Originally posted by brodie
i like it, a few points i would pick up on though-
there are no apparent links to the sites you have designed
the on/off it too much of a distraction, and it doesn't need to be flash, its gonna look really weird if the viewwer doesnt have the plugin and wonders what that tiny little flash file is. you could do it in javascript or even a pulsating gif.
the copy makes you sound like a novice with skill, i appreciate this may not be a neccessary point, but if you want clients, you need to sound competant and experienced. its a bullshit point but think of yourself as a company, not a person, so sell your company, nummi.design, and not jerry nummi.
the email link need to be more obvious and should link to a form, not a mailto: you have to remember some people you are selling to probably have little knowledge of the net, and or PC's, and apps starting up are either too much to wait for, or too confusing to the uninitiated.
can you center up the frame, it looks bad in that corner, maybe have a second bgcolor just to fill it out.
maybe make the contacts etc as rollovers, just to let people know their hitting something.
ultimately, your a graphic designer with web skill, trying to sell a product, use your abilties to sell it, dont lay it out like an online CV, make the resume part more interactive, dont list your objectives it makes you sound like a school leaver, and dont list your apps, who cares? only the initiated, and their not your target.
if i were trying to sell myself as a web designer, i would build a site that was as interactive an intuitive as possible, with putting bells on it, which you have done, almost. its brutal i know but you need to open up your creativity and forget about standard resumes.
sorry its so brutal but i think it has a lot of potential, and a resume shouldn't ever go out 'til the 5th draft.
flame on.....