OS X.2 What do YOU want??

Originally posted by fryke
8) Labels. Was that a System 7 feature or was it available in System 6 also? I don't know, it's been SUCH A FUCKING LONG TIME THAT I'VE USED AND LOVED THEM. :) [/B]

Amen! jeezus... they just make charting your progress in a project or job so well! ( i.e. not done, high priority = red )

I miss them so.
Here is what I would like:

1.) Change the smiling computer icon at startup ( this is probably built into the hardware itself but I would like a change since they have had this ever since the first mac )
2.) Better clipboard support. When I try copying a picture from a classic application it will a lot of times not show up on the clipboard in OS X and vise versa.
3.) I would also like an option in the startup disk panel to search for other hds. Sometimes all I want to do is restart into OS 9 but I have to wait for it to finish searching. A button labeled "search..." would do it.
4.) Better startup disk changing support. The ability to startup with the option key and choose a hard disk is nice but I would like it if they would support multiple OS's on the same partition.

The above mentioned and also others listed by people are what I want

Have a great day!

Originally posted by martinatkinson
Here is what I would like:

1.) Change the smiling computer icon at startup ( this is probably built into the hardware itself but I would like a change since they have had this ever since the first mac )


:D :D :D

Another I'd like to see again is folder synchronisation. There are 3rd party apps which can do this, but I'd like that it is merged into the system software.
Actually, the smiling mac is in the system, not the hardware. I tried to hack the OS 9 system file and change out that smiling mac, but I've never got it to work.
Bah, no, I think the classic startup mac is cool, hehe, what would you like instead? :)
A flat-panel iMac? haha :p
* samba and ftp built into the finder
* better scsi support:
my zip is my old scsi perif that works under X
- high priority
+ RAM disk would be cool, but a lower priority
* virtual/multiple desktops (not like Space0.7)
+ XML tools
+ more XML
+ XML based multiple copy/paste functionality
(like copyPaste, but then apple always pro 3rdParty)
again, low priority
* file labels (XML based?)
* Window Shading, Spring Loaded Folders, and many
other os9 advanced, matured gui details that have
been "lost in the move". - high priority
* I hear that early 10.2 betas aren't showing the
beachball as often. That would be vnice
(ie. more SPEED)
+ configurable & programmable contextual menus
- I absolutely LOVE DropDrawers. Justa plug...

I don't know what could be in place of the smiling mac, I like it but for one thing it is getting old and for the other it is hard to tell which OS I am booting into when both have the same greeting.

I also think it would be cool if incorporated into Disk Utility was more features like SystemWorks, TechTool and Drive 10. For one thing disk defragging and better diagnostics. It would also be cool if, like rebuilding the desktop, there was a key sequence held at startup to defrag the hard drive.

Also, Mail needs more features. More like Outlook Express ( news reader and other things all in one package ) I also used to be able to create accounts with just a name and email ( for sending emails to other people with a different name and address ) I can not do this in Mail since it keeps hitting me asking for passwords and stuff, I also can not use the same password in two accounts. Apple did a great job but I am half tempted to go to Microsoft's email app in Office v.X until more features are implemented. Of course, system features and improvements are more important to me then a little bit of inconvenience with Mail.

I think thats it!

Have a great day!

1. The ability to add SMB-based file shares to the keychain.
2. The ability to image drives to more than one computer (a la Norton Ghost) using Disk Copy.
I want better Mac to Mac networking. I was trying to connect to another OS X machine, and couldn't get either to recognize the other (everything was set right, trust me;) ) over a cross-over cable. Once I put the IP address in it worked fine, but the average user wouldn't be able to figure this out (I'm guessing):rolleyes:
Oh, almost forgot this one:

I would like a better back button. For example if you have a window with like 50 folders and you scroll down and open one of them that is in the middle of the list it will open it in the same window. When you push the back button it jumps back to the top of the last page. It would be nice if it could remember the scroll bar position so it would take you back to exactly where you were when you opened the last folder.

Have a great day!

These are the things I'd wish for...

1) a decent ATI Rage Pro driver for my PowerBook G3 (Lombard)

2) Give me back a way to better force quit an app, instant response none of this [command]-[option]-[escape]-[wait]-[spinning-cursor]-[wait].

Look at Window's ctrl-alt-delete, or the shell's ctrl-c. I mean even OS 9 down had the option of MacsBug which allowed you to instant take control of the machine down to assembly programming - I want that, atleast give me a way to instantly open up a session for the can't be forced quitted programs, like games which take over the screen resulting in rebooting for no reason. I'd prefer a shell prompt anyday as oppose to the force quit window - kinda Kernel Panic Mode screens, ones in which draws right on top of Aqua!, To some may not like it but I'd bet it be faster. And yes I know you can ssh to the stalling computer, but sometimes that doesn't even work.

3) I want the alerts/warnings to speak again like in OS 9.
in the force quit dialog....

i wish that it would list the status of app, similar to Windows "Not Responding" feature. That way you could tell if the app truly was locked up or if it was just being a bit sluggish.
A preference so I can use [Shift] for noncontiguous multiple selection and [Command] for contiguous selection, like in MacOS9, rather than the other way around (like in Windows). I get the impression Apple changed this so Windows converts would fell more at home. I happen to think that [Shift] for noncontiguous selection is better, as noncontiguous selection is used more often and the [Shift] key is bigger (and thus easier to find and press). (Not to mention the fact that I'm just used to using [Shift]).

<< Yes, I know it's a little thing, but the bigger things have already been mentioned. >>
And the ability to organize the Dock like is possible with the Finder toolbar. So I can use, like, 3 separators with apps in one section, documents/folders in another, and minimized stuff in a third, with the Trash in a fourth section all by itself. (Or better yet, put the Trash on the desktop, it belongs with the HDD's/removable media and not minimized windows.)
And an Aqua interface for Cron (call it the Timer or something)...

And an interface for server clustering in OS X Server (I understand Apple has kick-*ss clustering technology, and they just haven't built an interface yet)...
Speaking of OS X Server...

Here's what I would like:

1) go back to the non-opengl non-aqua interface of OS X Server 1.0. Who needs an extremely fancy GUI on a pure-server OS?

2) Build GUI tools for everything. Like apache config, DNS, etc. Most mac users who are considering using mac os x server don't know how to use vi.

3) Stability. Rumor has it that mac os x server has some major stability probs.

4) Just for Mac OS X Server, how about some *real* server computers? I mean the +20 processor ones with three 220v outlet lines. Like what Sun has had for years.

honestly, who is going to take a macintosh-based server solution seriously? Current Mac OS X Server-ready computers still use PC-133 ram. WTF? And, ata/66 drives. What a joke. (Yes I know you can get scsi... still.... why even bother with ata/66?).

Besides, Apple doesn't currently make a rack-mount server (although the 'G-Rack', rack ears for g4 computers is an option from a third party).

Apple, get it together. The real server world uses industry-standard scalable solutions. Rack mounted or refigerator sized. Not mini-towers with GeForce 2mx graphics cards.

Just my $.02. I've never admin'd a mac os x server enviroment before, just read about it.