I use XP at work (along with 98/ME/NT/2K). This to me reflects classic XP:
I like to keep all my desktops as clean as possible. When I installed Acrobat on my XP box it put a shortcut on the desktop. It is the only shortcut on my desktop. I never use it, but I've been meaning to delete it...
One fine day, XP warns me that my desktop could use a little cleaning up. I was going to cancel the warning, but I thought, maybe this is the sort of thing that people who like XP think about when they talk about XP. SO I click on the icon and I get this wizard....
The wizard takes me throught 6 screen doing assorted things like putting up a looong explanation of what it is going to do, giving me a list of desktop icons and the last time I used them, etc., etc....
so I go through the wizard and click on all the screens and what do I end up with? A folder on my desktop with a name like "Cleaned up items from the desktop." This folder contains the acrobat shortcut I've been meaning to delete. *arrrgh!*
That really reflects what XP will be like... You kind of think why do I bother, but you do it any way and at the end just want to kick yourself for wasting time doing something that is supposed to help you but doesn't get you any further ahead than you were...
MacOSX is nothing like XP and it is certainly not heading in that stupid, you-are-too-mentally-deficient-to-even-know-when-you-should-delete-your-desktop-icons way.