
to the hulk

get it right, i am a computer lover in general, i love macs, i love pcs, i love em all, i am not biased, but i do find offense in that you will not counter any argument with any relevence, just opinionated dribble such as "macs are better, pcs suck" you are no better than the pc trolls that come here, just your opinion is more welcome

stealth, like you said, those users ran into problems because they dont know how to use windows, and thats where most pc problems come from, ignorance. macs are for the most part easier (although osx is a little more complicated than people would like to think) and its a great computer for a beginner, no doubt. having knowledge of your appliances makes the use of them easier in general, same goes for computers. (oh and the "it just works" thing that most mac users believe in, i wont touch that because most of my independant tech help goes to users who have macs, go figure ;))

i do enjoy my pc still, and its only a 700mhz athlon, much slower than my 800mhz g4 right? oh wait it starts up faster and the os is much snappier, and its only slightly slower in most ps tests, sheesh, piece of sh*t, and to think i spent 800 dollars making it... what a shame ;)

anyways i do grow tired of this, you guys complain about pc trolls, but you seem to love mac trolls, oh well... tis life :)
In response to the actual topic of this thread:

I read the speed comparison review. It is very, very bad news for Apple. And I mean BAD. Apple's next lineup has got to be amazing, just to even be worth mentioning in the same sentence.

I love my Macs (hell, I've dropped almost ten grand this year alone in hardware), but this speed thing is WAY out of control. I have given Apple a two year window, at which point I will reevaluate and then consider jumping ship to the dark (but fast) side.

To those who do not need the fastest machines available, I am jealous. If I do switch, I will miss it like you wouldn't believe. My first Mac literally changed my life. But, facts are facts, speed is quantifiable, while the Mac experience is more qualitative. I may be willing to give up a bit of quality for outrageous speed.

In fact, I am currently beginning to build a library of PC software in the event that I make the switch. Unfortunately, it will all be bootlegged as there is no way in hell I'm repaying for all of it, at least not right up front. And this is after spending all of last year finally going legit in the Mac world. Holy crap was that expensive!

Here's to hoping Apple really impresses me over the coming months—2 years.

Sad, sad, day for me.
Originally posted by BuddahBobb
to the hulk

get it right, i am a computer lover in general, i love macs, i love pcs, i love em all, i am not biased, but i do find offense in that you will not counter any argument with any relevence, just opinionated dribble such as "macs are better, pcs suck" you are no better than the pc trolls that come here, just your opinion is more welcome

stealth, like you said, those users ran into problems because they dont know how to use windows, and thats where most pc problems come from, ignorance. macs are for the most part easier (although osx is a little more complicated than people would like to think) and its a great computer for a beginner, no doubt. having knowledge of your appliances makes the use of them easier in general, same goes for computers. (oh and the "it just works" thing that most mac users believe in, i wont touch that because most of my independant tech help goes to users who have macs, go figure ;))

i do enjoy my pc still, and its only a 700mhz athlon, much slower than my 800mhz g4 right? oh wait it starts up faster and the os is much snappier, and its only slightly slower in most ps tests, sheesh, piece of sh*t, and to think i spent 800 dollars making it... what a shame ;)

anyways i do grow tired of this, you guys complain about pc trolls, but you seem to love mac trolls, oh well... tis life :)

You got it all wrong pal! All wrong! You cannot say that you can love all of them: It is redudant! In the end a man got to do what a man got to do: Select which side to love! You cannot possibly love two things at the same time... Cause if you think you can, you got the love part ALL wrong!

Also, you want to tell me that if money is not a problem you will still buy a PC? Power to you if you say yes but telling around that you love all computers? Are you sure you are not biased? Come on! Get your act straight...

My act at least is clear: I LOVE MACS... Hell, who am I to love all computers? Buddah? Bob? :D

To you I am a troll to me it is called to know what I really want/need/love in this life or the next one ;)

As for having a serious debate with people like you: Why? Just to make fun of me instead of looking at your shortcomings? I told something earlier and you made fun of me... I said: "Multiprocessor support in Windows? Yes ONLY if a user buys the Pro versions!!!" and you replied: "dont know much about this, but that seems like that would be false, but i dont know, can you point me to this fact? thanks :) "

