Question - Answer

Yep, Linkin Park and System... good bands... but, uh, Papa Roach? :) sorry, i just have this great hate of that band :) :)

I honestly couldn't have answered that question myself. I just don't know. I think it would probably be something no one here has heard of, just in value of its wierdness. "I'm Not Driving Anymore" by Rob D has to be up there... :) GODDAMN is that song cool! :)

Answer: no. If I had $5000, I'd probably buy an older 867 G4 with a Cinema Display (I love my iMac, but...)

Question: Why is it that the more hard drive space you have, the more you waste? I can't understand how my documents folder became 7 GB.. I mean, there's practically NOTHING in there...I don't think...
"The more you get the more you spend." :)

Which would you choose? Date with a super model, or the chance to own Apple for a day?
Date with a supermodel. I don't WANT to own Apple. Steve does fine. I could never do anything very efficiently, anyway.

Why does my iBook say it runs at "Processor Type/Speed: G3 500 MHz (499 MHz)" in Apple System Profiler?
( not answering question)hmmmm... Bluefusion, if you read macguy17s post and the rules stated above, technically you couldn't post for ten replies...
K, you're right. Didn't read Macguy's post. I'm out for ten rounds, k? I lurk. Watch me lurk. Lurk lurk lurk.

Somehow my lurking isn't very menacing...
Answer: Actually he can post within 10 replies, as long as everybody else get's equally treated. Everybody's opinion is welcomed! As long as they don't answer their own personal question.

Question: Who thinks they should get a Steve Balmer excersize program going?
Answer: Bald overweight middleaged men running around screaming? Sounds fun =) The inspiration certainly needs some excersise =)

Question: If i met a man coming from St. Ives who had seven wives and each wive had 7 daughters and each daughter had 7 sacks and in each sack were 7 kittens, how many people did I meet on the road to St. Ives.
only you know, the kittens might know to.

btw st. ives is a awsome little town, i came into the new milenia in that town, and almost died there to(long story).

thetrick- i dont know what it was called but it is some resaurant in st. ives that had great fish and chips have you been there?
The answer would have to be 49, right?

I got a good question for ya's...

WHY ON EARTH did Chimera open up when I clicked the link to this thread in my email? OmniWeb is my default browser, and Chimera isn't even on the main drive (it's on an external).... what on EARTH caused that, do ya suppose?
Hmmmm... Both of you are wrong.

The answer was 1. I never said the wives/daughters/kittens were with him, did I?
You are the missing Link. G'bye.
Id like to hear that story sometime satanic.
Because corporate america knows what's good for you.

Should I stay at my current employer, or move on accepting change?
Change is always a good thing, but if you enjoy your current job then don't leave it.

Is anyone else as excited as I am about the Matrix sequels coming out next year?
You will get 1000 posts really soon (not to say they're quality :rolleyes: ).

How many birth day's does the average person have?
It's a service Apple provides that allows users to store files online.

Why does Apple love its customers so much?:p

xoot: I said "birth days", not "birthdays". The average person always only has 1 "birth day".

(And you'd be wrong anyway about "birthdays". The average lifespan of men is around 72 and women around 76, so the average number of "birthdays" would be around 74.)

No posting for 10 posts!

An iDisk is something that Apple provides to all users who sign up for an iTools account that allows you to access files on the iDisk from anywhere. It also allows you to publish websites, and download software directly from the iDisk. The user is allowed 20 MB of his/her own files on his/her iDisk.

EDIT: D'oh. Apple loves its customers so much because it realizes that if it produces sucky products it will almost surely go out of business, unlike some unnamed ILLEGAL MONOPOLY we all know and "love" (i.e. "love" = hate).

How many total "colors" of non-flat-panel iMacs were there? I say "colors" because your answer should include the blue dalmation and flower power "colors".