friends: too many people smoking, so i feel bad inside because the smoke in the air makes me breath really badly, and the air outside is so cold it makes me breath badly equally ... both were bad, and i was somehow "antisocial" due to that, the entrance being the most easy place for me (the cleanest air, not sooo cold). and one of the really few times i remmeber i REALLY got angry to someone was when i was in a hospital, to one guy smoking ... i had told him at least 5 times the day before not to smoke INSIDE a hospital, or at least in an other department.. he did not do anything, so continueing smoking in there.. without realizing there were people that were not just visiting, that had problems breathing (okay, this happened in italy if it makes you feel better)... i hate to say "could you please go out to smoke? i have problems breathing in here" but sometimes it's just the thing i should say.. (in winter: i like the summer with the outside bars so at leat the air cicrulates). .. similarly, i do understand those that have other reasons. my cousin does not like to drink ANY alcohol, and i respect her. knowing her story helps to understand it, and i do not expect her to want to explain it to everyone. her dad used to drink too much when she was kid, and she has bad memories about it. ok, i am talking about cigarettes and alcohol .. and the not liking them. the drugs and not liking them can have similar reasons; bad personal memories, or just feeling against them personally-morally .. or whatever.

sometimes having to explain everything 20 times a day gets tiring ... "drugs" is a wide concept, and anything (sports, internet, not eating, alcohol, cigarettes, hash, coca, etc any drug, sex etc) creating dependencies can be seen as a drug ... i don't like even the excessive use of medicines, but sometimes there is no choise. medicines are drugs as well, even when we are prescribed to them and not as our choises. so i can be as anti-drugs as i want to be, but still rely on steroides to breath at all... and those _are_ drugs. i _do_ breath as long as i am here, and it's not always thanks to my miserable lungs... maybe it is just my way to understand all the other dependancy making habits and substances as drugs, but i definitelly classify steroides as drugs, thus i'm an addict (i chose to live= to be one?) ... :rolleyes: ..
ok, this is me closing this thread because Ricky is right - this type of personal attacks are not to be tolerated here. by anyone. so just chill and maybe i'll open it up next time i am near a computer which won't be for a couple of days at least. :(

and maybe i won't.
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