YOU are making fun of ME and you don't know even the basics of Windows! Browse www.microsoft.com and learn some more things about Windows because it seems that you don't know THAT much about them... Or if you prefer you don't know ENOUGH about them! And still instead of just asking me you are making fun of me! Yes, this is so polite and gentle! And if this was NOT enough you continued to insult me with your above reply... A serious debate with you and other PC lovers here? Maybe in an alternate reality, parallel universe or something cause BuddaBob you have SO many things to learn about PCs and I am not going to teach them to you... I get paid for this kind of things! You friend think and want us to think that you are unbiased and correct but you got it all wrong! If you are unbiased then I really am The Incredible HULK!!! Anyways, enough playing with you: I have a more important matter to attend... Like counting the days of my new PowerBook's (G4/1GHz/DVD-R) arrival ;)

Ed? Was this hostile post? What about BuddaBob's? Was it gentle? Polite? Politician/lawyer's way to handle things? Yes! Nice way of replying? Hell no! People like this should learn when they got to be the sheep and when they got to be the wolf...

As for the original debate of Macs being slower than PCs based on that crappy article... Speed doesn't mean always better! P4/3GHz is faster than XBOX/PS2/GAMECUBE but in the end in order to play their games I need to buy one of those toys! Or if I need to take my family on a vacation I wouldn't want that Ferrari... I would choose that slow VW Station Wagon instead! I could go on and on but I hope guys that you got the message... I just hope :(
Originally posted by BuddahBobb

stealth, like you said, those users ran into problems because they dont know how to use windows, and thats where most pc problems come from, ignorance. macs are for the most part easier (although osx is a little more complicated than people would like to think) and its a great computer for a beginner, no doubt. having knowledge of your appliances makes the use of them easier in general, same goes for computers. (oh and the "it just works" thing that most mac users believe in, i wont touch that because most of my independant tech help goes to users who have macs, go figure ;))

my point buddah is that begginers who are only 17 o 18 years old and are studdying their ass off in order to get into university should not be FORCED to deal with these problems. even technicians after many years of experience and hard work cant figure out many PC problems, while most mac problems can be solved within this forum :) ... u expect these "ignorant" ppl to learn how to fix overcome these problems that pop out of nowhere? id say they would need a lot of ur finest "tech help" in order to become as succesful as you, and have almost NO problem with these fabulous PC systems and this extraordinay OS called Windows :)
hulk, so im only allowed to like one thing? i cant like both? i have to choose sides? thats bull IMO whats next your going to tell to only like a certain type of car? a certain race of people? much like you are entitled to like or love what you want so am i, and i like all computers

i dont get your need to continuously call me a pc lover, as if i dislike apple and mac's themselves, if i did, i would have a g4 and an ibook now would i?

and tell me where i am not being unbiased, never did i say anywhere that the pc was better overall or that a mac was better overall, they both have their strong points and their weak points, even you the veritable mac lover should be able to admit that

i never once claimed to know everything about windows, hell a couple times i bluntly said i dont know, if i am incorrect about somthing PLEASE tell me what i am incorrect about instead of just saying that i have it all wrong. obviously i must be doing something right because ive fived many pcs and macs and mine have never had any serious problems outside of things i cant control. or is everyone on the notion that i must just be lucky because im the only person in the universe with a working pc?

i asked a valid question, i dont know if non pro window's oses support multi processor or not, i asked and you could simply answer, and for the record i didnt insult you by asking. i obviously dont know about multiprocessor support, so i asked, how is that an insult? i am unclear on this because quite frankly i havent worked with a non-pro version of windows in a few years, i apologize for offending you by asking you a question.

and whats the need to call on ed? have i done something wrong by trying to clear up facts? you have continued to supply just opinion, and when i ask for clarification on fact you tell me i insult you? thats rather odd IMO.

oh and since i clarified i am unbiased, im guessing you are the incredible hulk, i look forward to seeing you in theaters next year ;)

to mr stealth

almost every mac problem i have had to solve has been the result of an ignorant user, just like your windows friends. in order to operate a vehicle safely you must learn how to use it. the same type of deal goes for computers, in order to use a computer successfully without any problems you need to know how to use it and how it works.

as far as your techs, tell them that they are screwed because they are working with a lab environment. the computers are being "studentized" as i call it. Like i said previously, I run a mac lab (along with another tech), and those computers arent the most reliable things in the world, why? because students are learning on them, we try our best to keep them running well and do a fairly good job of it IMO but are we perfect? no. Are there problems? yes. This happens when many many students use these computers. The easy answer would to have a system where the computer reverts to a clean slate each time its restarted but thats not a feasable solution really because of other reasons.

