remaining reasons for forcing us back into OS 9?

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ever since the FCP3 upgrade, i've had no reason to boot into OS9.

my "Applications (Mac OS9)" folder is starting to look like a ghost town!

and my iBook doesn't even have OS9 installed.
I keep a 9 box around for DreamWeaver, SCSI scanner, SCSI CD burner, the old version of Office I stole so that I can read clients' documents. Istill have some legacy workflow that is incomplete under X. But it's getting far more rare that I need stuff, except for DreamWeaver and PhotoShop.

VPC for X freed me up a bit, now I can proof web pages and such in X under PC browsers. Sweet. I don't boot classic anymore, but I now share my classic drive so that my 9 box can use the apps from there. 4G of apps, and the 9 box has 2 1.2G drives ... 1 to run from, 1 for scratch space and CD burns.
There are a few things that keep me using 9:

Diablo II
CD burning with my Que drive
Scanning with my Epson SS 2500 (I finally found a hacked driver on version tracker for printing)
Real player
Microsoft Office (I can barely afford the computer loan payments, let alone popping 400 dollars for word processing and spreadsheets)
I have to use 9.2.2 for QuarkXPress in my work. Using Quark in Classic is just this side of "blows". Really bad screen redrawing is my main complaint.

Also, this maybe because I am too lazy, but I haven't gotten around to figuring out PDF'ing in the high res world on OS X.

Screen redraw: try turning off Speed Scroll in Application Preferences/Interactive. Works like a charm here.

Apparently Quark expect to release Xpress for OSX sometime in the first quarter:rolleyes: of 2003.

That, some form of Distiller and a software RIP would make me TotallyTen.

(Don't see Adobe making an OSX Distiller for Xpress users when they've got it built into InDesign. Maybe Quark will build something into Xpress for X. Birmy reckon their RIP will be out this month. But they told me that in May.)

Adobe Photoshop
Macromedia Flash
Macromedia Dreamweaver
Macromedia Fireworks

I will be fully OS Xed when I update all of that stuff. :D
After lot of software updates and patches I found that I had a SCSI cable with wrong connections in pin 17,18,51,52 on the 68pin connector.
This happened me before with a scanner, now I can write CD's under OSX 10.1.5 with Toast 5.1.4 and an external Matsushita 8x Writer!
The correct conections should be:
***50pin > 68pin connector***
12 > NC instead of 17
13 > 17 & 18 instead of 18
37 > NC instead of 51
38 > 51 & 52 & 17 & 18 instead 52
So if you have an external SCSI CD-Writer and when you burn CD's your writer hangs buy a good SCSI cable!!!

Remaining reason to go back Classic: Hot sync palm > iMac via IR
My ONLY reason... ProTools... I am still waiting for the OS X version. But the cost of replacing more than $20k worth of plug ins might stop me from moving on to OS X. Unless the plug in companies will give us free upgrades.

Then it will really be : bye bye OS 9... Rest in peace...
As I see it, there are three big stragglers (yes, there are a few others too, but they aren't as big as these three).

First off - Quark. Quark is working their arse off to catch up to the Mac market and give Xpress users a reason to upgrade past 4.1. I'm not sure what the ugprade numbers are on Xpress 5.0, but judging from the slow adoption of Prepress houses that bothered to buy it, it doesn't look good. Expect a native OS X Xpress on or around MacWorld San Francisco in January of 2003.

Second - Director. Macromedia is sure taking their sweet time with this upgrade. Once released, a native OS X version of Director will hopefully also mean a slew of updated OS X versions of Director created apps for OS X. This will also be very important to the education software market, because Director is the development app of choice in this field, mainly due to rapid development and easy cross platform deployment. Macromedia has been rather silent on the future of Director, but it's such an important tool I doubt it's in danger.

And finally, ProTools. Even if a native version of ProTools and ProTools LE makes the scene by MWSF 2003, adoption of an OS X version will be slow. This is mainly due to the importance of plugins. Even more so than Quark Xpress, ProTools professional users generally employ at least a few plug ins for effects, compression, pitch tuning, etc. Until all these tools are native, users will be hard pressed to upgrade. I don't expect a profesional adopting of a native OS X ProTools for at least 18 months after it's release. This is if the plugin developers take the time to update their plugins for OS X, which many might not do.
Quark Xpress is on v5.01. Reputed to have more bugs than the original 5.0 release, which means one of two things: Quark doesn't give a darn, or they really are working hard on the OS X v6.

There has been a rumour that Director MX will arrive before Christmas, but I think MM have a major rewrite on their hands there.
I never return to 9. I reinstalled OSX and skipped 9 altogether. And I'm upgrading to 10.2 as I write this.

My old PM 7200 didn't have anthing I really needed to carry over--I downloaded the printer driver for my laser jet from the HP Website.

