OSX x86 leaked?

Piracy or not. OS X on intel is leaked and they making progress. I still see the ponit of not pirating, but hey this isn't a perfect world and it's happening like it or not. But it's still interesting that people are getting far with this. Check this out. A installer guide.
I hope this is OK to put up on the forums. http://grabberslasher.no-ip.com/macosx/
They haven't been able to get to the gui because of grahics drivers. It's still impressive they getting this far with it. Anyways it's slowly happening and people are going to run it. It isn't a bad thing because it's still showing people the power os x. No matter if it isn't legit or not. I mean wouldn't it be piracy if you viewed os x without even owning a mac?!! Not that would be a scary world. It's a developer's copy people, which means if it's cracked tomorrow and leaks well people are not going to run it for that long. I mean you really can't update it. So in the long run it doesn't matter all that much.
I think we're in nitpicking mode right now. I'm really just throwing out a very general opinion based on the premise that "More OS X to More People Equals Good". I'm not saying it's a good business strategy to actually make it an official policy to let cracked versions get around. I'm not encouraging piracy either. I stick to my original premise, which in and of itself simply states that a few extra copies of OS X in the hands of Windows users can only elighten them. At worst, they will be uninspired and "we're" no worse off. Obviously, there's a point of diminishing returns and you can fight amongst yourselves as to where that point is.

A phrase that comes to mind is, try before you buy.
As a post from the first page of posts, I think Apple may have released it - good thing they made it "viral" as they call it, cause if people are installing it, it'll just become unusable anyways. Maybe it'll convert more Windows users to Mac. They get a taste, and want to come back for more. - Reminds me of Coyote ugly where what's her name was using Logic Pro making her music on an iMac (or was it an eMac... don't remember).