when i say i have yet to run into a problem with pcs or macs that means my personal computers and only mine

i see it as obvious that my views on the computing world as a whole are not welcome here, which is a shame, because like someone elses signature...

the mind works best when open

so i apologize for defending myself, and defending pcs from insults and arguments that are not backed up.
Originally posted by BuddahBobb
hulk, so im only allowed to like one thing? i cant like both? i have to choose sides? thats bull IMO whats next your going to tell to only like a certain type of car? a certain race of people? much like you are entitled to like or love what you want so am i, and i like all computers
i dont get your need to continuously call me a pc lover, as if i dislike apple and mac's themselves, if i did, i would have a g4 and an ibook now would i?
and tell me where i am not being unbiased, never did i say anywhere that the pc was better overall or that a mac was better overall, they both have their strong points and their weak points, even you the veritable mac lover should be able to admit that
i never once claimed to know everything about windows, hell a couple times i bluntly said i dont know, if i am incorrect about somthing PLEASE tell me what i am incorrect about instead of just saying that i have it all wrong. obviously i must be doing something right because ive fived many pcs and macs and mine have never had any serious problems outside of things i cant control. or is everyone on the notion that i must just be lucky because im the only person in the universe with a working pc?
i asked a valid question, i dont know if non pro window's oses support multi processor or not, i asked and you could simply answer, and for the record i didnt insult you by asking. i obviously dont know about multiprocessor support, so i asked, how is that an insult? i am unclear on this because quite frankly i havent worked with a non-pro version of windows in a few years, i apologize for offending you by asking you a question.
and whats the need to call on ed? have i done something wrong by trying to clear up facts? you have continued to supply just opinion, and when i ask for clarification on fact you tell me i insult you? thats rather odd IMO.
oh and since i clarified i am unbiased, im guessing you are the incredible hulk, i look forward to seeing you in theaters next year ;)
when i say i have yet to run into a problem with pcs or macs that means my personal computers and only mine
i see it as obvious that my views on the computing world as a whole are not welcome here, which is a shame, because like someone elses signature...
the mind works best when open
so i apologize for defending myself, and defending pcs from insults and arguments that are not backed up.

Let's clear this first: My english are not THAT good but... I said something about LOVE the Macs and you said that you LOVE all kind of computers... Based on word LOVE (and this is what I feel about the Mac in general) I said that you cannot possibly LOVE all of them! Then you went on and changed the LOVE into LIKE... Then yes... Of course you can like 1000 things at the same time... Yes I like Athlon XP, Opteron, SGI, Sparcs, Amiga, et al but I LOVE the Mac! It is different thing to love something than just like it...

As for "just" asking me about multiproc support: If it was just asking then you wouldn't mention that: "but that seems like that would be false"... Am I the only one that thinks that this is simply ironic? I mentioned in this very forum MANY facts about Windows and ALWAYS people who "like" PCs feel like just argue for the sake of it! If you are trying to convince me that your pre-previous post was not ironic towards ME then you must think that you are discussing with a kid or something and believe me I'm beyond of being a kid... Ironic (or maybe after all just ignorant) answers of yours on your pre-previous post were these (and not only):

-I said that it is difficult to teach to a newbie that all those icons, menus, buttons on Windows screen are not just apps and you went on and put a picture describing the thing I was saying just to show me what? That you agree with me that it is a difficult a thing to learn to a newbie or that simply want to make me look dumb? Don't reply, I know the correct answer...
-Also, regarding uninstalling apps in Windows: You want to tell me that 50% of the time (believe me is not more) when you uninstall apps/games/etc you never got a message telling you that some items didn't remove or that you have to restart? Hell, man what are you doing with your PC? Playing/installing/uninstalling Solitaire only? Also, when you uninstall NOT only the majority of software leaves un-needed dlls, ini, cfg, sys files here and there but also leaves garbage inside the registry... This can creat in the future (or too soon) Windows misbehavior! And guess what you did? You compared this with the garbage preferences of Mac! This is child's play compared to Windows garbages!
-Last when I mentioned the well know fact that in order for someone in Windows to view his/her disks has to open a window while in Mac you view them on the desktop all the time you said:"so mac users dont have to open windows or anything to see their files and disks? this is new to me "... You want to tell me that this is NOT irony on your part? Oh... Please! And this is before I mention than in Windows Xtra Pain in order for your to view your computer's disks you have to click the Start button and then the My Computer (of course I know that you can change via properties but you cannot avoid the fact that the factory settings of Windows Xtra Pain are plain dumb! One other FUNNY & DUMB thing is than in order to Restart or Sleep you have actually first to click Start then Shut Down then Restar/Sleep... Get it? Start Shut Down Sleep (this is plain dumb and yes I know it's from M$... what else did you expect from them?)

