Purported new security features (plus smart fonts)


Translator, Web Developer
Being able to make and request my own certificates, that's pretty darn cool !


Of note « Apple has said that Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger will ship within the first half of 2005. And while several rumors have hinted at a release as early as January, it's extremely unlikely that Apple could wrap up the development of the new system within the next two months, considering a large majority of its features are still seeing modifications. »
Does anyone have any super in-depth looks at Tiger? I haven't really had a good look at it yet...
I guess that you can do all of that with just the openssl command, but it's not what you'd call intuitive. It will be very nice if Apple puts their usability people on the task.

Just as long as they don't make it easy like they made firewall administration easy...
Hehe... well, we gotta give Apple some credit -- they did what countess others couldn't: put a decent UI on UNIX. Personally, I don't want OS X to become the hodge-podge half-ass UI that Gnome/KDE and the Linux distros have... sure, you can configure EVERYTHING via some GUI element now, but it's still a mess and ununified. I'm happier this way with Mac OS X, even if it does put a limit on what I can and cannot configure easily.

With each new release, Quartz gets closer to it's UNIX underpinnings, and many features are added. Look at what we can do now vs. 10.0 or even 10.1.

I do agree that it needs to be stepped up a little bit and made as transparent as possible to the user. But, I see Apple concentrating more on their own modifications and improvements rather than putting GUI wrappers on top of dated UNIX stuff: Spotlight, Widgets, iChat... it seems that a lot of configuration utilities people want to see already exist in OS X Server -- if Apple were to do the same to OS X Client that they did to OS X Server, there would be no need for Server. If you want server-style ease with OS X Client, you're stuck in the command line.