problem with keyboard usage


I wanted to use the 'Home' and 'End' key as used in other OS like windows and linux. When I am in some text editor or text area (like this) or textfield(like in text boxes in web browser) or viewing a simple web page, the home and end key doesn't seem to work. I mean pressing them results in no action. I am not sure how to accomplish this in mac os. All I want to do is go to the beginning of the sentence or page. But I am not sure if I can't use home/end then what else can I use.

Secondly, I have been trying to delete a file forever when I am positively sure that I don't want it to hang around in the trash. But I am unable to locate the keyboard functionality to accomplish this. (Like in windows you press shift+del and it is gone forever)
Home and End keys will work in your word processor like Pages. I have never used it on a browser or web page.

To delete you want to click once on the file, then hit command + Delete
Are you sure there is no way to bypass putting the file to trash first?

I am just curious does more women than men use mac?
I wanted to use the 'Home' and 'End' key as used in other OS like windows and linux. When I am in some text editor or text area (like this) or textfield(like in text boxes in web browser) or viewing a simple web page, the home and end key doesn't seem to work. I mean pressing them results in no action. I am not sure how to accomplish this in mac os. All I want to do is go to the beginning of the sentence or page. But I am not sure if I can't use home/end then what else can I use.
I use QuicKeys to make the Home and End keys as well as others work in web browsers or any other app where I want them. There are other keyboard macro programs that can do the same.
Are you sure there is no way to bypass putting the file to trash first?

I am just curious does more women than men use mac?

There is no bypass over putting it in the trash. Even Windows puts it in the recycle bin first.

I think the owner/user gender is even.
Even Windows puts it in the recycle bin first.
No, the OP is correct -- you can bypass the Recycle Bin in Windows and immediately delete a file by pressing shift-delete... it's quite handy.

amishera said:
Are you sure there is no way to bypass putting the file to trash first?
There is no equivalent in Mac OS X by default. Command-delete puts a file in the Trash, and shift-command-delete empties the Trash. It's a two-step process.

If that's the biggest barrier to overcome in switching from Windows to Mac, I'd call that a pretty damn smooth transition, no? If you prefer a single-shortcut to deleting files (instead of two steps), then by all means -- keep using Windows.

There is a one-step process to deleting a file in one, fell swoop (or swell foop, depending on where you're from):
$ rm /path/to/file/you/want/to/delete
It doesn't get any easier than that.

I am just curious does more women than men use mac?
What is this even supposed to mean?
Regarding Home and End in a Web browser: outside of text fields, they should scroll to the beginning and end of the page in the current window/tab. Inside of text fields, they probably have no effect, but I recommend using the Mac OS-supplied keyboard shortcuts to navigate text: Command+left and right to go to the beginning and end of the line; Command+up and down to go to the beginning and end of the text. There's also Option to laterally move the cursor by word and vertically by paragraph.
What is the role of home and end keys are? I tried to press randomly and with some random combinations (command+home/shift+home). Only option+home seemed to have some response. I think the apple guys didn't like the concept of home and end keys. They only provided it to conform to the layout of standard keyboards I guess.
Not all applications use the Home and end keys. It would help to know what program you are in that it doesn't seem to work.

I wonder if you turned off the keyboard shortcuts. Go to Preferences>Keyboard & Mouse, then click on the Keyboard Shortcuts tab.
Home and End were imported from PC keyboards to the Mac when Apple started producing "extended" keyboards. In text areas, they're probably most functional in Microsoft Office applications. Otherwise, I've only experienced their functionality for scrolling a window (without moving the cursor). Once again, I recommend avoiding them most of the time in favor of the Mac-standard keyboard shortcuts for navigating text.
I find it kind of amusing. This is okay to use a combination of keys for some purpose and even overloading the functionality of some keys, but it is not okay to ignore two keys altogether which can be used for some purposes.
Why is this amusing? Consider that Home and End were originally not on Apple keyboards, whereas Command and Option have been around since the beginning.
This is amusing because you overload functionality of some mac keys but you lay 2 keys idle. Suppose other keys are used to do whatever is usually done by home and end keys. Then it is no harm in also achieving the same functionality with the help of home and end key in addition to those other keys. There are applications such as Microsoft Office or Eclipse IDE where there are a different keys which can do the same functions. At least home and end keys should be put to more use
Pretend you were using an Apple Wireless Keyboard or a MacBook with no autonomous Home, End, Page Up, or Page Down key in sight. How would you survive?