Safari Web Browser Troubles...



I'm running the Intel Core Duo Imac that I got in February. Recently I encountered a problem with the Safari web application where it would immediately crash and report an error after opening. I deleted the application and attempted to download another version from the mac website.

It downloaded just fine but when attempting to install on the mac harddrive I encountered the error message,

"You can't not install Safari 1.2 on this volume. This system cannot use this software."

I have 107 gigs open on the computer so I don't think it is a space issue. Can anyone decipher this message for me or direct me to a place where I can download a version of Safari that will work with my mac?

Thanks for any help that you can offer!!!
You can use the program "Pacifist" (available from to extract the Safari application package from your original Mac OS X Install CDs/DVDs.

Apple does not provide a download of Safari for Tiger.
The reason this fails is that the version of Safari you require is 2.0.1 or greater. Safari 1.2 is a couple of years ago now and won't run on 10.4. Since Apple now includes Safari as part of the OS, you won't be able to download it from Apple. Instead you can use a program like Pacifist to retrieve the application from your Mac OS X 10.4 install DVD.
Jreifler said:
Wow that worked really well. It even saved all my boomarks. Thank you!!!!!

The thing to remember on Safari is third party add ons tend to mess up when Safari is upgraded. So keep that in mind when you start having problems.
In Tiger, you don't need Pacifist to install Safari from the disc, just do a Custom Install of Safari.