I was recently given a beige G3 tower with OS.10.2 installed on it. The colleague I received it from had wiped the hard drive and reinstalled 10.2 but forgot to reinstall OS 9.2.1. He sent me the OS 9.2.1 CD but it will not install by holding down the C key as the computer starts up. The OS 9 computer icon does come on as though OS 9 is starting up but then the screen goes black. If I continue to hold down the C key it will try again but the same thing happens. Once I let go of the C key the computer starts up in OS X. I have been reading some of the macosx dialogues that discuss similar situations and have tried checking for OS-9 drivers but the box in the erase section of disk utilities is not checked (it is also grayed out). There is an icon on the desktop the at says "Desktop (Mac OS-9)" but when I click on it I get a box that says "The alias "Desktop (Mac OS-9)" could not be opened because the original item cannot be found"
The question is, is there a way to install the OS-9.2.1 operating system from the disk that I have?
The question is, is there a way to install the OS-9.2.1 operating system from the disk that I have?