I could go on and on but I know that in the end you will try to manipulate words, phrases, etc. just to make me look a bad person... Just like the catch phrase you mentioned (and I laughed with it cause you should read it back to you before posting it for me & that Stealth fella...): "the mind works best when open" Most of the time friend the mind cannot possibly work open! That's why we teach to people that if they want to succeed on doing anything on this life they have to concentrate/focus on their high targets... Think big or go home! Or simply Think Different! :D

I'm sure Hitler had an open mind too! Or Bill Gates (he said many times this and always this gives me the creeps): My dream is one PC in each and every house around the world... And he did it! But really could you picture a world of computer without Apple or Amiga for that matter? If M$ & IBM dictated the beige and black colors uppon computers it was Apple that gave them color! Keyboards with DOS? Mice with Macs! Boredom with PS/2, serial, floppies, etc with Wintel? USBs, FireWire, CDs with Macs! Luna with Windows XP? Aqua with Mac! I surely cannot think a computer world without Apple! That's why I LOVE Macs! They give you feelings that you can never have with that Wintel crappy boxes! Yes, including the expensive ones that you can buy in PC stores... One final question? Where can I buy a small computer which can play (with ease) the newest and the greatest games + apps + Office + Windows + Unix + moveable 17" gorgeous LCD + FireWire + beauty + Mac OS + DVD-R with just $2000? I know! www.apple.com/store/ and its called 17" new iMac! I'm sure that you cannot find it anywhere else no matter what!!! Or a portable with MORE than the above stuff but just 2.6 cm thick and only $3000? I'm sure that right now you cannot possibly find it ANYWHERE else! So, for those people who whine constantly about Apple under performing compared to those P4/3GHz HT (HT BS) get your act together! As they said in the Matrix you cannot bend the spoon cause actually there is no spoon!

So, BuddaBob as you can see in order for me to... "so i apologize for defending myself, and defending pcs from insults and arguments that are not backed up" ...argue with you, you must have the same experiences more or less that I have and also be truthful cause mate guess what? In the end to me you are just the spoon... Why? Because, simply put, you failed in basic Windows exams! Maybe we will discuss about Mona Lisa the other day cause who knows maybe on that subject you will know more stuff that you think you know about Windows or dare I say about Macs?

As for me being troll, Mac addict, pray to Steve Jobs, etc. at least I know the basics of Windows & Macs... Also, I never said that Macs are perfect (and if I said cause really I cannot remember right now maybe it was more like a redheaded moment), I just love them instead of Wintels... An example is that I hate the fact that OS X.2.2 doesn't have full native language capabilities of my country which is Greece! WTH Apple? The country which created/improved the basic structure of languages, math, philosophy, democracy, etc you like to forget the most? Heck, even M$ has Windows XP with full Greek support!!!

Anyways, I don't know if this is saying anything to you (PC lovers here) but I earn money by fixing PCs mostly and supposedly fixing Macs and if tomorow Bill Gates decided to fix all those faults of Windows I would be out of job! However, earning money from PCs gives me the ability to LOVE the Macs more and more by each passing day!!! Now, that I'm thinking of it: Should I love PCs because they give me the means to love Macs? Nah! I should better go to sleep because what's next? Praying to Bill Gates? :D
what to do, what to do? :confused:

hulk - you know as well as anybody around here that attacking, belittling and questioning the intelligence of other site members is NOT allowed. I even just got thru standing up for you as not attacking anyone personally, but just bashing windows. and i just go t thru editing one of your previous posts and asking you to tame it down!! now this while i am gone for the day getting my real life back in order.

i can't really ask you to go back and delete much of what you have written because Bobb's tactful reply wouldn't make much sense then. on the other hand i can't just let this go as it only serves to enforce the idea that we will allow this kind of thing. the rules apply to everybody, including me, so why do you insist upon breaking them?

so what should i do? or what can you do? short of removing you from the forum, which i am not anxious to do, i don't have a real answer. but rest assured if you don't do something on your own, then i will use that option. i will also add, that if you have read any of Bobb's other posts in other threads and other forim topics, you would know that he is very much a mac fan and not a pc fanatic. i don't know if it's the language difficulty or what, but you are definitly misinterpretting him.

