OSX 10.1 review by: vic

But for some reason (I do not know why) that does not *always* work. So to avoid confusion it's better to just open a new term window (I mean come on how easy is it to open a new window :)
Really? It always works for me. I don't have a problem with opening a new window, of course. I sometimes don't feel like cd'ing back to where I was, though.
who knows. when I was trying to do that, my system was pretty FUBAR after a few failed installs of Xwin. also you can cut'n'paste your path :)
Hey guys,

Where can I get 10.1... I just can't wait anymore!!!
I could FTP it, I'm on a fast connection.

That would be sooooo nice!

Originally posted by bobburton
Hey guys,

Where can I get 10.1... I just can't wait anymore!!!
I could FTP it, I'm on a fast connection.

That would be sooooo nice!


I have 5G64 on my FTP server now.
Login/Pass music/download
Enjoy! Let me know if the download or something doesn't work.

I finally managed to get it installed today. The only problems I have had with it so far is whenever I try to open an installer (such as the Kensington MouseWorks installer or the Pitbull Pro update) the installer quits unexpectedly, and print center quits unexpectedly when I try to add a printer. Granted, the printer I have is unsupported, but still... Anyone know how to get the AirPort thing out of the menu bar when I don't need it?
not a totally bad review, but some faults i have found in the 5g64 build.

the new speedy columns view is fast and great, but if 'spread ' to two columns only, the icon shortcuts above the columns dont always work. you have to get your re-sizing just right.

you also have to click on the file/folder and not next to it (like you could in 10.0.4) to move it.

Explorer is a lot faster but has quit on me 4 times so far, just trying to search on a website.

the apple+? shortcut to the help menu still doesn't work.

changing to network time tab in the date&time tab stall for a long time-30+secs.

the trash still appears empty on login and requires a click to show as full.

Now, before i get flamed, i know some of these seem trivial, but this is only after spending half a day with the new X, and some are very important. it feels like i've got a really fast new car, only the steeriings got a lot of give.

There are a lot of good things about the new build, said to be the final, but there are still problems, some new.
I hope that this isn't the final build, as a lot of these problems really should have been sorted by now.

here's looking forward to the replies....
Originally posted by brodie
I hope that this isn't the final build, as a lot of these problems really should have been sorted by now.

It is the final build. Apple are in duplication and will announce 10.1 tomorrow.
Admiral, i know you're looking for greek, i found under"TextEncodings" - "GreeckEncodings.bundle" is that something you are looking for?
Originally posted by free&unmuzzled

System Preferences->Network->Airport

BTW, did 10.1 delete all your dock extras?:eek:

Thanks. And no, all my dock extras (Snard, Audion Dock, weatherling, etc) are intact.
i clean installed 10.1 and fiound no dock extras. where did they go? i assume that apple sees no need for them now with the new menu shortcuts, but we need them, i extracted mine from the 10 CD.
Originally posted by brodie
i clean installed 10.1 and fiound no dock extras. where did they go? i assume that apple sees no need for them now with the new menu shortcuts, but we need them, i extracted mine from the 10 CD.

Yes, I was referring to the Apple dock extras like Battery Level and Airport. I think they went during the part of the install where the progress feedback text said "Deleting Obsolete Files"! :(

I too copied them back from another machine running 10.0.4. They work fine. Hate the menuthings. Removed them all. They even messed up menu bar clock for me.
Originally posted by free&unmuzzled
Hate the menuthings. Removed them all. They even messed up menu bar clock for me.

Really? I just love the menulings, they take so little space and are really nice to look at. Wasting dock space for that is just stupid!

Anyway, it's nice to hear that the docklings still work although I will never use them again (why would I?) ;)
Does the anti-aliasing control effect all the text on the screen including the menu bar? I dislike the look of the anti-aliasing on my iBook and Pismo displays.

Can anyone post a screenshot?
as in os 9 you can choose wht size the antialiasing starts from. you can set a higher sixe than 9 if you want...
Originally posted by vic
as in os 9 you can choose wht size the antialiasing starts from. you can set a higher sixe than 9 if you want...

Could you please set the point size to its maximum and then post a screenshot on your site.
