OSX 10.6, no audio on internet


My client has a brand new iMac running OSX 10.6.2. I'm having her run software updates as we speak. As of a couple of days ago, she can no longer get audio through the internet. She just signed up for Pandora (http://www.pandora.com/), couldn't get streaming radio, nor can she receive audio from YouTube or AOL video streaming. I checked the sound preferences, she's using SoundSticks as her audio output (Apple speaker system, dated, but works). Everything looks fine in audio preferences. iTunes works fine. Please advise, I'm in earnest as my client uses video and sound in her research work.
This issue was up for several days, I was able to solve my problem myself by simply Googling until I had successful search criteria to find the answer. I light of my method of fixing the problem, I'm not terribly impressed by this tech support porthole. Sorry.
What do you want for free? We are volunteers trying to help eachother out. If someone knows an answer they will tell you. I would encourage anyone to use Google before coming here so we don't sit here and rehash something that will bring up 10,000 results. Don't let the virtual door hit you in the a&* on your way out..
Really wasn't necessary to be rude and swear. Good grief. Interesting how you answered my last reply in a few minutes. Because you claim that most issues are answered in 24 hours and my post was 3 days old was the only reason I said what I said. If you hadn't, I wouldn't have had those expectations. You probably don't want to hear this, but if you want to help out on a tech site, you may want to think about treating people nicer, at least lose the pseudo profanity.
There are two sections to this website: the tech support site, which has dedicated volunteers that typically answer questions in 24 hours, and the forum site (this place right here) which is staffed by nothing but volunteers no different than yourself.

If a staffed volunteer from the tech support side simply doesn't know the answer to your question, your query will typically be moved into the forum area such that other people can lay their eyes on your problem and see if they can help.

The forum members never claim to answer anything in any amount of time. If someone knows the answer and feels like helping, they will, otherwise, they won't. A good rule of thumb is that if you, yourself, are not willing to read through problems and offer assistance, then it would be out of line for you to expect others to do the same. It's a give-and-take place, not a take-and-take place.

And, as always, you get what you pay for. ;) This place is free and helps hundreds of people with thousands of problems every day. Is your problem one of those that gets solved? Only time and patience will tell. Sometimes it takes only a minute, sometimes a day, sometimes several days, and sometimes never. If your problem is pressing and in dire need of solving by a certain deadline, you would be better off paying a professional to diagnose and troubleshoot your problem, not expecting a free tech support forum to do it for you then complaining that it didn't get solved in an acceptable amount of time.

Your first post says it was posted at around 9:00am (CST, I believe) today. That tells me that you submitted your question to the tech support side of the website a few days ago, someone mulled it over, came to a dead-end, then transferred your question to the forum area to see if any volunteers know the answer. Is this what happened? If so, we've been able to have knowledge of your problem for just one and a half hours so far, not a couple of days. We on the forum cannot see the questions you submit to the tech support side -- only the questions that are posted in the forum.
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A good rule of thumb is that if you, yourself, are not willing to read through problems and offer assistance, then it would be out of line for you to expect others to do the same. It's a give-and-take place, not a take-and-take place.

+1. So maybe instead of just complaining about how rude and unhelpful we are. Why don't you just try to offer what you found as a solution on Google to help the OP and redeem yourself?

Anyway, back on topic now. To the OP does the system have sound otherwise? Did you try zapping PRAM/NVRAM buy turning on and holding command+option+P+R until it maybe chimmed 2-3 times?

EDIT: Sorry thought someone else was the OP and didn't have a solution..
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Not even an hour and half, but 37 minutes before the first insult. To top it off, OP has yet to share the fix s/he found--maybe helping others.

You can either be a part of the problem or a part of the solution.
I think it's moot at this point -- I think the original poster simply had a misunderstanding of how this website works. The dichotomy between the tech support side and the forum side can be confusing, not to mention tech volunteers moving posts from tech support into the general forum area without notification to the original poster can feel like the poster is being ignored (rather than normal processes taking place).

Once understood, it makes sense, but for a first-timer, I can understand the frustration.

Hopefully they'll be back and understand exactly how this place works. I think they'd find it immensely helpful if the unrealistic expectations (free tech support without reciprocation, "something for nothing", etc.) are better understood as to exactly why they're unrealistic.
now that everyone is done bickering i was just wondering if anyone had actually found a resolution to this issue or what the resolution you had found was, I know this is a forum and I get that things take time but when I am having this issue and google searching for a fix, which brings me here for an answer and leaves me at a forum thread thats just bickering instead of helping its pretty annoying, so at that, where or what was the answer to this issue?