Post your desktop!

Hulkaros, dont you think your desktop is a bit outdated? In theatres July 26???!? that was sooo long ago, i got the dvd of it lol. Good Movie.
Originally posted by Androo
Hulkaros, dont you think your desktop is a bit outdated? In theatres July 26???!? that was sooo long ago, i got the dvd of it lol. Good Movie.

I have my desktop set to change every 5 minutes so you see, actually this pic is a flash of my desktop gallery which is somewhere around 1200 pics and counting :D

1200? It's the quarter of my Desktop picture content! Hehehe! Yeah, desktop pict addict.

Mine now! :D


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Originally posted by The MokXnster
1200? It's the quarter of my Desktop picture content! Hehehe! Yeah, desktop pict addict.

Mine now! :D

...much better! :D

I never met a desktop pic addict and I was starting to believe that there is something wrong with me... :rolleyes:

Thank you, thank you!

PS. I love landscapes of any kind and ahem, exotic pics of any kind ;) Do you gather something specific or just desktop pics in general? Let me know, cause who know, if you want too, we may exchange some :rolleyes:

PS2. r u running OS 9 or I'm mistaken? Help me 'cause I'm in the dark here :cool:

;) :D
I gather lots of different picts of all kinds, 3D, landscapes, graphics, comics, MacOs, movies and yeah "ex(r)otic". :D

I get 'em mostly from all the graphic sites I go to ( being one of my fav. ones) and modify them to fit my 832X624 res.

And no, it's not OS 9, it's 8.6, I hated 9 when I ran it at the job I had 2 years ago, 8.6 is far more stable and fast. OS 9 was giving me too much trouble and I hated it! Here's a shot a DA folder! :)


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ok, i'm cleaning up my desktop for me to take some pics of it! I just have to find my fav desktop wallpaper and theme....
i got tired of the kitty.. so wanted today something that really calms.


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wow, that soothes my mind....
hahahaha, but really, i like that pic.
I am still using the same theme + desktop ( i made the desktop!!!). I don't reckon i will switch until i make MY theme... I am working on it.
This is the theme i am making... i might make it a bit brighter. I like the green and grey ones best, the others i will probably trash.
Tell me what you think!


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Well, here is mine!
It really does look like this, all the time ;)
The only things that go on there are downloads that I haven't filed away yet, files that I am about to do something with (like this screen shot) and other data that is in 'transition' :)
My old iMac desktop was really really crowded, then I discovered the "Launcher" built right into OS 9! Boom, clean desktop. I didn't really like the launcher though.
Now I really like the dock, and with the link to the Applications folder, I have everything right there!
I just haven't found a desktop picture I really like. There are too many out there. I really just want something like a nice picture of a wood. I'm sure I'll find one though!


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The best desktop picture ever has to be the water... It matches aqua perfectly and has a real good feel to it...
Heres mine:


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