Should Apple sue

I'm far from an Apple apologist, but I was quite irritated when I saw BMDC's commercial. That's just ridiculous.

I could see it working as a parody if they threw in a clever lil' anti-iTunes hook, but no, nothing. Just a blatant copy. :/
F--k They can goto hell. I mean, come on, could they just be a little more original...would it hurt? But whatever, it's just my opinion.
And God forbid Apple copy someone else, or use someone else's work and give it a new name and call it their own.
There's imitation to flatter, imitation to parody and imitation to be predatory. byemusic is in the last category.
Cactus: which commercial? The one with someone singing, or the Tommy Lee one? None of them are very flattering to Apple, and therefore to BMDC, because it shows that they don't have creative geniuses in their advertising department.

I'm surprised they left out of their little list.
As a Mac user when I saw those adds I was flabbergasted. Now, however, I don't see Apple Legal moving against the

I think the of what the law is like. Are the adds hurting Apple's image? I think so. is running into a lot of hooks and snags with it's users. Now, people are going to see the adds and think that this is just Apple trying to bring music to PC Users. This will eventually hurt Apple when they ship iTunes to PC users later this year.

It just seems that the Apple (or any other computer maker) will sue the pants off the individual/little sites that they know they can intimidate. When a larger entity comes along Apple Legal is silent. Why?
Apple sued Emachines for making an iMac semi-lookalike. Now BMDC is making Apple commercial exact lookalikes and Apple hasn't even piped up to say anything. BMDC really needs to get their heads out of their asses and stop f**king with Apple's image.
Originally posted by arden
Cactus: which commercial? The one with someone singing, or the Tommy Lee one?

I saw the singing one. Had I seen Tommy Lee, I'd've known it wasn't an Apple commercial; I like to think that they have a lil' more class than that.
Well, it was completely arrogant of BMDC to actually lock anybody but Windows users with IE out. That's just total crap, and you can tell that they weren't flattering the Mac platform. More like...

"Welcome to the BuyMusic club!" with a sign outside the door that says "no macz allowd!!!!11!111111111one"
That's the logical way of doing it... I meant that if he didn't have WinMP or something that plays WM files, then he'd need one.
Truly, sueing someone for copying the worst Apple TV ads ever? :/ I don't get it... Apple should move on and get that Windows version of iTunes (and the iTMS) out of the door as fast as possible. Get good deals and conquer the world (of online music sales). Apple is on the right track (pun intended, of course) and I hope they don't start to sue everyone around them in order to protect something that hasn't even had its real lift-off.
Originally posted by Ricky
"Welcome to the BuyMusic club!" with a sign outside the door that says "no macz allowd!!!!11!111111111one"

Bwah ha ha ha! Hehe... I really liked that... especially the "allowd!!!!11!" Classic!

i just watched the Tommy Lee video, and it was truly bad, it in no way made me want to download music, and i also would have had no idea what it was for if I didnt know from this thread, BTW who hires an man who has abused his wife and such, as there spokesperson
Fryke, it's not just that they should sue because of the ad itself, BMDC is hurting Apple's image by associating their poor service with Apple. Granted, most people who buy through the iTMS probably can tell the difference between the two services, but it's the Windows folks who will hesitate to buy from Apple once the WinTMS goes into effect because they've associated Apple with BMDC and BMDC with poor service.

I've actually seen Tommy Lee in concert, and I met him. He's not that great of a guy, though I do like "Hold Me Down." But that commercial is just stupid. Stop bashing Apple, already! In both senses!