Bobb - thank you for keeping your cool.

again for all multi-platform users - please remember you are in a mac users forum. most of us are mac faithful and we really don't lose any sleep at night over what window users think of ourr devotion and fanaticism to apple and their products. think of this as a sort of 'Mac Club' for mac users only. while we don't want to live in some sort of intellectual vacuum here, we also don't respond well to having our judgements of the windows world devalued. i will say again. W@e are entitled to our opinions about our macs and about windows/pcs. personally i hate m$ and therefore windows for a lot of more political reasons than any of the 'functional' issues that are constantly debated. Do i expect the world to share my opinions? i wish. but no amount of arguing about your experiences is going to change my politics nor my general feelings that m$ and windows do suck. i don't need reasons, i don't need proof and i don't need nor want rebuttles. obviously Hulk is like me in that respect yet one or more of you always has to challenge him whenever he enters the thread in his overstated manner. please keep in mind that english is not everyone's first language and so things don't always get communicated correctly. even those of us who do speak english, often make enough typos to confuse what we are trying to communicate.

everyone, and i do mean everyone - let's not forget we are real people who have more to our existence than our words on a forum. let's remember to respect each other's humanity and basic value as human beings.

now i forget, what were we talking about other than macs vs pc's? :rolleyes:
I'll jump into this because I have no sense (or cause I'm screwing around):

The problem I have with PC's is that they don't run OS X. I've tried. I spent several hours trying to adapt it onto my Compaq. But the Compaq wouldn't even boot from the OS X Jaguar cd.

The Compaq web site wasn't much helpful. No info on OS X. Of course, to be fair, Apple's site didn't help either.

What good are 3 gHz of processing power when I can't even load the operating system? I'm not going to plunk down even a nickel if I can't load the operating system. Does anyone blame me?

I'm sure you guys that like PC's and get all excited by the numbers have good reason for your opinions. But tell me, how did you manage to run OS X on your PCs? I'm getting really frustrated.

After all, I want to run OS X because I love it. That's why I use my iBook (which, to its credit, boots and runs OS X - all versions). It's a bit pokey sometimes, but my new iMac should be plenty fast.

So, I'm stuck using that inferior Unix clone on the Compaq. What is it called? Oh, Windows XP. What a joke. Ugly too. But that is just a free hobbyist operating system isn't it? Well, you get what you pay for.

OS X. When it will work on a PC, I'll buy a PC.

Have a nice day.

please somebody give me a hand back into my chair. my side will explode if i don't keep it pushed in. :p
hulk, i didnt realize you were from another country and i think there is a bit of language barrier, and i apologize for whatever insults i seemingly have thrown in your direction

about the love thing, there is only one thing in the world i truly love and that is a person. i cant find myself to love a machine lol, but in english, love and like are very much intertwined and switched with each other, so under stand this: i dont love (in the strictest definition of the word) macs or pcs, but i do like both.

sorry for the confusion :)

as far as the rest goes,

the uninstalling thing, yes programs do leave stuff behind, but you'll find that this is actually the software makers fault not microsofts, because many newer and well built programs do get rid of everything. i fail to understand how its microsofts fault that a program put stuff all over your computer and then doesnt remove it... IMO it has more to do with crappy uninstallers made by developers, but thats just an opinion :)

the picture i thought would make it a clear and precise way of explaining to users what the icons and such are for, i find it easy to use a picture or visual teaching for a user to explain things and generally it helps. im sorry if posting an explanation visually upset you.

