ShapeShifter - Safe Themer App

arden said:
Cool, I'll have to try it when my router comes.

Is it Panther-friendly?

yes it is Panther compatible.
though i would still treat it with caution in some appplications.
We have some insight on ShapeShifter by the man behind Swizcore Studio...

Check out our Main Page every once and a while, we have some good content too...
Well, I do like the fact that it supposedly doesn't muck with the actual system files like ThemeChanger or Duality etc did.

It's also nice that multiple users can have different themes (or GUI kits or whatever they're calling them).
It's sweet. I've been using it and it's fun. Make sure you have Ape 1.4.1 installed though. That's important. And it's built for 10.3, doesn't mess with the system files and I believe the themes to come will be freaking cool!!
Ok, so I just downloaded it and installed it in a moment of boredom.

All I can say is... NICE! VERY cool! Seems to be a safe way to change themes under Mac OS X. I didn't like the fact that it HAD to install Application Enhancer 1.4.1 (I didn't have it installed, but it installed it for me) but both programs have uninstallers, so I'm put at ease there.

Very simple to use. Very nice. I was a big fan of Kaleidoscope under OS 7/8/9, and this brings back memories.

Very small amount of themes available -- some are good, some are lacking, none in my opinion deserve a "great" yet, but we will see in the coming weeks/months.

Overall, I'm pretty impressed and will leave this installed on my machine and see what develops.
Wow, it's so clean, quick, and seamless...! I'll have to try this out for a while.

I only wish that it did more than replacing widgets - replacing system icons would be nice as well. Oh well, I suppose we have other apps (more $$$) for that...
ElDiabloConCaca You can use 10.2 Themes, or so they say.

Ripcord More customizing is on it's way they say. Like system icons.
Yeah, I've got a couple of 10.2 themes in there, and have downloaded a few more.

I guess I was just spoiled by Kaleidoscope. I haven't used a theme switcher since then, so we'll have to see what develops with this. Maybe we can ressurect Layne Kurkruff (sp?) and the IZA team from Kaleidoscope -- IMHO, they were the best of the best.
Hmmm, I've already had a couple of minor things that I'm going to have to attribute to the program.

When scrolling in Safari (on this particular thread actually) I had some really weird visual tearing - like every 2nd pixel was one frame behind the other one (so every other column of pixels was about 10 pixels higher than the other columns). This only happened with text, if I remember right.

In, when I dragged my mouse cursor over the "From" and "To" fields in a message (causing them to be highlighted), I got a really weird artifact - it was as if the font used to draw the fields was one or two points larger than the one that was used to draw the highlighting with. As a result, there were "edges" of each of the "old" letters at the top and bottom of each of the "new" letters. Scrolling off and back onto this section seemed to "clear" the artifact.

I haven't been able to reproduce either of these.
So far no one has a problem with ShapeShifter?
Am I the only one who does?

The Apply Selected button is grayed out for me.
I've logged out, rebooted - no difference! :(
You can't just highlight a theme, you actually have to check off the radio button next to it. Only then will "Apply Selected" become active.

Got me at first too =)
I bought it and went and got about 10 themes, I am running the OS 9 classic theme and I love it. I did have to exclude Quicken from having that theme applied. I think it is a great Haxie and I especially like that it does not with system files. I support these guys they seem to make unique products. I had the same problem with not clicking on the radio button !, Duh
I only deinstalled 5 times before I figured it out. I should be a detective !
Now, will it disable on startup if there's a problem causing the system to hang or crash on load?

Also, where'd you get the OS 9 theme? I looked around but didn't see one. Or is it a 10.2 theme (is there really a difference when it comes to this prog?)
Damned selection radio button! LOL
I wasn't paying attention that it wasn't following my selection. heh :)

Now to wait for Max Themes to update the Brushed theme!!! (yeah, I know - I'm one of the weird ones who likes the brushed theme, but it goes with my PowerBook! :D)