running dreamweaver on a macbook



I want to built a small website and want to run dreamweaver on my macbook running on tiger osx. I have 512 MB and 1.83 Ghz dual core, can I run dreamweaver ? Do I need more memory? Could I go for an older version if not compatible with the new version.

How much memory can you put in a macbook? dreamweaver 4 says it needs a multi core but I only have a dual core. Would you recommend using an other version? thanks
I'm sorry but I don't use Dream Weaver. I just know that big programs like that need at least a Gig of memory to run correctly, even in the older versions. Like I said before RAM today is cheap according to RamSeeker (just use the pulldown to find your Mac model).
Dreamweaver will run just fine with 512MB of RAM, as long as you're not running much else. Dreamweaver is not a huge memory hog.

A dual-core machine is a multi-core machine. "Multi" = "more than 1," and you have two cores, so your machine is already a "multi-core" machine.
Your answers have really helped. I misunderstood the term multi, thanks for clearing it up for me. So I can run dreamweaver with the system I have which is really good.
I am trying to get a website running for my mosaic business. Thanks
Just to expand on what I said: your system should be adequate to run Dreamweaver -- that doesn't mean it's going to be a speed demon, and it may even feel a little "sluggish" at times. More RAM would always help, although whether or not it's needed for your purposes is subjective.

I always operate under the assumption that a faster, better computer doesn't make a person a faster, better (programmer/artist/designer/etc.). If you can't do something with an old, slow, pokey computer, you're not going to be able to do it on a faster, newer computer, either. "Speed" is all about comfort and is unrelated to a person's abilities and/or skills.

So, with that, run off and do the Dreamweaver thing. If you find the environment to be too unbearably slow or pokey, you can always add more RAM later.