The iBook is not a suitable machine for graphics, imho. The 12 inch screen is the reason. 1024x768 is simply too small to fit all PhotoShop's or Illustrators palates comfortably, and even if that resolution is acceptable to you I would imagine you having a very difficult time working on 12 inches for long. Take the iMac's 15 inch screen and subtract three of those inches (diagonal) and you'll see what I mean. Additionally the video out in the iBook only supports video mirroring, so you really don't gain any real estate by hooking up a 17 inch monitor to it.
The tiBook (G4) on the other hand has a larger screen, supports dual monitors, and has that wonderful G4 for all your PhotoShop needs, as well as accelerating some functions in OSX.
If you need a portable graphics machine, then the tiBook is the way to go. iBooks are more general purpose machines.
As far as dead pixels go, almost every Powerbook I've set up for our sales staff has had one. But they really aren't noticeable for the most part. It depends on the background. The two tiBooks (one to our other systems person, one to a designer) we just got in are pristine. My iBook is still on back order, so I'll et you know how it looks when it comes in
The tiBook (G4) on the other hand has a larger screen, supports dual monitors, and has that wonderful G4 for all your PhotoShop needs, as well as accelerating some functions in OSX.
If you need a portable graphics machine, then the tiBook is the way to go. iBooks are more general purpose machines.
As far as dead pixels go, almost every Powerbook I've set up for our sales staff has had one. But they really aren't noticeable for the most part. It depends on the background. The two tiBooks (one to our other systems person, one to a designer) we just got in are pristine. My iBook is still on back order, so I'll et you know how it looks when it comes in