Poster's Semi-Anonymous


Hello, my name is Nkuvu, and I am a postaholic. I started with a post in March to "Do you use a trackball?" I had something to share. Then I saw other people talking about OS X, and started to wonder about it myself. So I started asking questions. And listening when other people asked questions. Now I am up to 17.18 posts per day, and I have over 500 posts. My posting happens at work, at home, even when I am not on the computer. ;)

I realize that posting is addictive, but I kept telling myself that I could stop at any time. I mean, there's no physical addiction, so it should be easy, right?

My name is Nkuvu, and I need help....


p.s. It's Posters Semi-Anonymous since there isn't anonymous posting here...
1. We admitted we were powerless over our posts had become unmanageable.
2. Came to believe that a super-modern OS greater than 9 could restore us to sanity.
3. Made a decision to turn our code and our data over to the care of root as we understood It.
4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of our directory structure.
5. Admitted to root, to ourselves, and to another user the exact nature of our limitations.
6. Were entirely ready to have root remove all labels, spring-loaded folders, collapsible windows, finder sounds, etc.
7. Humbly asked It to remove our typos.
8. Made a list of all users we had flamed, and became willing to make amends to them all.
9. Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would feed the trolls.
10. Continued to take personal inventory, and when we were using M$ software promptly admitted it.
11. Sought through multitasking computation to improve our contact with root, as we understood It, logging on only for knowledge of Its will for us and the supercomputing power to carry that out.
12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to postaholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.
Originally posted by googolplex
Where's xoot?

Haven't I told you already? I'm not insane anymore!

I'm not a postaholic. I rate quality over quantity in most of my posts.

As I told everyone already, I don't post 30 posts a day anymore.
xoot has only posted about 60 posts since he stopped a few weeks ago...

much better than 30 per day!

good job xoot... we congratulate you...

as for me, i've been around since December... i have earned my 840+ posts...
I've been around since november and I lurked a lot at first then all of a sudden I started posting! Now I can't stop! :D
Hi, my name is Ed

and while i have been a postaholic in the past, i am now a controlled poster. i have power over my posts. they do not have power over me. i can now choose not to post when i don't really need to. and yet i can still enjoy the good feelings that a moderate, social poster can. I cannot say that my way will work for some. there are those who must make the decision to never post again or else forever have their lives ruled by their adiction. But for some like myself there is hope. I now know that i can stop after 4 or 5 posts a day if i want to. i can go a whole day without posting when i feel like it. I can wait to respond to another post when i am ready and not have to drop all my other responsibilities in order to feel accepted on the site.

:D I am not posting to feel accepted. And I am not posting one word posts. I feel that in general my posts have been relatively on topic, and sometimes even a bit useful.

Often I will post when it seems that no one is paying enough attention to a particular thread. If one person responds, frequently others will also. And if I can respond even with requests for more clarification, I think things get going when they might not have. Of course, that could just be an over inflated ego. ;)

In meatspace I am a far less outgoing individual, so it feels good to have things to say. Especially to people who I do not feel will instantly turn on their flamethrowers if I say something that's, uh, less than accurate.
sounds like good posting habits to me. but what do i know? pretty much that same philosophy has driven me to this post count that is second in jokes only to Admiral:D

btw nkuvu - i enjoy your posts and have long since accepted you. i enjoy your cyber company. of course i was mentally attracted to your icon the first time i saw it. we both have an appreciation of turtles.

now go back and read your last post. not posting to be accepted and posting because you won't get flamed. isn't that sort of like contradicting yourself? isn't not being flamed like being accepted?;)

It's ok. we all need to be accepted somewhere. this is as good a place as any to start:cool:
Technically they are not the same. Posting to be accepted implies that the reason you are posting is for the social interaction alone. I, however, post because I have something to say. The fact that I am accepted is a welcome benefit, but not the motivating factor.

And you never did tell me what kind of turtle/tortoise you had... I have a Geochelone Sulcata, if that isn't already abundantly clear (some people know their torts and recognize them on sight, and since [shameless plug]I have posted pictures of my cute tortoise on my web page[/shameless plug], you may already know what kind of tortoise Nkuvu is). Whew! Can you say run-on sentence? Oh, good, I knew you could! ;) Anyway, Sulcatas are the third largest terrestrial tortoise in the world, with Galapagos and Aldabras the ones that are larger. And when......

Argh. Post. Too. Long. Must. Stop. Bedtime. :rolleyes:
I have become a misguided soul. I have found happiness here at the forums and fellowship with the other members. I have longed to attain the post count of those who have gone before me, and yet now. . .

Now I see that those who have blazed the trail have second thoughts as to their place in this world we call Have I become desensitized to the outside world? Have I begun to neglect my fellow beings because of my involvement in this place.

I say to you NO! I have learned how to better my fellow man(woman/whatever) through the philosophy and dictums of this hallowed place.

Do not leave me, oh frequent posters. Do not despair! You have brought light into a dark place. You are evangelists of the great OS and battle the evil of the dark Micro$haft. You have triumphed by lending a helping hand to those in need, and by drawing in those souls by their conversion to the light of the OS.

Do NOT leave us, oh great ones!
I feel it is appropriate to get my 800th post in here.

I'm not a huge poster, but I am a steady poster. I post where I feel I can contribute something relevant (or sarcastic :D).

800! :D :P