the multi processor thing, i said it didnt seem right because of logic really, not because i was trying to insult you, logically i didnt think that would be a smart move, but like i said previously i dont know for a fact, it was just my thought process telling me that a move like that would seem stupid (and trust me i wouldnt be surprised if it was true)

the mac garbage prefs thing, i have run into problems on a lot of the macs (although they are running classic still os9.2.2) that have problems because of bad preferences files, I personally compare this to bad entries in the registry, because alot of what is in the registry is in fact preferences, although badly orginized and more complicated ;)

this is just a preference, but i dont like my drives being on my desktop, but anyways its easy to get them on the desktop like you mentioned, and that brings up something i do enjoy about pc's is the amount of customization available to them (although its a double sided sword)

start shut down sleep, yeah its stupid that it takes one extra step over apple menu sleep... really is that big of a deal? generally i press a combo set to shut down my mac and a key combination to shut down windows, quick either way, so it doesnt bother me that much, and to me it seems to me that you are grasping for straws on that one ;)

im in no way trying to make you look like a bad person, thats not my goal on this forum really. if anything happens that makes you look like a bad person it is not because of my words. plus, these are just computers man, no reason to get so uptight and emotional about them :)

one thing though, comparing me to hitler if thats what you are doing, i find that highly insulting to me as a person, and i think its something that is not needed in this discussion.

whats wrong with having some form of pc in everyhouse hold? i see nothing wrong with that... although i do see many things wrong with some form of uber controlling windows in every house hold... i dont like alot of what microsoft tries to pull, and i do like some of the stuff they do, but having a pc in every house i see nothing wrong with that as long as they still have their privacy and basic freedoms

as far as comparitive computers to the imac? there are none plain and simple, the imac is a great little machine, although it doesnt fit my needs as i would rather have a tower and a crt, because im a designer who needs expansion and color correctness... but for the other more normal users out there it is indeed a great machine :)

the powerbook though, i dunno, maybe its just a personal thing, but i prefer my power to be in desktop form ;) and i think they are over priced for their performance, although youd be hard pressed to find an equally apealing piece of hardware... this is why i bought an ibook, i prefer the price, the size and the simplicity of it, but this is just my preference and what fits my needs

im a spoon? i dont get that, do i feed you the nutrients to fuel an argument or what? not sure what you mean. ive never claimed to be a windows or a mac expert, otherwise i wouldnt frequent here or other pc websites, and no ive never taken a windows exam, are you ms certified? if so whats the test consist of, i wouldnt mind getting certified sometime, as well as osx certified, it very well could open up more job opportunities

and about apple language support, that sucks about no greek :( but i do have to say the font and native language support it does have is outstanding and makes windows support of it kinda crappy in comparison :) especially the asian fonts, its great :)

too ed:

i understand opinions based on experience, i have no probs with that lol, the stuff i have a problem with is "windows is garbage", "pc's suck" etc they are unsubstantiated insults, and if you replace windows with osx and pc with mac, that person would be kicked out, it just seems a bit of hypocracy to me, and well i just overall dislike statements like that in general *shrugs*

and to dk

LOL :)

although i have heard of a few people developing osx builds for a VERY specific set of pc hardware (much like its built for very specific apple hardware)

but i havent heard of the progress in a few months, so i dunno if it got finished or not, but its not like anyone cares ;)

phwew another long post, me fingers are tired ;)

[edit] ok this image limit sucks, i always have to disable smilies :p
The following BuddaBob try to read it as a paragraph of mine after a paragraph of yours... This because of text limitations in this forum... I know that it would be difficult but give it a shot... So here I go:

No real harm done cause actually I throwed some crap to your face too...

Ok, then fine! Like 'em both :) But I love Macs :D

Do you know that products supposedly get qualified by M$? Hardware & Software... So, you see that it is why REALLY is M$ fault: Letting developers doing harm in Wintel!!! But you see this harm helps the Wintel syndicate to earn money by tech support... Is another thing that the Stealth fella mentioned: How to the hell companies like M$ and Dell earn money while they keep selling problematic products? Gorilla tactics and GREAT marketing techniques my friend... Nothing more nothing less... As for newer apps doing the right thing: Hell no! Install ANY app you want in Windows and then uninstall it. Then check... Check really careful and then you will see what I'm talking about REAL garbage!

Look: I know that for some people things are easier to grasp but the majority of people who use computer cannot grasp the looks and ways of Windows! Did you know that the supposedly running services that you mentioned can and from time to time are actually Quick Launch items as well? I hope you knew it... The problem with Windows (and in XP is worst) is that it has too many stuff with similar and/or different meanings at the same time on screen and this confuses even the so-called professional users! Maybe to you and me those things are ABC but that doesn't change the fact that Windows IS hard to learn and use... More on that later on...

