OK... This is getting nowhere but I have to say this:
PCs DO suck!
Why? Because:
-No matter how fast they are after some time (6 months at the most) they start to act strange (yes, including the Windows XP)... and yes they need doctoring (checking/fixing disks, defrag, check/fix registry, etc.)
funny my pc has been running for about 3 years now, from windows 98, ME, 2000 and XP Pro, i have yet to run into my computer just destroying itself after 6 months, yes i do doctor, i take care of my computers, i take care of my mac in the same way, and i take care of the labfull of macs as well in the same way, its called preventive maintanence
-Multitasking on a PC? A PC running Windows (any version)? You joking right? You cannot be sure that you job will be completed doing the following stuff at the same time: Downloading stuff, browsing the internet, listening to the music, playing a video clip, watching a DVD, burning a CD, encoding a DVD, have other apps doing their things in the background... More often that the PC powers users would like or admit for that matter, the PC will freeze, crash, damage the CD/DVD or simply chose not to obey at what its user wants to do!
im surprised you can do all that on a mac, i cant do all that on my mighty quicksilver without anything missing a beat, and i cant do that on my pc either, oh and im surprised YOU can watch a video clip, play music and watch a dvd all at the same time while you are working dling files and browsing the internet, thats pretty amazing in itself
lets get real, how about doing thins while burning a cd? well in my experience, osx splits up program priority and when you are burning something, the priority is usually the highest for it, thus no crap burns (or few, cause i have had a few) but everything else is rather slow, it works much the same way in windows xp
-Windows included apps are useless compared to Jaguar's apps
i think the newest version of windows media player is pretty useful, it plays my music and movies, has play lists for music, has net radio etc, i tunes has better visualizations, and playlist management, quicktime is a very good simple tool as well, but over all i do agree that apple includes some pretty good apps with its system, most of which you can find a windows equal IMO
oh and they definately arent useless, otherwise they wouldnt be there
-Windows network tools are plain dumb! Only on Pro versions they are somewhat worthy compared to Jaguar's
im not super up to date on networking stuff, but i find that putting two pcs on the same network is easier than doing stuff between two macs on the same network, and being able to control shares etc is much easier in windows, i dont know, do you like setting up samba? or for that matter using the terminal to either?
but over all i think they are fairly equal in that sense, its a big improvement from apple over the classic os's of past
-Basic Windows functions like browsing your computer, copying/moving files, etc. are dumb! Since when must a user open a window JUST to see what disks, etc. his/her system has?
just dumb? i have no valid argument for that
so mac users dont have to open windows or anything to see their files and disks? this is new to me
if you are talking about spring loaded folders though, you have a point, thats a feature i would like to see on windows, and guess what i got it via a 3rd party app so im fine
-Multiprocessor support in Windows? Yes ONLY if a user buys the Pro versions!!!
dont know much about this, but that seems like that would be false, but i dont know, can you point me to this fact? thanks
-Managing multiple apps in windows? Did you ever tried to teach anyone that all those "buttons" on the taskbar ARE NOT active apps but are TSR applications, quick launch items AND the apps that are currently open?
-Explorer.exe: This name by itself gives me the creeps! How many times a Windows user faces a message in a month telling him/her that explorer.exe caused an illegal thing... Please someone call the police!
i havent seen the illegal operation since the msdos kernal days
compare it to the classic mac bomb
-Install/Deinstall apps in Windows? Only if you have a degree in puzzle solving! I'm sure that I am not the only one that uninstalled an app in windows only to find out that my app didn't completely deinstalled!!!
control panel > add/remove programs
it will remove everything except for some preference files and the what not
in mac world, there is generally no uninstall program, and where there is, the preference files are usually still around within the system
-Windows stability compared to Jaguar's? This one ALWAYS makes me laugh! Yes you can compare the two only if all you do is run 1-2 apps a day...
well then laugh away, my pc runs just as smoothly and reliably as my mac, i guess my mac must have a problem
-Windows appearance: This one is REALLY funny! Because M$ cannot produce a nice UI they copy WindowsBlinds skin technology just to create the... HumanTasteBlinds! While one can say that Jaguar stands in his/her way of changing schemes at least he/she CAN'T deny that Aqua is ultra-cool!
i enjoy the silver luna theme, it looks good, while not being too gaudy with eye candy
i wish osx allowed specific control over effects, so i use duality to use a nonstripped version of aqua
aqua to me is too much eye candy
and this argument is soley based on opinions, so you are right with this one
-Mac is the best just because it has the Columns view (HA HA HA)
true, columns view is useful, although it doesnt provide many options for viewing it, i.e. being able to have multiple colums instead of just name in the columns view etc
this is another option i wish windows had, but i prefer using menus to navigate quickly to a file anyways, which again is an opinion/preference
best for having column view? that seems like an over statement to me... so if windows implemented this tommorow would they be the best as well?
-Mac is the best simply because it has a fair dose of cool factor across the line of mac-related products while PCs (including those Dull ones) can look the Mac but will never touch it: Hey, what can I say? When I want something, be it women, cars, computers, ANYTHING, I want the coolest, better looking, easiest to get along, ones and not just the fastest ones! I don't know what to say to a PC user when he/she asks me: How come and Macs are so cool? Hey, maybe its because that after all, Apple is doing something right! (HE HE)
this is true, mac products are beautiful for the most part, but you get what you pay for, if you pay 2000 for a computer it should look good and perform well, where as if you pay 1000 for a pc it probably wont look that great
ever seen some of the nifty pc cases out there? there are some absolutely beautiful ones, im not talking about the pc companies cases either im talking about the ones you buy at a store
Last (for now) but not least: Don't forget this... If PCs are THAT good, how come Macs are still around? Come on! The answer is too easy: Macs are for the Elite computer users while PCs are just for the mainstream!
its called market niche and a little help from other people.
What else one can say? We are on mac related forum and we have PC users annoying us... ALL THE TIME!!! Could it be because we have something to like in our computers and they don't? I think that's the naked truth and they simply CANNOT handle it
yes there are the ocassional trolls, but do you need to bring yourself to their level with these types of posts? how about educate yourself sometime, it will make us all look better as a whole