Show Your Dock

changing it again.. jolt can = obviously project builder .. the tuxxy ones are bbedit, appleworks and icab .. and the jaguar ball is all the other apps :p


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Notice the replaced chat client icon. OK, I'm addicted to Mario Sunshine!


  • mdlarson_dock.jpg
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Here's my new setup with my dock...I love having an app like A-dock now to keep my folders in. My dock is strictly an app/window switchter now...


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I feel like rivitalizing this thread ...

How are your docks now? ::angel:: Mine in a typical day is like on the attached image. The 3 thigns before the vertical division bar (Toy viewer, Network manager, and Sherlock) are not permanently on the dock. Tux ball after the division bar is for shortcutting all other applications.

Jolt if for x11.


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I don't keep many things on my dock mainly because I can keep all my apps handy in the Apple Menu (via Fruit Menu). To get a place on my dock an application has to be used pretty much constantly. OmniWeb, Watson and TextEdit are generally open a lot. Acrobat and GoLive are also used quite a bit. TimeEqualsMoney is there as a visual reminder that I have to keep up on what my clients owe me.

Besides, for me it is easier to find apps quickly in a hierarchal menu structure than having everything populating the dock (which would be 72 items).


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My dock is so great - but to earn a spot there you have to be open all the time. I made sure that the items look good together - they are all white blue (terminal excluded) and then they go square circle square... I use quicksilver to quickly launch anything else I want, and also have tigerLaunch.


Here is my dock. A few changes from last time. I'm happy with most of them but would still like some eye-catching ones for a few apps, text edit, Word, calculator, iCal (though it is nice to refresh the date on it) and GarageBand. Any suggestions?


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I couldn't just call it my dock - but this is what I use to do almost everything at my mac. And of course I need to show off my growing movie collection ;)


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