OS X.2 What do YOU want??

I've gotta do this once more. It's too much fun. This time really sorted by importance...

1) Spring loaded folders (we've seen this in 6B11 screenshots) that work as expected also in Column view.

2) Improved Column view. I need the History icons back from OpenStep. Also better 'tab' key and other keyboard support in Column view.

3) Dock improvement. I don't really care how Apple does it, but the Dock must be cleaner and more refined. Also a preference to get rid of the jumping icons. If a user wants to be annoyed, he can switch to Windows XP. It'll tell him what he wants to do ('You seem to be looking for home networking settings...').

4) 'PowerUser' support. Dock and Finder must be replaceable by third party applications like DragThing and Snax as a system preference. A Mac poweruser doesn't have to be a console cowboy. In many cases those are two completely different kinds of powerusers.

5) Platinum theme, although I love Aqua. Platinum for OS 9ers. That'll make them switch. I *DON'T* want an API for third party schemes, because I already see my coworkers stop working again because of all those funny themes that distract them like a Donut store would Homer Simpson.

6) Better documentation. I want the 'missing book' series to be obsolete. I want a 300 page book that helps first time users (plus Mac OS 9ers) as well as powerusers (not the UNIX variant).

7) Implement WindowShade as an option. Sometimes, the 'complicate' looking things help me doing my work. WindowShade was one pro feature that made my life in Photoshop easier. Now it's more like Windows. And what good are miniaturisations of windows in a Dock with 20 items (and thus 32px icons)?

8) Labels. Was that a System 7 feature or was it available in System 6 also? I don't know, it's been SUCH A FUCKING LONG TIME THAT I'VE USED AND LOVED THEM. :)
Originally posted by fryke
Also a preference to get rid of the jumping icons. If a user wants to be annoyed, he can switch to Windows XP.

That isn't hard :p
Go to the dock prefs in System Preferences and uncheck "Animate opening applications" :)
I want a bunch of the stuff that was mentioned before, although I won't repeat it except the scheduled startup/shutdown.

But ONE THING that has not been mentioned:

I want to be able to name printers that only show up as an IP address in the printers list.
Originally posted by ksv

That isn't hard :p
Go to the dock prefs in System Preferences and uncheck "Animate opening applications" :)

No, that doesn't disable the jumping icon when an App needs your attention. In the next build, it is rumoured that in Universal Access, you can change the jumping icon (if the dock is disabled and you can't hear) to a flashing screen. I will enable this for sure, since I hate the jumping icons. Flash the screen once and I know something has news for me and I will care about it.

I recently started to dig myself deeper into OS X, beeing a professional Windows Programmer for quite some time now, I thought I could also make the jump to my favourite system ;) The first thing I searched was if it is possible to tell the system to minimize the windows to another Application. If I take a look at what's going on when the dock is running, it is taking care about minimized windows. So theoretically, if Apple releases some kind of SDK for this, it should be possible to write an application which can take over these functions, so you can disable the dock and minimize windows into another app.

I love the dock, but I have to admit that is due to my display! As you can see, I am running a Cinema Display, at the moment with a 17'' Apple Studios Display (the old CRT version) on the right for panels, browsers etc. and a 14'' portrait monitor on the left for console, terminal, free disk space, process viewer etc. On a Cinema Display, the dock is great, but I noticed when I am working on my Cube, which mainly works as a 4D, Mail and Fileserver here, I have to admit even on the 17'' Studio TFT Display, the Dock is not as good as on the gigantic Cinema Display, so Apple really should release some kind of Dock SDK, so programmers can write their own "dock".

What I'd like to see is of course Virtual Desktops, spring loaded folders and a fix of dozens of bugs. Plus free disk space in the title bar etc. All those small gadgets which made file management in OS 8 and 9 so great.
I'd like to see another thing in the dock: Not only customizable divider lines so I can visualy group my apps without placing some stupid placeholder-app-icon in it. Also, I thought about a cascading dock! Sure, you can drop a folder in there and right-click it to get the Aliases in it, but I'd like to have the option to make this a special "dock"-folder, which spawns a second dock from this folder. Or just give me up to three docks, bottom, left, right, so I can store my URLs in one, the windows in another and the Apps in the last.

Give me this, and I am even more happy with OS X ;)
Plus free disk space in the title bar etc. All those small gadgets which made file management in OS 8 and 9 so great.
I'd like to see another thing in the dock: Not only customizable divider lines so I can visualy group my apps without placing some stupid placeholder-app-icon in it. Also, I thought about a cascading dock! Sure, you can drop a folder in there and right-click it to get the Aliases in it, but I'd like to have the option to make this a special "dock"-folder, which spawns a second dock from this folder.

There is already a way to see the free disk space: Open a window, and click the view menu, then click "Show Status Bar" and there ya go!!

I love the idea of have multi-docks! You could have one dock come up out of an icon like an upside down "T" that would be cool!!:D
Originally posted by JohnnyV

There is already a way to see the free disk space: Open a window, and click the view menu, then click "Show Status Bar" and there ya go!!

"How could I miss those, baby?" Seriously, since when do we have this little thingy? That's sweet ;)
"How could I miss those, baby?" Seriously, since when do we have this little thingy? That's sweet 

I noticed it in 10.1, but it might have been there before. I was really miffed at Apple for not including this feature, and thought they hadn't included it. So I did some searching, and finally found it!!:D Come on be a little more observant!! j/k;)
Not in public beta!!!

Seriously, I remember people talking about this feature when OS X was released, how they missed it etc. and how you only can use "Info" to get the free space on the disk....

Observant? Well, I should have been. But since OS X 10.0, I always have a self updating terminal window with "df -k" on one of my displays running ;)
so I just forgot about this since I fixed it for myself.
I want EVERY feature from os9 and the system 7 days. Seriously, this is mac os 10. 10>9, right? well it allready is, but there are numerous things missing.

Also, I think apple has been very lazy about this - a Cocoa finder. Notice, when you open new windows in the finder, the thread count for the finder doesn't increase. (but when you control-click it does... odd I agree). Basically, dual processor fans can be assured that while working in the finder, only one processor is used ;-)

I mean, this is almos as bad as system 7. I think os 8 had a multithreaded finder. Os X just tries to appear that way, but it definately isn't.

COME ON APPLE!!! Apple created the TruBluEnviroment alonge with Carbon to insure that developers would make the switch (this is why Raphosdy failed - no backward compatability). Apple, catch up, ok? Its YOUR os, so lets see it use YOUR Cocoa tech, ok?

PS: Apple, osx rocks, don't get me wrong!
The icon in the finder toolbar for "computer" has to change!! It's an icon of an old-style iMac..

But somehow I can't see a new style iMac icon being right either???
Perhaps they should allow you to theme the icons (without having to hack into the resource forks :D).
I want the Favourites button back in Mail.app compose windows. It was there in Mail1.0 - pulled the favourites list from AddressBook..

And I want the option of AddressBook _NOT_ remembering every address I write too...