Possible power supply issues? G4 867 Dual MDD


Looking for some tips... I have a G4 867 dual MDD, 2 gig ram, 4 drives, 10.4.11 tiger... For the past 6 years this thing has been a champ and is my production box...

I usually keep it on 24/7 and put it to sleep when not in use. Recently I have noticed that it doesnt like to start up from complete shut down. I have to pull out the power cord, put it back in and then start. This morning I spent about an hour trying to boot it up this way. Unplug it, plug it back in, light on front comes on for about a second and goes out. Rinse and repeat.... Opening the box and trying this, I see the fan on the MB kick on and a red LED near the video card come on and then it shuts off... I did this about 20 times before it finally turned on...

Could this be a power supply issue? I Am lost on this one...

Yes, I think the power supply is beginning to fail.
Good luck in finding a reasonably priced replacement.
I still have the old one from when Apple had the recall due to excessive noise... so maybe I will put that one back in...
Hmmm...Now that I think about it, sometimes the time does get screwed up and gives me Wednesday 7pm 1969 for a time and date... I will try that route first...thanks
For the record, Replaced the PRAM battery and all is good again...no more power issues....thanks for the tip!