Does VMS by emulation or via telnet count ??

I dabbled somewhat with VMS on an emulator, and some via my school's archaic VAX mail system
I have copies of windows 1.0 and 2.0.3 but havent even tried to install them on VPC... maybe I should.
I also have
* Plan 9 & Inferno
* AtheOS
* Minix
* V2_OS (very cripled OS.. must be a hobby thing

* Chaos
* Oberon
which I have not installed yet
I have QNX 4 but never installed it.
I have QNX 6 installed,
as well as floppies with CP/M x86 and DCP
AtheOS seems to have probs with VPC memory management or something. Oberon I installed once.. but I was having some probs so I deleted the virtual HD. Chaos I dont know if its installable yet, V2_OS comes on a basic floppy, major updates in A LONG time.
C64 I;ve used only via emulator
I want to play more with OSes but I dont have time though
I would like to use AIX (do u have any copies of it ?

) but I think it runs only on PPC IBMs...right?
Digital Unix (aka Tru64 ?) runs only on Alphas AFAIK... what kind of WM does it use? any screenshots you can provide ? (for my collection)
What is OS/32 ? Elaborate (any screenshots?)
I have IRIX, but no SGI to run it on, so its just here for my OS collection