quick question regarding Entourage 11.4.0


Wondering if anyone can offer any advice please.

I'm running a MBP 17" 10.4.11 2.33ghz with 3 GB ram.

I have Entourage 2004 11.4.0 installed and I have noticed it is running slow.

Just wondering, would 2008 run faster? or would it be a waste?

I currently sync with my Palm Treo perfectly and everything syncs, so that would have to be fine too.

Some advice would be greatly appreciated.

PS< also noticed, recently, although I updated mine to 11.5.1 , entourage is only showing that it is still 11.4.0 ? wonder why that is? strange?
Entourage 2004 is probably running slow on your computer because Entourage is running in a "compatibility" layer that helps older, PowerPC applications run on the newer Intel-based Macintosh computers.

Entourage 2008 would probably run slightly quicker on your machine.

When Microsoft releases patches to their Office suite, even though the patch/upgrade may say it updates "Office," it may only update Word and Excel, or PowerPoint and Entourage, or any combination of the applications -- therefore, some applications' version numbers will not change.
It should do everything 2004 did and a little more (or perhaps just a little "prettier").

You can always head on over to mactopia.com and confirm the features you want in Entourage are present.