Question About Upgrading From Snow Leopard To Mavericks


Hi! I've got to upgrade to white, Intel-based iMacs from Snow Leopard to Mavericks. Now that Yosemite is now out, my question is: will I be able to upgrade to Mavericks instead of Yosemite? The reason for upgrading to Mavericks is some dental practice software being used hasn't be certified to run on Yosemite yet but it has been certified to run on Mavericks.

So, if it would be possible to upgrade from Snow Leopard to Mavericks, how would I go about doing so?

Thanks in advance!

That link doesn't take you to a download, unfortunately.
I can think of a few choices.
If you already have the Mavericks installer, or you have downloaded it through the App Store, you can make copies of that, or use the installer to create a bootable installer on a flash drive, etc.
1. Find someone who has downloaded Mavericks from Apple. They can download the installer through their App Store Purchases window.
2. You could call AppleCare, and ask for a download redemption code. You would use that through the App Store.
3. Get the Mavericks installer from an Apple Store. Should be free (or some nominal charge) to copy to your own flash drive, for example.
There's probably other methods. You'll find Mavericks as a torrent, I'm sure - but I won't tell you about that, and won't recommend that as a good option (but, it is an option)
Ok, I have two more questions. I did a search and found an installer for download at

Could that possibly work to upgrade the system from Snow Leopard to Mavericks?

Also, the person who owns the two iMacs running Snow Leopard just got a Mac-Mini with Mavericks pre-installed. Could I possibly use the Mavericks installer from that system to upgrade the iMacs from Snow Leopard?

Thanks again!

That download that you found is for the 10.9.5 updater. It will update 10.9.4 to 10.9.5 - and that's it... SO - you have to be running 10.9.4 already to use that updater.
That updater download is also just 262.77MB, but the full Mavericks installer for 10.9.5 is about 5.35GB (big difference there - 20x larger!)
If you want to upgrade from Snow Leopard to Mavericks, then you need the full Mavericks _Installer_.
Review my post #3 above - to see a few tips for getting Mavericks.
There is no Mavericks installer for you to find on the Mini. It has to be downloaded, if needed. If you boot to Internet Recovery, that might give you that Mavericks installer, as a download (maybe!). You could try that, it's a long download, and you CAN'T let the installer run after the download finishes, so you would cancel the actual installer at that point. I'm not sure if the Internet Recovery puts the OS X installer in the Applications folder, in the same way that an App Store download does.