.PLMA file cannot delete need help!!!!!


I have a pesky problem in my trash on mac os . I had a sandisk flash drive open one day accidently tried to move a folder called system to the trash. I tried to delete the file but it says it's locked , I hit get info and the box is unchecked so it's not locked . I tried to move it back to the flash drive would'nt replace it and take out of trash. will not let me delete from trash says .plma file is locked . this is a file that comes from the sandisk flash drive. can anyone help me get this pesky thing out of my trash?
Same as above, how to delete the .plma file from my MAC trash. I see the above has gone unanswered for a couple weeks which means nobody knows or nobody cares - that's what I love aobut these forums...
Usually - unanswered means the problem is either fixed, and the OP is satisfied (no need to come back), or they have not had time to check for a fix, or the OP has given up (maybe) - no way to know for sure. It's not that nobody knows, or cares.

The link that djackmac provided should take care of your difficulty - Does it help?
Same as above, how to delete the .plma file from my MAC trash. I see the above has gone unanswered for a couple weeks which means nobody knows or nobody cares - that's what I love aobut these forums...

This is your first post -- which means you have neither helped anyone else out with a problem, nor had any other problems to ask about.

You get what you pay for. Remember how much you were charged to sign up here?

You can delete any file that is not in use on your system with the command line. Open up Terminal, change directory to the Trash, then issue the following command:

sudo rm FILENAME
...where "FILENAME" is the exact name of the file (case-sensitive, perhaps).

If that doesn't work, post back.
Want help with Photoshop, I can give you some advice, I use it 8-10 hours a day, but the inner workings of the MAC computer, I have no clue. Did a search for Terminal and found it in Library>Applications support but it is an empty box, nothing there in which to change. Same with the trash, says I can't delete a file that is not visible...? Tried changing the names of the visible folders in the trash, didn't work. Tried unlocking the permissions, got the message I did not have proper authority...
You will find the Terminal app in your Applications/Utilities folder
Typing that command as ElDiabloConCaca suggested. Make this change to that command: Type sudo rm (be sure to type a single space after the rm), then drag that errant file to the terminal window. That will show the complete path to that file name when you do that. Press enter, and you will be asked for your admin password. Type it in blind - as you won't see it as you type the password, then press enter. That should remove that file.
Or, you have a file that does not exist unless you have that flash drive plugged in. It's possible that process won't remove it yet. Come back for another try, as there's several possible fixes.
One choice is to ignore the U3 partition in the future, but too late now...