Post Election - Chaos?

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210 - Bush (60 needed to win)
199 - Kerry (71 needed to win)

FL, OH, WI, CO & NM are leaning towards Bush (71 electoral votes).
NH, MI, MN, IA, OR & NV are leaning towards Kerry (50 electoral votes).
AK & HI have no info (7 electoral votes).
whoever takes ohio wins and it looks like bush might take it. either that or if bush takes ohio and kerry takes the rest, then we have a tie. then bush wins. either way, i'm calling it. it's bush. WAHHH!!!!
Bush - 237
Kerry - 206

Bush took FL, Kerry took OR. WI now leaning towards Kerry. OH, CO & NM still leaning towards Bush. If he takes those, it's all over. CO seems to be in the bag for Bush right now.
mdnky said:
Bush took CO.
Doesn't surprise me... Colorado has almost always gone Republican, no matter who's running.

The fact that I just wasted my vote on Kerry kind of riles me up. :mad:
Bush - 246
Kerry - 216

Kerry took MN.

NM looks to be heading to Bush. OH, WI, and MI are still very close. AK will probably go to Bush, HI probably to Kerry.

----- 01:03 EST -----

Bush - 249
Kerry - 216

Bush took AK.

----- 01:48 EST -----

Bush - 269
Kerry - 220

Bush takes OH. Kerry takes NH. IA & NV leaning towards Bush.
-2:11 AM EST-

BUSH : 249 Votes

Kerry : 211 Votes


-2:33 AM EST-

BUSH : 249 Votes

Kerry : 228 Votes


Kerry just got Minnisota and Michigan


2:42 AM EST

Bush : 249 Votes

Kerry : 242 Votes

Kerry Just got Hawaii


Nevada, New Mexico, Iowa, Ohio still un-accounted for.

If Kerry gets Ohio, he'll probably win.

We will just wait and see if America gets rebuilt. Hopefully it will, i know we need it.

My Folks were effected by George Bush Senior, and now I'm being effected by Jr. circles, its just one giant circle.

Let's pray Jeb doesn't run.
Bush - 269
Kerry - 242

Kerry took MI and HI.

NV & NM leaning towards bush still and the gap is widening. WI leaning to Kerry, IA leaning to bush, both too close.
this is my first presidental i voted in. I'm proud of my choice. I voted for who ever could do the best job.

bush 249
kerry 238
Bush - 254
Kerry - 252

...and waiting on Ohio still, though it looks like Bush is going to take it. We won't find out until tomorrow though - they won't start counting the provisional votes until then. Guess it didn't matter that I couldn't check up on the race at work, after all.
Kerry needs to concede before he looks like even more of a bafoon and makes a mockery of the electoral college. Statistically, popularly, and idealogicly, he and his party are losers - again - to a man who they call stupid. So who is really looking stupid here. The people have spoken. You democrats and liberals need to quell your bitterness before you're consumed by it. You can't win an election run on hatred. The country is not run by head-in-the-sand matrix people - there's still time for you to unplug.
holy crap - can we all just drop it and live with what happens (whenever it happens, and whomever ithappens to)? We're (the Americans on the boards here) still among the luckiest people around the world, to live in a free democracy.

pre-politics, this board was a great place to be. it's been ridiculous around here lately. hopefully we can just get back to our normal, Apple Fanatacism (is that even a word...?) life.

"can't we all just get along?"
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