Of course, lots of things I try to load freak out and ask for 9. I toss them aside and wait for OSX editions. I'm never going back. If I want to experience 9, I'll hop on my old PM (which I still love, of course).
iRez Critter Cam is not listed in the free macam webcam driver however it does have an extensive list of webcam drivers for unsupported cameras

Unreal Tourny does work under OS X it is @ pr3 plays really smooth even on my old iBook Se, and fly's on my Powerbook G4 DVI 800.

I have Toast Titanium 5.1.4 and it works wunders under OS X.

As far as your printer goes

It is listed under 10.2

My Girlfriend has a Powerbook G3 I am not 100% it has DVD hardware encoding but it works fine although a bit buggy.

Scanner Support is in 10.2

Speed is not even close to a problem under 10.2 (althought it needs a defrag after install)

Palm Desktop has been native for a while
SCSI Support in OS X is going to have a huge overhaul in 10.2.1 due out soon.
Looks like you are SOL on the Cannon BJL3000
Laser Jet 4 & 5 works see printers link above
Real player is native now beta but extremely fast and stable

hmmmmmm greek support
best i could find is........
Next weeks number one movie

Why do I still use OS 9 for?

I miss Simple Sound (Anybody have a third party free program?)
I miss Descent 3 (that I have yet to play cause it didn't work on my iBook) yet to try on my TiBook
WYSIWYG web editor for OS X........

Stuff that works that shouldn't........

third party wireless cards

third party upgrade cards
& until recently iDVD worked with third party DVD Burners

Oh and One More Thing
That is right USB Joysticks
Sweet Control Panel cost $ but worth it
or the free

MacIIci - Vintage and still mine......come on I still have to use a floppy once a year or three........
iBook SE 466 - sold to an Ex-Windows User (Luke)
PowerMac 4400 ewwwww - sold to a different Ex-Windows User (Scott)
PowerMac G3 266 - sold to a different Ex-Windows user (Ron)
Powerbook G4 DVI 800 - Bought after Ex-Windows User bought his (Tony) and I liked his so I got mine.
Scott listed above will more than likely get a new 1 Ghz Powerbook comming out soon..............

Not a bad list of educated users

Girlfriend = Powerbook G3 400
Mom & Dad = iMac Blueberry 266
Grandmother = Performa 550
Girlfriend's friend Julie = iMac 400
Umm, might have missed it if someone else answered already, but in answer to the original question - I have an Epson Stylus Photo 1290 and it works fine under OS X. Sometimes says there is a problem, but if you stop and restart the print queue it seems satisfied.

I'm still running most main apps in OS 9 cos i can't afford upgrades, but at least Bubble Trouble X is here!
Originally posted by Factor41
Umm, might have missed it if someone else answered already, but in answer to the original question - I have an Epson Stylus Photo 1290 and it works fine under OS X. Sometimes says there is a problem, but if you stop and restart the print queue it seems satisfied.

I'm still running most main apps in OS 9 cos i can't afford upgrades, but at least Bubble Trouble X is here!

Though I am using another printer... Fuji-Xerox's Phaer 860N, but I am also having the SAME problem with the print queue thingy. But by printing in FOREGROUND seems to help.
Though I am using another printer... Fuji-Xerox's Phaer 860N, but I am also having the SAME problem with the print queue thingy. But by printing in FOREGROUND seems to help.

The prob seems to have stopped now I've installed 10.2 for my Stylus 1290. So far, so good anyway.
I too, found that problems with the 1290 have disappeared with the advent of 10.2.

Still waiting for that driver for the 1520 though...


Still waiting.......

Still waiting, Epson.........


Well in my case, I have three things that return me to 9.

1) My QPS 12x10x32 CDRW. All signs point to it working, but it just doesn't. It gets recognized in OSX by System Profiler, but upon the commencement of a burn, my system hangs. When 10.2.1 comes in the mail, I'll see if a clean install does anything. Until then, back to 9 to burn. Toast Ti, maybe?

2) Formac TVFM Stereo. These guys have the worst support ever, IMHO. Apparently, they're still looking to see if there is interest in an OSX version of the driver. Given that they still sell the things, and that you won't boot from 9 after January, I think there is interest.

3) Microsloth Office. I don't have to go back to 9 for this one, but I haven't upgraded yet. I have Abiword working ok, and I'll try OpenOffice at some point, but I really could use some better compatibility with .docs and such since I receive so many of them. I need to fork out $$$ for the upgrade, and I just don't want to. They work well enough in classic, but classic is just such a pain... And while I'm complaining about office, why doesn't MS release all their office components for mac? I get Project files and such, and I have to go to a PC.

All in all, OSX has been a tremendous boon to me, especially with networking and xfree86, but maybe it's just time to spend some $$ on new hardware.
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