Safari wont run under Panther


Mac Graduate
I've been using Safari since it came out, and has been my favourite browser since. Last week, I upgraded to Panther from Jaguar. Now, since then, I have been unable to run Safari! I downloaded and installed 1.2 and it still wont run.
I had to go the windows way: Delete all files related to safari. It still doesnt run. The icon shows up in te dock, then it says that safari has quit unexpectedly. DUH! PLEASE HELP ME OUT!
Did you also delete the plist file for safari? I find it very useful when one setup a new useraccount and try the behaviour in there.
yes I did delete the plist file. But i will try the new user thing. But i guess even if safari runs from another user, its gonna be quite useless for me dont you think?

I would really want to have safari back.
If safari works on the other useraccount, you know the app is actually ok, but there is something that messed with your configuration on your current account. In worst case you would move to the new account and finally delete your old, after moving the data.
zammy, can't help myself but wondering what is your avatar represent. =)

sorry im out of topic.
you are the first asking.
It's farsi and means love. My girlfriend and I wanted to have a nice tattoo and I decided to design it by myself. My intention was to make it look a bit like a flame (as it is with love) but still be readable. This is what came out, but we never tattooed it. :)
I was just too proud to simply drop it, so I picked it as my avatar.
Thanks for your interest, azrad! :)
yes I did delete the plist file. And no, the new user thing doesnt work either.

I would really want to have safari back.
so zammy, you speak farsi? I speak arabic and urdu, and urdu has extracted a lot from farsi. What does this word say? I cant realy make it out... i can make out the "fa" at the end and thats pretty muc it :P sounds like alshifa?? (cant be it coz that means health :P)
SAbsar, so you are from Pakistan? Yeah, I am pretty good at talking in farsi, but very bad in writing. I moved 20 years ago to germany and since then there is no need to write farsi but talk. However, the word I used is: 'eshgh' Take a look at the way it is written and I am sure you will recognize the signs in the graphic.

Back to your prob: seems to be more serious what you got there. Was there any particular reason why you upgraded from jaguar and didn't do a fresh install? I read a lot of threads ppl having weird problems because they just upgraded. Anyway, I would try to repair permissions, if there are no errors reported and safari still doesn't want to open, I would consider a fresh install. :(
eehe... i know nothing of farsi... ehehehe..

as for SAbsar prob: i did an upgrade to my iBook (clamp shell)... luckily i had no problem running Safari on it.. even when i do an upgrade to Safari 1.2... still had no problem... you might want to try zammy recommendation. hopefully it works.
yeah zammy, im from pakistan. Yes 'ISHQ' is pretty common in urdu too, i dont see why you should spell it like "eshgh" :P Anyway farsis a pretty cool, sweet sounding language, yeah?

I didnt want to go throug all that backing up and stuff you know... I *will* try repairing permissions, but a clean install will be my last priority! :(
SABsar: actually eshgh is the way we speak it. So, whenever I write to some persian friends, I use such a spelling for those different sounds. But obviously it's not a generally accepted rule, as I see ;)

Anyway, here another idea: do you have your 60GB partitioned? If so, you could actually install panther on the second partition and see if things work fine. If they do, you can move your files one by one move to the second disc. No need for any backup.
SAbsar: Have you tried re-installing the Mac OS X 10.3.3 Combo Update? Believe me when I say that the Combo update is way better then the Software update version. The combo update doesn't update the system, it replaces it with new version software. My suggestion is download the 10.3.3 Combo Update, run the update, right after the restart open Applications->Utilities->Disk Utility then highlight your drive and Repair Permissions.

If that doesn't work, then go to Users->yourname->Library->Preferences and delete

Note: It's a safe practice to Repair Permissions after every system update and big software installs. This will save you a lot of grief in the future. Mac OS X is based on BSD(Unix) and Unix LOVES it permissions.
No zammy, unfortunately I donot have my drive partitioned. I have it just the way my iMac came from Apple :( Will be sure to do that when i finally decide to clean install panther. And yes andychrist, i *am* downloading the combo update. Internet's not the fastest here in pakistan :(

So, off topic again zammy: do you know any asha'ar in farsi? You see, i myself write poetry in three languages. I would really like to hear some in farsi!
Good you added asha'ar are some kind of peotries. Otherwise I would have been lost. :)
Gotta admit I am just good at regular talking. Moved to germany when I was 7 and since then I am actually using german as my "mother-language". I never came to the point to read some poetries. But if you are interested, I can ask some of my friends in iran. What exactly is it you are looking for? Would be glad to find it for you.
Oh no forget it, I'll look around a bit on the internet. I'm sure i'd find something.

Well anyways, nice hearing (reading) from a person who speaks a rather familiar language! :D

Thanks for your help u guys, id go with the clean install thingy i guess.