Because you suckers like to pay record companies $14.95 for the CDs you buy, while the artists themselves get like 5¢ per CD. And then there's me who actually FOLLOWS that philosophy and gets all my music off the internet or from other people.
By the way, I'd like to address valrus' question. A perfect number is a number who's factors (besides itself) add up to the number. 6, for example, is a perfect number, since it's factors excluding itself (1, 2, and 3) add up to 6. I forget what the term is for numbers whose factors add up to more than the number (like 12: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 6 = 16 > 12). I seem to remember it started with an "a".
Oh, and twyg, to answer your question: you couldn't have two people typing the same document because they'd each have to wait for each other to finish one word, so the benefits of having two people type on the same document are negated.

Of course, if you don't care about that, it would take the guy typing at 80 WPM 11.25 seconds to type a 15 word document (the speeds of the other two guys doesn't make a difference in this problem).
Hehe. Let's see... if April showers bring May flowers, then what do May flowers bring?
(Hey, I have a proposition. Let's make this a sort of game. Let's make it so you want to find the RIGHT answer. You can make up a bogus answer if you want, but if someone calls you on your bogus answer and tells the correct one, then the person who gave the bogus answer can't post in this thread until 10 other posts have been made. Fair enough?
