......No audio apps work. Propellerheads Reason, and Steinberg Cubase.
......Yeah this apparantly sucks...Scanning - No drivers from UMAX for their scanners
.....I winder why i cant get my Zip 250 to be recognised......?????SCSI SCSI SCSI SCSI !!!
everything sticking out of my Adaptec 2930U SCSI card
doesn't work - that in includes a yamaha 4x CD-r,
a Umax 1200 scanner, and an external HD.
My SCSI zip works fine though....
........I feel ya bro..My ONLY reason... ProTools... I am still waiting for the OS X version. But the cost of replacing more than $20k worth of plug ins might stop me from moving on to OS X. Unless the plug in companies will give us free upgrades.
..... When it does finally fully cross over, I'm sure it will be worth the wait....And finally, ProTools. Even if a native version of ProTools and ProTools LE makes the scene by MWSF 2003, adoption of an OS X version will be slow. This is mainly due to the importance of plugins.