Panther to be released Oct 24 ! Official

I just picked up a new Powerbook last Friday. I am not eligible for a free upgrade to 10.3.

This is so lame. Anybody who bought a G5 even before my new aluminum 15" was released gets 10.3 for free. Why do those of us who got the new powerbooks which were released AFTER the G5 get screwed?
Payday is on the 25th, hoo baby. :D

And my Carolina Panthers are still undefeated. Great time for the Cats. ;)
Originally posted by ElDiabloConCaca
I'm wondering if, even though I chose the dinky shipping option, it will still be delivered on the 24th... anyone know? Will it ship on the 24th or arrive on the 24th? The wording on the Apple Store leads me to believe that delivery will occur on the 24th, not shipping... under the "Est. Ship" category on my order, it says "PM Delivery 10/24," so that's what I'm taking it to mean!
That's what it does mean. I got 10.2 the morning of the 24th, and I didn't pay for the fancy shipping. Apple upgraded it to AirborneExpress free of charge. I would expect the same.
Originally posted by bobw
You can do that yourself. Right Click or Control Click on the Time count down and save as a Quicktime mov to your desktop.

Are you talking about the countdown on Apple's home page? It comes across my system as a series of images, not a QuickTime movie... :(
Originally posted by rhale1
That's what it does mean. I got 10.2 the morning of the 24th, and I didn't pay for the fancy shipping. Apple upgraded it to AirborneExpress free of charge. I would expect the same.

Yes, i remember that. I ordered 10.2 the day it was announced, opted for the free shipping ( 5 days or whatever ) and it arrived the day BEFORE it came out in stores!

I Felt all special. :D
I guess I'll run to the new Cleveland Apple store and get mine. I suspect they would have it although that is the scheduled opening day. Damn this $150 traffic ticket, I'll have it, but i already had it. F the police, especially when they tag you for something you didn't do, like 55 in a 35!!!! Sorry about that, still venting over this ticket.
YEEESSSSS....I'm dubble lucky to day, got an powerbook se this thread. And now I just orderd Panther for 20 bucks!!! Had I got it yesterday I'd been screwed :p

This have been a very good day :D

My iBook is a couple months old already. I bought my iBook within a couple weeks of Panther being announced at the last Expo thing. Is that green free upgrade card that came with my machine good for anyhting like this? If not, what are those upgrade cards for then?
No one really knows what those upgrade cards are for...they used to use them for things, and maybe will again someday.

But usually they're worth nothing.

Hold on to them just in case, but don't hold your breath.
woohoo! my 12" powerbook is slated to arrive tomorrow, and it shipped today, meaning it has brilliantly scraped in under the 8/10/03 deadline! double bonus! i've had my 3G ipod for about 2 weeks now (items shipped as they become available) and although i'm loving it, i'd like a computer to partner it...
I remember Jaguar coming out -- I had it ordered the first day with a student discount (yeah, I've been in school for quite a while...) and, much to my surprise, it arrived on the 23rd, a whole day before it was released!
So is everything shipping in a black box now?

Either way, it doesn't matter... it's about damn time!

How much is the educational discount?