retrieve telephone modem password



I have setup (a couple of years ago) connection settings for my internal telephone modem -- my computer is a powerbook G4 with OS10.4.9.

Now, I would like to set up another computer with the same connection. But, I cannot recall the password. It is stored somewhere on the first computer -- but I don't know how to retrieve it (I have made a first look at Keychain).

Does anybody know where the password (for PPP) telephone modem is stored on my computer, and how I can retrieve it?

Thx, in advance.
Well most of the passwords you have saved should be available in /Applications/Utilities/Keychain Access. However you will need the Admin password (the default OS X password) to view the passwords.
Thank you. I have already checked in the keychain -- there is nothing obvious to indicate my telephone modem password.

Any other ideas?
The password for your dialup connection is part of the authentication pair - your username and password - which is needed by your ISP for connection. If you have forgotten the password, your ISP can help you by either providing your present password, or helping you get a new password. Either of those mean contacting your ISP directly for support.