iRez Critter Cam is not listed in the free macam webcam driver however it does have an extensive list of webcam drivers for unsupported cameras
Unreal Tourny does work under OS X it is @ pr3 plays really smooth even on my old iBook Se, and fly's on my Powerbook G4 DVI 800.
I have Toast Titanium 5.1.4 and it works wunders under OS X.
As far as your printer goes
It is listed under 10.2
My Girlfriend has a Powerbook G3 I am not 100% it has DVD hardware encoding but it works fine although a bit buggy.
Scanner Support is in 10.2
Speed is not even close to a problem under 10.2 (althought it needs a defrag after install)
Palm Desktop has been native for a while
SCSI Support in OS X is going to have a huge overhaul in 10.2.1 due out soon.
Looks like you are SOL on the Cannon BJL3000
Laser Jet 4 & 5 works see printers link above
Real player is native now beta but extremely fast and stable
hmmmmmm greek support
best i could find is........
Next weeks number one movie
Why do I still use OS 9 for?
I miss Simple Sound (Anybody have a third party free program?)
I miss Descent 3 (that I have yet to play cause it didn't work on my iBook) yet to try on my TiBook
WYSIWYG web editor for OS X........
Stuff that works that shouldn't........
third party wireless cards
third party upgrade cards
& until recently iDVD worked with third party DVD Burners
Oh and One More Thing
That is right USB Joysticks
Sweet Control Panel cost $ but worth it
or the free
MacIIci - Vintage and still mine......come on I still have to use a floppy once a year or three........
iBook SE 466 - sold to an Ex-Windows User (Luke)
PowerMac 4400 ewwwww - sold to a different Ex-Windows User (Scott)
PowerMac G3 266 - sold to a different Ex-Windows user (Ron)
Powerbook G4 DVI 800 - Bought after Ex-Windows User bought his (Tony) and I liked his so I got mine.

Scott listed above will more than likely get a new 1 Ghz Powerbook comming out soon..............
Not a bad list of educated users
Girlfriend = Powerbook G3 400
Mom & Dad = iMac Blueberry 266
Grandmother = Performa 550
Girlfriend's friend Julie = iMac 400