You still do not get it, do you? IT IS TRUE that Windows supports 2 cpus ONLY in Windows 2000 Pro and Windows XP Pro! If you want more cpus you got to go with Windows 2000 Server (and above)... All other versions (including XP Home) DO NOT have dual cpu capabilities...

Not to mention harder to clean if ever! :D

You mean that you don't know that actually one can hide disks from his/her desktop in OS X? I hope you knew that! As for customization: Mac actually can be more customized than Windows (any version) if you know how and usually is easier too! An example: I want a custom toolbar in Windows... What can I do? Search, search and search some more just to find an app which will let me do ALMOST full toolbar customization while in OS X is a built-in feature!!! If you want to do something in OS X and you think is only a Windows thing, let me know! I'll gladly help you ;)

No, I wasn't talking about JUST the extra steps but about the logic behind it... Don't get confused! I said that XP's approach of Restarting/Sleep was DUMB & FUNNY not just an extra step! Read carefully this: Start Shut Down Sleep... Doesn't this read funny to you? To me not only funny but dumb too! And this is just an example of Windows being dumb and funny... I could REALLY go on and on but I hope you got the message!

Oh, come on! Try to be real here: You mean that you aren't get upset about computers? So why are we having this "discussion" here? As for being emotional... Don't forget that I love Macs and to me they aren't just computers: It is a profession, a hobby, a way of life :D

No, I didn't compare Hitler to you! No way! I just mentioned that someone being open minded can be dangerous! Hitler was one of the most open minded people in history! You see at that time he had an open view on how things MUST work! And we all know what happened next... :(

Exactly! But you see when you buy a Wintel system you have all sort of privacy problems... For once XP activation: Wth I need that? Copy protection they say? BS! We all know that it was cracked before XP even came out! And still they insist on using it (although after SP1 they give the user a 3 day window after the first 30 days...)! Do you want me to send you a cracked copy EVEN on my native language which is greek? Methinks that they hide something... Call me crazy! Call me privacy maniac! Call me whatever you like but in this matter I want to be the wolf and NOT M$...

Still, we've got people here complaining that Apple is doing ALWAYS things wrong (or more often than not)... As for expansion you can do ANY expansion you want with iMac! Graphic card I hear you say but let's be truthful here... Isn't GeForce 4MX MORE than enough? As for future expansion on graphics... Don't tell me that you know actually people who changed JUST the graphics card on 2, 3 or more years old PC? Also, if you mention games that they need more power I will mention to you this: Use lower resolution and you will be able to play all the new and great games for AT LEAST 2 years from now! Also, methinks that if one is to play JUST games on a computer he/she should get his act together and buy a PS2/XBOX/GAMECUBE or hell even GameBoy!!! :D

Add a monitor, a keyboard and a mouse and of you go for real Desktop power and with the added bonus of having 2 monitors at the same time :D Or you are trying to tell me that G4/1GHz is slow? Heck even G3/700 rocks on the majority of basic software! On iBook subject you are correct that it can offer a lot based on price/performance ratio...

I don't know the procedure in other countries but here in Greece is fairly easy to become M$ certified if you have the money!!! You pay them to certify you!!! No joke here... However, with Rainbow Computers (Apple here in Greece) you don't pay a thing and the procedure is: Attend lessons about 50 hours (for hardware because for software this ranges between 20-100 hours) and then you have some tests and if you pass that's it! It sounds easy but believe me it isn't! As for M$ certification is something around to 6 months with 2-4 hours per day, 5 days a week, they test you and if you pass that's it! (they teach you more about Windows advanced things like networking, troubleshooting, etc.) Am I certified? Hell no! I have to take at least a 2 month trip in Athens which is around 500 km away and I'm a married man so this rules things out...

It sucks completely because I cannot have the correct OS X experience as other countries currently have and this blows!

Of course it is not the same if you change the words! That's why this is a mac forum and not computers forum or PC forum or just forum... This is not hypocracy! This is the real thing! You cannot possibly hope to experience the live opera with your pyjamas on! They will kick your behind just by seeing you coming near the entrance...

