OSX 10.5 "Sabertooth"


Continuing on a theme of cats, why not the badest of them all to duke it out with Longhorn?
(of course this isn't official, but I think it would make for a pretty cool name)
nah, i would go with Lion or Liger ::ha:: thats what i'm waiting for OS X 10.9 Liger

Make Napolean Dynamite happy!
Save the best for last. Lion should be used for version 10.9. :)

The Sabertooth is extinct so even though it's a cool sounding name I don't think it'll work for OS X. ::alien::
Ligers are freaks of nature that are way too big for their own good. So unless 10.5 is going to require 2 gigs of RAM and a 3GHz dual-core CPU (y'know, like Longhorn), I just don't think Liger would be a fitting name. :P And I don't think the image of a monster that's literally ancient history is much better, personally.

They shouldn't have rushed to something so pedestrian as Tiger so soon. Cougar would've made a good name (and, IIRC, they got it trademarked), but it'd seem too much like a step down from "Tiger", so I don't think it's an option anymore. I think it's Lion or nothing for 10.5, and then they need to find a new theme.

I nominate pastries. Everyone loves Mac OS X Pie!
Mikuro said:
Ligers are freaks of nature that are way too big for their own good.
I think you're being a little harsh. Ligers are a cross breed of Tigers and Lions. People made them breed, but out in the wild that would never happen.

They're "freaks" of nature because they were engineered by Man. So watch where you put the blame.
ok. how can it be that a hunting killing machine is TOO big? tell me what an 8-foot long tiger can do that a 12-foot liger can't??? (they get to 900 pounds. that's 400 kilos!!!)
To me it should go 10.5 lion and 10.6 liger. But liger does sound like a weak name even though thats one powerful cat. Maybe it will be 10.5 Lion and then we switch to birds.. ;)
We probably won't hear much about 10.5 in the coming months, anyway. Apple wants developers to concentrate on Tiger. And that's a good move, too. If 10.5 comes in this new 1.5 year cycle Apple's been touting, we're looking at a release at the end of 2006 (when Longhorn comes around). So it might just be that we won't hear much about it until WWDC 2006.
Sabretooth? I can't wait until Marvel Comics decide to sue on this one.

I vote for Ocelot. Lion should come out when Longhorn comes out.
10.5 will come out when Longhorn comes out, gerbick. Unless you were being sarcastic and meant that Longhorn will never come out. Or at least some more years later than (now) expected.
There are plenty of other good big cats.

We've had Puma, Cheetah, Jaguar, Panther, Tiger. There's still Lynx, Bobcat, Cougar, Ocelot, Lion, etc., etc.

Sabretooth is always bad because it's spelled differently in European and U.S. English.
Pengu said:
ok. how can it be that a hunting killing machine is TOO big? tell me what an 8-foot long tiger can do that a 12-foot liger can't??? (they get to 900 pounds. that's 400 kilos!!!)
Easy: hunt enough food to sustain itself. The Liger's unnatural size would make it very hard to survive in the wild, because it requires insane amounts of food to keep going. I imagine it wouldn't be as fast as a Tiger, either, which would make hunting even a reasonable amount of food more difficult.

Mother nature knows her stuff — there's a reason normal cats have inhibitor genes.

P.S. I watch way too much Animal Planet. :)
texanpenguin said:
There are plenty of other good big cats.

We've had Puma, Cheetah, Jaguar, Panther, Tiger. There's still Lynx, Bobcat, Cougar, Ocelot, Lion, etc., etc.

Sabretooth is always bad because it's spelled differently in European and U.S. English.

but tiger is the biggest of all the cats (yes, i know, natural ones). and the lion is the king of the animal kingdom. so anything else would be a step backward - name me a technology company that wants to promote an image of back-pedalling...? what a silly thread.

i still like MacOSX birds - 10.6 Pidgeon