hulk, i didnt realize you were from another country and i think there is a bit of language barrier, and i apologize for whatever insults i seemingly have thrown in your direction
about the love thing, there is only one thing in the world i truly love and that is a person. i cant find myself to love a machine lol, but in english, love and like are very much intertwined and switched with each other, so under stand this: i dont love (in the strictest definition of the word) macs or pcs, but i do like both.
sorry for the confusion
as far as the rest goes,
the uninstalling thing, yes programs do leave stuff behind, but you'll find that this is actually the software makers fault not microsofts, because many newer and well built programs do get rid of everything. i fail to understand how its microsofts fault that a program put stuff all over your computer and then doesnt remove it... IMO it has more to do with crappy uninstallers made by developers, but thats just an opinion
the picture i thought would make it a clear and precise way of explaining to users what the icons and such are for, i find it easy to use a picture or visual teaching for a user to explain things and generally it helps. im sorry if posting an explanation visually upset you.
the multi processor thing, i said it didnt seem right because of logic really, not because i was trying to insult you, logically i didnt think that would be a smart move, but like i said previously i dont know for a fact, it was just my thought process telling me that a move like that would seem stupid (and trust me i wouldnt be surprised if it was true)
the mac garbage prefs thing, i have run into problems on a lot of the macs (although they are running classic still os9.2.2) that have problems because of bad preferences files, I personally compare this to bad entries in the registry, because alot of what is in the registry is in fact preferences, although badly orginized and more complicated
this is just a preference, but i dont like my drives being on my desktop, but anyways its easy to get them on the desktop like you mentioned, and that brings up something i do enjoy about pc's is the amount of customization available to them (although its a double sided sword)
start shut down sleep, yeah its stupid that it takes one extra step over apple menu sleep... really is that big of a deal? generally i press a combo set to shut down my mac and a key combination to shut down windows, quick either way, so it doesnt bother me that much, and to me it seems to me that you are grasping for straws on that one
im in no way trying to make you look like a bad person, thats not my goal on this forum really. if anything happens that makes you look like a bad person it is not because of my words. plus, these are just computers man, no reason to get so uptight and emotional about them
one thing though, comparing me to hitler if thats what you are doing, i find that highly insulting to me as a person, and i think its something that is not needed in this discussion.
whats wrong with having some form of pc in everyhouse hold? i see nothing wrong with that... although i do see many things wrong with some form of uber controlling windows in every house hold... i dont like alot of what microsoft tries to pull, and i do like some of the stuff they do, but having a pc in every house i see nothing wrong with that as long as they still have their privacy and basic freedoms
as far as comparitive computers to the imac? there are none plain and simple, the imac is a great little machine, although it doesnt fit my needs as i would rather have a tower and a crt, because im a designer who needs expansion and color correctness... but for the other more normal users out there it is indeed a great machine
the powerbook though, i dunno, maybe its just a personal thing, but i prefer my power to be in desktop form

and i think they are over priced for their performance, although youd be hard pressed to find an equally apealing piece of hardware... this is why i bought an ibook, i prefer the price, the size and the simplicity of it, but this is just my preference and what fits my needs
im a spoon? i dont get that, do i feed you the nutrients to fuel an argument or what? not sure what you mean. ive never claimed to be a windows or a mac expert, otherwise i wouldnt frequent here or other pc websites, and no ive never taken a windows exam, are you ms certified? if so whats the test consist of, i wouldnt mind getting certified sometime, as well as osx certified, it very well could open up more job opportunities
and about apple language support, that sucks about no greek

but i do have to say the font and native language support it does have is outstanding and makes windows support of it kinda crappy in comparison

especially the asian fonts, its great
too ed:
i understand opinions based on experience, i have no probs with that lol, the stuff i have a problem with is "windows is garbage", "pc's suck" etc they are unsubstantiated insults, and if you replace windows with osx and pc with mac, that person would be kicked out, it just seems a bit of hypocracy to me, and well i just overall dislike statements like that in general *shrugs*
and to dk
although i have heard of a few people developing osx builds for a VERY specific set of pc hardware (much like its built for very specific apple hardware)
but i havent heard of the progress in a few months, so i dunno if it got finished or not, but its not like anyone cares
phwew another long post, me fingers are tired
[edit] ok this image limit sucks, i always have to disable smilies