Steve Jobs called it options! This is just a possible future for Apple but truly as of now it is plain dumb to expect such a move from Apple... Maybe in a few years time? When Intel/Amd will move to 64bit? Who knows? Just don't take these things too seriously! Am I the only one that thinks that the thing that happened in the past few days with Amd/Apple felt like a kick from PC lovers around the world just to show us how much they rule us? I think that the most down to earth approach about Apple moving to x86 is at www.macosrumors.com as of now because few days ago it was a whole different approach on the subject... Check it out!
im seriously getting tired of you calling me dumb, accusing me of lying etc

obviously our experiences are different with computers, you run a pc lab of some sort and i run a mac lab, so obviously we both work with computers that are highly abused. i never said that pcs arent harder to fix than macs. i said macs and pcs are on the same level in the fact that they both need a lot of maintence, but you seem to ignore the fact because you are hell bent on thinking that im some sort of pc fanatic.

thanks for actually answering my question about DP support, i was unaware of this fact, and now i am

there is a huge difference between quick links and running programs/services in he bottom right, everything that is in the bottom right corner is running on your pc in some form or another, im sure you know this as well, i dont understand how you are getting them confused with quicklinks, because i certainly am not

customization on osx built in is pretty good, IMO i think XP has more customization (especially when it comes to appearence factors, like having the option to turn off basic effects)

when im talking about expansion im talking about extra drives, scusi pci cards etc etc, im not talking about a new graphics card, im talking adding a graphics card, im not talking about firewire harddrives because quite frankly they are still too slow for video editing applications for a lot of people. the imac like i said is a great great machine, it just doesnt meet my needs. also games dont have much importance to me, and yes i did recently put a video card in my 3 year old pc, its a fairly cheap way to improve performance in a few different areas (one being games, but i dont play them much). the powerbook is great like i said, but once again doesnt fit my needs, and i understand how it can be used, i often use my ibook the same way when working outside of my "office"

i did not know that microsoft has to approve of every application made for windows. is there somewhere you can point me to that goes in depth about this, i would like to read more about it.

the logic in the strictest terms of it for the start menu is a little odd, but under stand that the start menu for windows was intended as a starting place for everything, and with that in mind it totally makes sense to me, just as much as everything else in there. now tell me in the strictest definition of things, what does an apple have to do with sleeping? obviously these symbolic starting points are not supposed to be taken literally, they are just there for the user to make use of.

so you are saying having an open mind is dangerous? i dont even know how to respond to that... and if i did respond it would very much be on a personal level that isnt intended for this forum, so please just think about what it is to be openminded, and for the record, hitler wasnt openminded... otherwise he wouldnt have tried to kill jews, and take over the world and claim to have the ultimate race etc etc

anyways you can call me an idiot, you can call me dumb, you can call me a liar, you can say im full of BS, accuse me of being dead wrong, accuse me of attacking you etc etc all you want, but im not going to lower myself to that level of thinking and get into a crap flinging contest with you on a personal level.

ive tried to be nice, ive apologized multiple times for the insults i made (although i only remember making one and thats saying you are on the same level as a pc troll, but i have since apologized for that since it was when you werent substantiating arguments, which you are now for the most part).

so i will just admit you are right, and be done with this, its not worth discussing if you are going to bring it all to personal attacks
ok, i would appreciate if anyone who wants to continue this thread, read this thread first. anyone who has already posted in this thread should definitly check it out because it contains the info on how i am going to deal with all this flaming.
[**edit** Oops! duplicate post by mistake. ]

BTW, For more information about my Compaq fiasco, read my signature line.
the beauty is that is almost as funny the second time around :p

(did you mean to do that doug or should i delete the second one?)
Uh. . . I really like my iMac. . . . It seems real zippy. . . . It's a real nice computer. . .

Uh. . .

Uhoh! No sanctuary!:eek:

(runs for cover)
A lot of people are commenting on how the P4 is killing apple. well that is not entirely true. apple is STILL at the mercy of IBM and Motorola when it comes to processor development. the only way apple can get ahead of the processor wars is to either light a fire under IBM or they have to design and build there own. this way the only ones they can blame is themselves. apple has always tried to be a team player but the problem is no one else is. I personally think apple should start looking for a new processor supplier
To find out the new one is even worse? ;)

I say: More fire under IBM and Motorola's bottoms. Let them compete a bit. But more importantly: Make them believe that the Apple platform is a really, really good one and that IBM & Motorola can only win if they make better processors for the platform.

Steve Jobs can motivate. He should take his private Jet and fly to Mot's and IBM's CEOs. Talk them up. Bring some presents.