yesss folks, it rocks....
Finder: to say the least, it doesn't get any faster.
Os 9.2 was made for os 10.1, photshop is as fast in the classic as if booted in the original...
the cool sound up/down buttons work cool now any when you press them, a little screen pops up that shows you the volume (couldn't take screenshot)
And, this is a big one, at least for me

ALL aps start up faster, usually a few seconds 1-5 more for bigger ones of course.
The apple colour in the aple menu has been changed to a lighter more "Aqua" color.
Explores is as fast as in 9.2.
Carbon apps work better as far as i know, (didn't do extensive testing)
The login menu has changed and as if the old one wasn't cool enough! The new one rocks ass, it shows u the avalable users, and when you select one it >shifts over beside a pasword type in field! it's so hype, and you can customise it further if you don't like that.
Dock, many otions, i like this, options are good.
And hey, this is neat, i'm not shure if it was available before but i just found out now: if you hide the dock, and a application needs your attention, it bounces like a ball at the bottom of the screen, its funny especially with the happy finder icon, it looks like a child trying to peek over a fence!
well, that's it for now, i also saw a burn icon in the > customize toolbars in the finder prefs, didn't try it but maybe finder burning is available...
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