An emergency had kept me out most of yesterday (and part of this morning). As one not to let things go unsaid, let see what we have to respond to...
by the Valrus
RacerX, you just itchin' for a fight!
No, but I have found from experience that walking away from one is the best way of being stabbed in the back. And Simone had no point in trying to take such a righteous attitude (or getting involve at all for that matter) in something that he was not a part of. His conduct in his posts provides him with no moral high ground on this issue, and I also hate it when people drag a thread off topic for personal reasons. Maybe hell get the point (but some how I doubt it).
poor Simone's attempt to be the center of attention
You don't care whatsoever about Matt's feelings.
You have no idea what I care about with regards to Matt, so your statement is pointless. The real reason this is going on is because you wanted try to make a point with me, not for Matt's sake. You are working very hard to escalate this because I bruised your ego at one point and you haven't gotten over it. Like I said, we should take it outside this thread because you, Simone, are being far more disruptive to this thread than Matt's out burst this morning.
Like I said, there is a way to be direct and to the point without being arrogant and offensive, but apparently you seem to think the contrary.
And you seem to think that posting being vindictive and petty is okay by comparison. Anyone who holds a grudge as long as you Simone has real problems (most likely an inferiority complex, but who is to say). At any rate, try and get yourself in check here, your blood pressure is cutting off the circulation to your brain.
It seems to me that it's not me who's posting off-topic or who is having trouble making a coherent argument, RacerX, but you who is having trouble seeing the obvious connection.
Oh, no... to late, logic is out the window (Simone you are so predictable,

). My posts in this thread (up to my responses to your wounded-ego posts) have been very directed, very on topic, and stand on their own. I am not going to bring Matt into an argument with you (seeing as you should really never have been part of it to begin with), but you are going to need to show us where I was posting off-topic (please do a better job here than you did in the
Sports thread).
Lets see if you can do a better job in the next exciting sentence (I can hardly wait)...
My point is that people are getting upset because of things that you have said, and you aren't one to say that they don't have these feelings. You could simply be a little more careful in the tone that you have in your posts.
People? As in many? Over what? (note to Simone: please provide a direct quote that is upsetting
I don't know, I think I can see the difference in my tone from a discussion to responding to a vindictive attack, but if you need more examples... please post off topic some more. Either that or move it out of the thread, your ego isn't going to be saved here.
for others in this thread: I apologize for this and all future posts that may need to be made because Simone needed to get involved in something that didnt concern him. I hope we can stay on topic, but I am going to respond to ALL of Simones post on this issue.)